We greet you today with love, joy and gratitude. We ask you to greet each other with love, joy and gratitude as well. When you greet each other with love, joy and gratitude you are actually greeting your Self with the highest frequency energy that exists, and you make much more than a positive change, you are raising the vibration of All. So in this moment of Now, we invite you to pause and breathe, and greet your Self with Love, Joy and Gratitude.

Now that you have properly greeted your Self, we invite you to move the body. By this we mean to actually move the physical body. We speak less of standard exercise, and more of simple movement in order to release old, stored energy. Exercise is a wonderful way to do this, but also any form of dance, yoga, and simply shaking the body releases old energy and invigorates the body. Animals shake their bodies to release energy, they do it innately. We will take it a step further and invite you to introduce sound as well. Your voice carries energy, and when you release sound, you are not only releasing energy, you are also balancing and aligning energy. When you sing in the shower it is a very grounding and satisfying experience is it not?

When you move the body in ways that cause you to stretch, feeling the tension (and energy) release in the muscles, it is satisfying, calming, uplifting and energizing. Bring both of those together and you have a simple yet effective way to release, balance, align, and energize the self. Friends, there is no wrong way to do this. In fact, the more creative you are with it, the more you will feel the difference physically, emotionally, mentally and yes, spiritually. So move and make noise! Joyful sound and instinctual movement are innate to you. Move and make sound with a group and feel the energy that much more!

We bring it up now because you are in the time of great change, and there is much that your ego/mind is working hard to attempt to understand, but is not able to. Your wonderful ego/mind is searching it’s database of information (your history) in order to find rational explanations for what the heart is feeling, while at the same time, you are deepening your heart/mind connection. The ego/mind will not find what it seeks from your history because history is irrelevant now. Old patterns do not work, and you know this in your heart and soul, but the mind has a bit of lag time in catching up. It is still trying to make sense of The Unknown.

It cannot.

Your soul is embracing the unknown because it does not fear it. Your soul does not know fear, that is a human constraint. So self generated sound and movement help to release the old energy stored in the body, which releases it from your energy field, bringing you into balance and alignment with joy, love and gratitude. You are able to welcome The Unknown with less fear and more empowerment. This is what you came here for dear friends. And as you do this, your energy expands, interacting with others’ energy fields. It is an unspoken invitation for others to expand, shift, and release old energy as well. So you see, you are an integral part of the awakening of your brothers and sisters.

We also wish to introduce you to another level of the awareness of your own soul’s existence. You already know that you exist in all of time and space, and that all of your “lifetimes” are happening Now. There is no past or future, only this moment of Now. You are aware of yourself in your current form, but when you sleep, your consciousness leaves the physical body and you have experiences in other realms. The time you spend in other realms is just as real as this realm, and you are able to remember some of it. Your mind tries very hard to make the experiences fit into what it knows (based on your history) so you often remember fragments of dreams, or the dream makes no sense to you. There is valuable information for you in what you remember, and we invite you to begin to record your dream experiences if you are not already doing so. We also invite you to step further into a sense of empowerment by using the power of your thought and intention to direct the focus of your visits to other realms. In other words, you are able to set the intention to change the energetic outcome of an event for example. You can do this by intending it prior to going to sleep. This takes practice for most of you so we invite you to stick with it, not giving up when at first you feel unsuccessful. You are at a level in your awareness of your multidimensional self that you can begin to experience more than you ever have as a human, and this is very exciting for us to witness. You are remembering! You have the (soul) power to affect your existence in all of time and space, and it benefits All because you are All One, and there is only One. This is freedom, and this is why you are here. This is not about healing, for the truth is that there is nothing to heal. It is about freedom. Freedom from the fear of extinction by separation. You fear extinction because you are traumatized by the false experience of being separated from All That Is. It is impossible to be separate from All That Is, as All That Is is consciousness, and you are that consciousness. You simply chose To Be. And here you are: Being.

Breathe this in friends, for this is truth. Sing, make joyful noise and move your body with love and gratitude for Who You Are and for what you bring to the world, and all of existence. We witness you in love, joy and gratitude, and rejoice as you witness each other in love, joy and gratitude!