The time is here. The time is here for you to step up onto the platform of higher consciousness.
Each of you carries courage, bravery, and strength; the aspects of your soul self that are necessary for the work at hand.
What is the work at hand? You are in it, Friends. You are in the midst of extraordinary change and awakening. You are witnessing the next generation stepping into an awareness of Who They Are, while concurrently acknowledging and owning Your Own Holiness.
Some are transitioning in order to allow others to step more fully into a deeper awareness of their own inner strength, courage, bravery and resourcefulness. It is an astoundingly beautiful view from our perspective!
The times that you all suffer horrible acts of violence are times of immense growth and awakening. Yes, these events are tragic in the sense of lives seemingly derailed for no reason, unspeakable destruction, and the chaos that arises from them; but we also remind you that every being involved chose to be there; chose to participate, chose to transition out of the physical, or change their physical structure in order to grow, affecting many. You are affected by these events, are you not? So you see, these are the choices that the soul makes, in accordance with other souls, in order to awaken humanity; usher in change; dismantle old structures manifested from old energy; to bring in light.
You are here to experience it. You are here to be awakened by it. You are here to create more of it. You are here to dig deep within your own self and find the compassion that has been waiting to pour forth. You are here to erase history and herstory by re-membering to be in the moment of Now, and manifesting from this moment. Now.
You are also changing. We have spoken of this many times in the past, and we speak of it again, now. Your physiology is changing. Your energetic structure is changing. Your DNA is changing. You are re-membering, and in the re-membering is the awareness of that which is ready to be shed in order to uncover what is not new, but original.
The existence you chose; the choice to become human is a trajectory of experience. You have experienced everything that there is to experience, and each experience opens the door for change. In each of your incarnations as a human, you added to the “information” that collected in your DNA, your energy field and your Akashic Record. And in each of your incarnations, you became one of your own ancestors, effectively bringing into your physical existence your information filled DNA, energy field and Record. You then learned from this information. You taught others this information. You bought into this information. You manifested your reality based on this information.
All of that went exactly according to your plan.
You, as a collective, have created your current state of existence. The world you perceive is one of your own manifestation.
You are now in the time of the Great Awakening, so you are re-membering all of this, and as you are reminded of your choices, you are becoming conscious of the entirety of your soul, and the fact that you are existing in more than just this physical body. You are multi-dimensional, multi-sensory beings, and you are awakening to that fact. You are remembering that you are all One, and that you are the very same as That Which Created You. Source. God/Goddess. Infinite Being.
This is where it all begins to get very interesting.
There are no coincidences. There is Divine Timing. Nothing is random. As you acknowledge your Divinity and own the expansiveness of your soul, you are realizing all of this and it causes a quickening within. This quickening triggers profound knowing, AHA moments, intense bliss, deep grief, heightened emotion, fear and compassion. The old adage “when a door closes, another one opens” is becoming very apparent. Many doors are now opening, and many of you are taking advantage of that; some by transitioning out of the physical, others by making major life changes.
All are affected.
In our last message we invited you to Be Here Now. That is always a good place to Be; Here. Now. That is the place from which to navigate the flow. And by navigate, we mean to be in the flow, not swimming upstream against it. Swimming upstream against the flow used to be doable, but it will become harder and harder for you because you are not who you used to be, from an energetic viewpoint.
You have changed. Evolved. Your frequency is higher. Your energy patterns are different. The energy and information that you are interacts with all other energy and information in a new way.
Is it any wonder that life is not as it used to be.
And that is a wonderful thing Dear Friend, because you chose to be Here, Now, and to help usher in that change.