You are beginning a new cycle of your existence, and it is very different from anything you have experienced before.
Your humanness, that part of you that has been led by the ego may try to resist the energy of this cycle but you have chosen to allow your highest self to be your main guide as you continue to ascend your own sacred mountain.
There is energy in the words that you are reading that moves deep within your subconscious awareness where it strikes a chord of awakening, activating an aspect of your God/Source consciousness. Your human self may need to read or hear things many times from many sources before that particular activation occurs. That is because your mind and ego are strong and that strength has served you very well. You are now aware that as you ascend your sacred mountain, you no longer need the protection of your ego nearly as much. That is a freeing awareness, and one that you have been waiting to claim for a long time.
Acceptance is the key that opens the door to the light.
When you are in acceptance of your ego, your body, and where you are in this moment of now, you are opening the door, allowing in the light so that it shines into the deepest and darkest recesses of your inner self and your subconscious awareness. Where there is light, darkness cannot exist because light is active.
When you are in acceptance of every aspect of yourself, it becomes easy to be in acceptance of others, especially those that have challenged you. When you are in acceptance, you are working with and directing light while activating your own cells to produce more light.
When you produce light, you are literally emanating and amplifying it into your energy field. Light is active and illuminates everything in its path, including those around you and your external reality. You are literally a beacon of light and energy.
2024 begins a new cycle spanning the next 10 or so years of your life, and the first few years of this great cycle will be about light: Activating it, remembering how to use it for your highest good, amplifying it into your personal world and the world in general. The active nature of your light will amplify all that has been shoved into the darkest corners of your world. What has been shoved under the rug and into the corners may be shocking to some, yet it has to be brought to the light of awareness so that you no longer repeat the past.
The past is old energy. If you are reading this, you are ready to exist in the energy of Grace, amplifying your light into your world, actively participating in changing how you live life on earth. The next 3-4 years will bring much change in how you perceive yourselves and others and this will affect your medical industry, the military, world leaders, your monetary system, your economy, your climate. It affects every aspect of life as you know it and you are here to play your part.
Earth is resilient, and so are you.
You have literally been compressed by the density of living in a 3D world for many, many lifetimes, and now you are becoming aware of the freedom that is available to you.
That takes getting used to. Be gentle with yourselves, and as you are you are more gentle with others.
2024 energy is exciting, offering myriad opportunities for personal growth. You each expand in your unique way, connecting every more deeply with your unique frequency, and as you do, your frequency connects more palpably to the frequency of others. You have already felt this, and that is only going to grow. Stretching one’s awareness and recognizing just how resilient you are is not always painless, yet growing pains don’t last forever. You are accustomed to growing pains, as the last years have shown you, and in the coming years your growth will be less painful and more fulfilling because you are remembering Who You Are, therefore Who You ALL Are.
2024 offers deeper fulfillment on a personal level, and as you feel this, your sense of acceptance, peace and fulfillment fills your energy field, expanding it broader and wider than ever. You may be a catalyst for others as your energy and light invite them to grow. Your personal growth is part of the growth of humanity, and everyone is evolving at their own rate, based on the choices they made prior to incarnating. Accepting everyone’s level of growth is key to existing in Grace.
Each day is an opportunity for you to choose to exist in Grace and as you do your evolution becomes a conscious choice.
This new cycle of your life brings conscious choice to the forefront of your awareness.
You are an incredibly empowered Being of light and this year is the beginning of the era when you truly know this. It is no longer just an idea, and it is deeper than a belief. It is now something that you know to be true.
Feel the energy of these words.
Such love and honor to you as you begin this beautiful new existence.