A New Cycle Begins

You are beginning a new cycle of your existence, and it is very different from anything you have experienced before.

Your humanness, that part of you that has been led by the ego may try to resist the energy of this cycle but you have chosen to allow your highest self to be your main guide as you continue to ascend your own sacred mountain. 

There is energy in the words that you are reading that moves deep within your subconscious awareness where it strikes a chord of awakening, activating an aspect of your God/Source consciousness. Your human self may need to read or hear things many times from many sources before that particular activation occurs. That is because your mind and ego are strong and that strength has served you very well. You are now aware that as you ascend your sacred mountain, you no longer need the protection of your ego nearly as much. That is a freeing awareness, and one that you have been waiting to claim for a long time.

Acceptance is the key that opens the door to the light. 

When you are in acceptance of your ego, your body, and where you are in this moment of now, you are opening the door, allowing in the light so that it shines into the deepest and darkest recesses of your inner self and your subconscious awareness. Where there is light, darkness cannot exist because light is active.

When you are in acceptance of every aspect of yourself, it becomes easy to be in acceptance of others, especially those that have challenged you. When you are in acceptance, you are working with and directing light while activating your own cells to produce more light.
When you produce light, you are literally emanating and amplifying it into your energy field. Light is active and illuminates everything in its path, including those around you and your external reality. You are literally a beacon of light and energy.

2024 begins a new cycle spanning the next 10 or so years of your life, and the first few years of this great cycle will be about light: Activating it, remembering how to use it for your highest good, amplifying it into your personal world and the world in general. The active nature of your light will amplify all that has been shoved into the darkest corners of your world. What has been shoved under the rug and into the corners may be shocking to some, yet it has to be brought to the light of awareness so that you no longer repeat the past.

The past is old energy. If you are reading this, you are ready to exist in the energy of Grace, amplifying your light into your world, actively participating in changing how you live life on earth. The next 3-4 years will bring much change in how you perceive yourselves and others and this will affect your medical industry, the military, world leaders, your monetary system, your economy, your climate. It affects every aspect of life as you know it and you are here to play your part.

Earth is resilient, and so are you. 

You have literally been compressed by the density of living in a 3D world for many, many lifetimes, and now you are becoming aware of the freedom that is available to you. 

That takes getting used to. Be gentle with yourselves, and as you are you are more gentle with others.

2024 energy is exciting, offering myriad opportunities for personal growth. You each expand in your unique way, connecting every more deeply with your unique frequency, and as you do, your frequency connects more palpably to the frequency of others. You have already felt this, and that is only going to grow. Stretching one’s awareness and recognizing just how resilient you are is not always painless, yet growing pains don’t last forever. You are accustomed to growing pains, as the last years have shown you, and in the coming years your growth will be less painful and more fulfilling because you are remembering Who You Are, therefore Who You ALL Are.

2024 offers deeper fulfillment on a personal level, and as you feel this, your sense of acceptance, peace and fulfillment fills your energy field, expanding it broader and wider than ever. You may be a catalyst for others as your energy and light invite them to grow. Your personal growth is part of the growth of humanity, and everyone is evolving at their own rate, based on the choices they made prior to incarnating. Accepting everyone’s level of growth is key to existing in Grace.

Each day is an opportunity for you to choose to exist in Grace and as you do your evolution becomes a conscious choice.

This new cycle of your life brings conscious choice to the forefront of your awareness. 

You are an incredibly empowered Being of light and this year is the beginning of the era when you truly know this. It is no longer just an idea, and it is deeper than a belief. It is now something that you know to be true. 

Feel the energy of these words.

Such love and honor to you as you begin this beautiful new existence.

Solstice Message for 12/22/23

It is all about You right now.

The words “I AM” are the most powerful words that you can utter, and right now is the perfect time to deepen into this practice.

Whatever words follow I AM are going out into the multiverse as well as into all of time and you are now able to shift the energy of every existence with those words.

Read that again and recognize the truth in that statement.

Much has shifted as you are completing a very long cycle and beginning a new one. This new cycle spans the next 10-15 year phase of your life, and for the past handful of years you have been creating a new template in preparation for this time.

Within the next decade your life will become very different. 

The world will be different.

You are manifesting this now, and have been doing so for many years.

There is still work to be done, and if you are here now you are doing the work necessary to manifest great change.

Look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are beautiful. You are complete. You are love. You are grace embodied. You are Source incarnated. You are amazing: Able to amaze yourself and others in love guided and life altering ways.
As you do this, notice how you feel, notice the way your body responds. 

Accept how you feel, and continue to declare to yourself and the universe how magnificent you are.

When you do this, you are altering the structure of your cells at the atomic level. 

We cannot state this more emphatically.

You are here now to shift the consciousness of humanity, and in doing so, it shifts the energy throughout time and space. 

You are a part of All that is, so the changes you instigate affect All.

There is so much love for you from all of us.

Big Changes

For the second time in this year of transition, you are receiving an influx of high intensity, very high energy cosmic light that is entering your galaxy for the very first time. This particular cosmic light is one that is not identifiable by science.

What it means for you is the end of a very long cycle that includes oppression and subjugation.

You are constantly in cycles as they overlap, and whatever it is that you are integrating and releasing at any moment is going to coincide with whatever is next for your highest and best.

2023 has been a year of often intense transition, and December energy is coming in strong to help clear out all that is left.

This doesn’t mean that oppression and subjugation are gone from your world, but with the end of this cycle, many of the deepest roots of it are no longer embedded in the earth and within your subconscious.

This is very good news for you.

You have been evolving so rapidly that in many ways, you don’t even know you are changing. It is easy to fall back into old belief patterns and look at the world from the old perspectives, and this is to be expected because you are human, and you carry within you the cellular memory of old programming, beliefs, etc.

Yet you are now cognizant of your Highest self and you heed your soul’s guidance more now than you ever have and that changes how you perceive yourself and the world around you.

You are ready for this very high energy cosmic light.

Your body can handle it now because your DNA and the mitochondria in your cells have released so much dense energy and are now not only holding more light, but creating more light.

Yes, you are creating light.

You are altering your energy field every time you choose to raise your vibration and connect to your own God/Source frequency.

Your energy field extends into the world around you, and effectively manifests a higher vibrational reality for you. You are literally altering the energy around you at every moment by amplifying your light. 

This is empowerment and it is yours.

2024 will be the year that this awareness within the shared consciousness of humanity starts to manifest in your world.

Combined with the deeper releasing of oppression and subjugation, this awareness invites in the level of consciousness that supports a 5D timeline.

You are doing what you came here to do!

The 12/12 portal energy is amplified by this cosmic light, and it will bring big changes in your world; including the beginning of the 5D manifestations that you have been dreaming of.

There are many who have been working diligently behind the scenes to help people prepare for the changes that 2024 will begin to bring in and if you are reading this, you are one of them. 

2024 is the start of true New Energy. 

In many ways it is the beginning of a very large new cycle that sets the tone for the next 15 years or so; the beginning of a new era.

The exciting thing for you as humans is that you get to manifest what your heart desires in this new, very beautiful cycle.

You are ready to do this. You have worked very hard to expand your consciousness, embracing ego and all of the aspects of yourself, including the shadow aspects. In doing the inner work, you recognize all that is no longer serving you and your fellow humans, and you are making the choice to be open to new energy, new ideas, and a new world.

This next cycle will span a number of years as the extended roots of oppression and subjugation are loosened and released with Grace. While this is happening, there will be more pockets of joy, more opportunities to witness growth and change within yourselves and your world. You chose to be here to participate in this shift and to experience it firsthand. It is always a choice.

Embrace this high vibrational light, aware that it is changing your cellular structure, and in doing so, offering you a deeper, more cognizant level of awareness. Moving forward from this moment of now is different, new, and exciting. Trust what your soul is telling you through how you feel. What you choose to do in the next moment may be very different from what you chose a year ago, or 10 years ago. We invite you to embrace the unknown because the unknown is what you came here to experience. You already know the past, and of all that is now old energy.

Welcome to the end of a very old cycle, and the beginning of all that is new.

You are always held in the energy of Grace.

To Be in the Present Moment

You are remembering how to Be in the present moment, the only moment there is. 

Being present still may not feel comfortable, but the more you allow yourself to Be in the present, the more you’ll connect to the “memory” of it. The memory of Being has been overridden by the belief that you must always be doing something and that it must be productive. You have also been taught that thinking about the past and being worried about the future keeps you motivated to do all that you need to do. Those beliefs have served you over myriad lifetimes including this one, and they’re now old energy. We are not saying that you should not be productive. We are simply reminding you that Being present is just as important, and it is necessary for your wellbeing. 

Finding balance within and recognizing that how you survived in the past is changing, Remembering how empowering it is to be present is where your focus is now. 

You carry the memory of everything within you, and these memories don’t reside in your brain. The energy of these memories resides in your DNA, and until recently, that DNA was called “junk.” What used to be called junk is now coming online for you and as it does it is awakening the cellular memories of every experience that you can imagine. What we call your Source DNA is designed to awaken within you now. 

This does not necessarily mean that you will remember every past life, although some of you are remembering bits and pieces of things that you may not be able to explain. What some of you are feeling, and more of you will start to feel are the emotions, the feelings associated with these memories. Many of you are experiencing aspects of these memories in your dreams, and as you evolve your brain will not have to try so hard to make sense of what your soul is experiencing in multiple dimensions at one time. 

You’ll just know. 

“Just knowing” means that you are allowing what is occurring to occur without actively resisting it. It also means that you are in acceptance of the changes that you are moving through physically and spiritually and that you trust the knowing of Who and What you are.

October energy was supportive of stepping into new experiences and many of these experiences involved stepping out of what is known to you and into situations that offered you the opportunity to trust your intuition more than you may have before. Some of this may have been uncomfortable at first. 

New experiences may have shown up as ideas, or the feeling of potentiality that may not have been open to you previously. Each of you will experience new energy in your own way, a way designed by you prior to your incarnation into this lifetime. You will find that as you embrace this energy more fully, others step forward to help you to shape and manifest the potential into something that matters. 

You are literally making things matter through your willingness to step into the energy of new experiences. You do this by being present in the moment, as this is when you are in your empowerment and able to recognize new energy. You cannot do this while regretting the past or being worried about the future.

You are ready for this, and this is the way forward for you. It is a different way of existing in a physical body because so much more of your spiritual self is becoming more apparent. Seeking balance and alignment is important because your physical body is working hard to adjust to the changes that are happening continuously. (Some would say relentlessly, but that is a perspective, and one that can be changed anytime through making a choice.)

As information within your DNA comes online, it is activating the neural pathways in your brain and nervous system, clearing out the dense energy of old patterns and beliefs, and you are remembering how to respond from this new alignment within you. Your old “go to” was to react from a constricted nervous system that was always in some form of fight or flight mode. This has taxed your body for many lifetimes, and now your body is remembering how to respond instead of react. You are able to assist yourself in this by being present, grateful to and for your body, and from that state of being, invite your cells to regenerate with no memory of trauma. You are consciously and lovingly directing the energy of your body to do something that it does automatically. This is a very big step in the awareness of your own empowerment.

The ability to respond is generated through being present which is when you are able to choose how you feel. Reacting is generated by a nervous system that is stressed and poised for fight or flight, constantly revisiting the past and worried about what is next.

Your body knows how to respond instead of react, and you are actively participating in this realignment by Being present.

You have grown so much in the last years, and it is beautiful to witness. 

You are continuing to grow into your full potential, which the human ego cannot truly comprehend. In order to begin to comprehend it, you have to leave the mind and be in your heart. In many ways you are “losing your mind.” That is a figure of speech but it is also a fairly accurate way to describe the process that you are moving very quickly through. As you incrementally let go of old energy and are in the present enough to be open to new ideas, you are expanding neural pathways and in some cases, creating new ones. The old “stuff” is released through areas of your brain like the occipital and parietal lobes. This allows for more brain space for broader, more expansive perception. Your pineal gland has a more open connection to other areas of your brain, so your perceptions of your inner and outer world expand. You are literally able to perceive more than you ever have. This process opens your inner and dream worlds as well. You all experience this rapid expansiveness in different ways and we invite you to be in acceptance of how you experience your growing expansiveness. Acceptance itself is expansive, where resistance is constrictive, restricting the scope and freedom of action; the action of your ever expanding Self.

You are invited to Be in acceptance of your beautiful, miraculous ever expanding Self in the present moment. So much is occurring for you in this time, and it is beautiful to witness the awakening of your Source DNA.

Magic: Is it Instinct or is it Innate?

Magic. It’s energy. You all have it. What you might have believed about magic may be old energy. 

It’s in your cells, and you innately know how to use it. Is it instinctual? In some cases it is because not only is it innate to you as Creator consciousness, it is also learned. Therefore when the proper stimulus appears, you instinctively respond.

That is one of the many beautiful things about being a human; you have innate gifts and skills and you have learned ones.

In this current time on earth you are re`connecting to many of your innate talents, skills and gifts.
You are also re-connecting to many instinctual traits.

One of the many important aspects of this lifetime is that you are recognizing that some of your instinctive traits no longer serve you. If they no longer serve you, they no longer serve the greater consciousness that you all share.

Judgment is one of these.

There are others.

Magic is both innate and instinctive so that is one that you are re-connecting with while you are recognizing the old beliefs and energy around it.

The old energy is released through dis-ease in the body, and emotions such as grief and anger. There are often reasons why you feel grief, anger, frustration, etc., but now, you may feel inexplicable sadness, anger, and even dis-ease in the body because your cells are releasing the old energy of (sometimes) instinctual traits that you have learned over many lifetimes.

It is a process, and you are moving through this process at lightning speed compared to a decade ago.

Be gentle with yourselves and each other. Nourish yourself in the ways that feel right and good.

You are exactly where you are supposed to be.