Deeper Trust

That which you call God is pure consciousness. It is also what you would label as feminine energy. God/Source/Infinite Being/Creator is masculine and feminine, but the creator/birthing aspect of it is feminine.

This contradicts what most of humanity still believes about God, and it may bring feelings and emotions to the surface of your awareness. 

The energy that you are currently receiving is supportive of deep extrusion of the oldest, deepest and potentially most damaging old programs, beliefs and patterns. Everyone feels this in the ways that are best supportive of them with regards to the choices they have made so far in this lifetime. Every choice you have ever made is now old energy, and you are at a level of your own awareness where you have the ability to shift the energy of all your choices throughout your existence

That is a powerful statement. Understand that we are not talking about changing the past, but we are talking about changing the energy of the past through your ability to make conscious choices.

There are times that you chose prior to incarnating that would offer you, individually and as a collective, opportunities to turn deep beliefs upside down and you are in one of those times now.

The end of the previous cycle and the beginning of this next one create an opening for very intense light and energy to reach the Earth. These cycles coincide with the movement of the planets in your solar system as well as the expansion of the universe. The larger cycles are influenced by the movement of your planet around the sun, the moon around your planet and the astrological sign you were born into. 

Nothing is random.

Everything that you experience is a version of something that your soul has been expecting. You have free will, so your human self chooses what path you walk on each day, but the paths are variations of opportunities that you chose prior to incarnating in this life.

Within the last few years much has come to light that has caused most of you to question your deepest beliefs. The next few years will bring more of the same. Your opportunity is to make conscious choices, trusting your Highest Self, the aspect of you that has always been there, but not always readily available to you due to your very strong ego. You needed a strong ego to survive. You are now able to recognize the important role that ego played, and through acceptance of every choice you have made, ego and soul come into a deep alignment, allowing you to connect more fully with your Highest Self. Survival is no longer your main goal. Ascension: The soul driven desire to be One with All, is your goal in this lifetime.

You are constantly sharing information. Not just with the rest of humanity, but with everyone and everything throughout existence. Even when you hear, read, or see something that you don’t agree with, there is always the potential for that information to connect to something deep within your DNA. The more in touch you are with your Highest Self the easier it is to decipher all of the information that is available to you. You have been remembering how to use your discernment and learning how to use this information for your highest and best, and for the highest and best of those around you.

Today we are instilling within you a deeper sense of trust.

Trust yourSelf, trust what you feel within yourSelf. Trust the feminine aspect of yourSelf. You all have it within you, just like you all carry the divine masculine energy. The energy that this message brings is one of deeply trusting the Mother, the creator, the birther of All. The more you trust Her, the easier it is to trust your own divine feminine, the earth, your own mother, and the mother within you. Every one of you has been a mother in some existence so everyone of you has given birth. Because you carry the Akashic memory of everything within you, you have the cellular memory of birthing life. In fact you are constantly birthing new ideas that manifest into your life. These ideas are all shared within the information that you are constantly receiving and you instill your own energy and unique frequency into what you are manifesting in your life. 

In doing this, you make everything new because you are perceiving everything in your life from a higher vibrational perspective. You are literally seeing everything and everyone in newness, from the perspective of acceptance. This new perspective opens the door to trusting yourSelf first and foremost and when you trust yourSelf, every choice you make reflects that.

Trust is imperative in order for you to move forward into this new and very exciting phase of your life because so much is opening up for you in ways that you have not experienced in your life. We invite you to feel the excitement, the joy and the expansiveness of this energy. As always we hold you in the highest esteem, as you are here, now, experiencing so much that we cannot. And you do this for All.

January Energy

You are at a much higher level of conscious choice and awareness now than you were a year ago. This means that you are able to receive more light and energy, and it can be intense for the psyche and the body to try to interpret and integrate. This is a natural process. 

When you are moving great amounts of energy (as you are now) it often does not feel good. Stay with it, in the energy of presence and acceptance. Answers may come to you, or you may simply move through the intensity and then be able to choose to feel differently. The new, very long cycle that you are in now consists of many smaller cycles that overlap one another. The cycles are loosely connected to solar cycles and the movement of the planets in your solar system, but you also have your own personal cycles of growth.

Be gentle with yourself, rest when you feel the need to, letting go of old expectations and beliefs. Changes are happening much more quickly now and that goes for your body too.

Sometimes short illnesses may arise as your body is integrating more light and energy. This may signify the releasing of old, deeply embedded energy.

Welcome to the new energy.

Energy Shifts

Right now, you are different than you were yesterday. Everything about you and your life is changing. How much it changes is up to you, yet in the last month, your DNA, your cells and your energy field changed more than they’ve changed in the last 6 months.

When we say “how much changes is up to you” we mean that your thoughts, words and actions affect your reality, including your inner reality. So as you consciously choose to expand your awareness, you are not only inviting in the energy and light, you are also creating the right inner environment for the ‘most bang for your buck.’ 

Change happens constantly, and every once in a while you get an amplification of energy that causes major shifts within you. These happen in cycles, and as the energy that you are constantly receiving builds, it is making minute changes within the atoms of your body. When the cycle reaches a certain level, the minute changes activate a larger shift. All of this is very much in tune with the cycles of the sun.

If you are tuned into your body and your inner self, you are most likely very aware of the many small changes that are happening regularly as well as the larger and often more intense energy shifts that occur in these cycles.

With each next cycle, you are opening yourself to more high vibrational and new (as in unknown to you as a human) energy that literally shakes out whatever is now old, along with the very old patterns, beliefs, programming, karmic entanglements.

Everything that you have learned up to this moment is now old energy. It has all served a very important purpose, and you are now ready to receive and integrate much more because you are different; more expanded, more open, more in alignment with your Source consciousness self. How you manifest what your heart and soul desire is changing, and we will explore that more in a bit.

The more expanded you become, the more aware you are of being One with All, including those that came before and those that will come after you. 

Let’s focus for a moment on those that came before: Your ancestors.

You carry within your inner Akash the cellular memories of your ancestors. The energy of everything that your ancestors were taught and experienced is within you, and you draw from that well of information and energy constantly. It has been what has guided you for many, many generations and lifetimes. This same information and energy is now becoming what is causing you to pause and question whether or not it is in your highest and best interest to continue to be guided by it. 

This is your evolutionary journey. 

You are re-evolving; Coming back around, full circle, to Who You Are; Source consciousness.

Your evolutionary process was to develop gradually into a more complex, awakened being. 

You are re-evolving, or in a way, re-volving, moving in a circle to complete the biggest and most important cycle of all.

You are re-membering Who You Are.

Upheaval is a necessary part of this process. It has to be and you are aware of this. From the human perspective, upheaval is disruptive, frightening and not part of the plan that your ego was counting on. Yet here you are, in the midst of a number of years of upheaval. You are here now, and at this moment, all is well. You can simply choose for it to be, and that becomes your reality. 

You know this now.

May brings more change, and you are ready for it. You embrace new energy now. You moved with ease and grace through all that crumbled and fell away, and you are well acquainted with and comfortable with your sure foothold in your new template. You help each other. Congratulations, you have done well.

Your new template is no longer new because you have been learning how to navigate it with grace and ease. You are playing with manifesting your heart’s desires in the feeling nature of Grace, grateful for what already exists, knowing that the potential is always there. You are invited to continue to practice and play with manifesting your heart and soul’s desires, as you will only grow stronger in your ability.
And we would like to add this:
Simply align with Source.

I AM are the 2 most empowering words that you can speak, and the words that follow I AM become your reality. 

The statement

“I AM in alignment with Source (God, Creator, Highest Self)”  

is all that you need. That’s it. When you claim your source consciousness you are aligning with All That Is and All That Is is You. 

Source holds nothing back from you. You and your ancestors believed differently for so long that this belief is deeply ingrained in you. You are here, now, to release that belief for yourself, for your ancestors, for those that come after you because you are re-membering that You Are Source. You gift yourself with your own heart’s desires when you come into alignment with Source.

May brings changes; changes within you, changes in your world stage. You may feel it in different ways. Honor what you are feeling, and when that feeling becomes one that you don’t enjoy, choose to feel differently. Each and every time you choose to feel a higher vibrational feeling, you are clearing eons of patterns, beliefs, programming and karmic entanglements for yourself and for your ancestors. Those that came before you are grateful for the work you are doing and hold you in the highest vibration of love and gratitude. 

The work that you are doing is the most important work that you will ever do, and the repercussions resonate throughout space and time. 

We thank you.

You Are Ready!

The intensity level of the energy, light and information that you are receiving is increasing daily because you are ready for it. Your body, mind and certainly your soul can handle it. In fact your spirit has been waiting patiently for this time in your life, knowing without doubt that this time would come.

What is this time in your life about, and what does it mean for you?
This is a time of deep integration, recognition and purging. You are recognizing literally everything that no longer works for you as a human and purging it out of your system. 

It is a time of intense integration of every aspect of you; the wounded child, the victim, the perpetrator, the innocent and the guilty
What it means for you is ultimate freedom.

What it means for you emotionally, physically and mentally can be likened to a deep, cleansing purge and deep, cleansing purges can be uncomfortable, often very challenging.

Your physical body is releasing eons of old energy related to old programming, patterns, beliefs, and karmic entanglements, and that may cause (among other things) joint pain, muscle aches, distress in the areas of the body that correspond to chakra centers that are in the process of deep clearing and re-alignment.

Your bodies are amazing, and are designed to regenerate. You are invited to allow this truth to integrate as you release eons of old programming and beliefs around what the body can and cannot do.

Your emotional body is an energetic field that surrounds you. Others tap into your emotional field, picking up subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) energetic cues, just as you do with them. You are quite accustomed to doing this without thinking too much about it.

What is changing for you though, is how you respond to the cues that you are tapping into. 

Your old way was to react to others’ cues. Some would call these “triggers,” others would describe these people as catalysts in your life. You are also a catalyst for others, and your emotional field is very often a trigger for others to recognize old patterns in themselves such as (but not limited to) codependency, judgment, abandonment, and the fear of being vulnerable.

As you move into sustaining your natural state of Being for longer periods of time, you are remembering how to accept yourself (first and foremost) as well as others in your life and in your world. Acceptance is what neutralizes judgment. When judgment is neutralized, there is less opportunity for knee jerk reactions and more time for responding in Grace.

You are remembering how to respond to others’ energy rather than react, and it all starts with you. 

You will always feel emotions. The process of awakening to your own knowing of Who and What You Are doesn’t negate feeling emotion. In fact, it can heighten your ability to feel things as you release the walls around your heart, allowing yourself to be open and vulnerable. There is such empowerment in being open and vulnerable and it is a strength not a weakness.
In feeling all the feelings, you embrace them rather than fear them, so there will always be others in your life and in the world who will act as catalysts for you. The difference is in your response to them. 

You always have a choice in how you feel, and you are remembering how it feels to respond from a place of acceptance, peace, forgiveness, love, even gratitude.

You are always integrating aspects of yourself as you are releasing deeper levels of old energy and the more accepting you are of yourself, the easier this process becomes, which is a very good thing as you will continue to do this for as long as you are in a physical body.

What you may be noticing is that you now recognize the old patterns sooner, and you remember that one of your superpowers is that you always get to choose how you feel, so you are choosing to respond from Grace more often than not.

Your mental body has always been centered around the ego. As you began to heed your soul’s guidance, the ego often took offense  and acted out in fear for its existence. Your ego and soul are continually coming into deeper alignment and as that happens you may question your sense of identity as old beliefs, patterns and programming surface to be acknowledged and released. Things that are no longer important fall away, affecting every aspect of human life, and that can be very challenging as what you always thought was true or real no longer seems to work.

The choices that you make, including how you feel, come from the heart and not from the ego much more often now. 

You are re-forming your perception of yourself, accepting yourself as you are right now, neutralizing the pattern of self judgment.

All of these changes happening within you contribute to how you all perceive not only yourselves, but each other, and this is how you change your world.

These changes have been occurring for a while now, and you are already experiencing the shifts in your way of Being. March energy supports the continuation of this major shift in perception. 

Take a moment and breathe deeply. As you exhale, allow yourself to receive the amplification of the energy of this message. Recognize how far you have come in your awareness of yourself, of others, and of your world and let it fill you with a sense of peace and wonder.

You are all here, now, to accomplish this, and you are doing it. 

This is the freedom that you are seeking: Freedom from the old programming, patterns, and beliefs that have weighed you down in their heaviness and often severe limitations. You have carried all of this within your cells and your emotional and mental fields for lifetimes and you all chose to be here now in order to reclaim your freedom as Source Consciousness. 

You can call yourself a child of God, Source Consciousness, Being of Light, a Master…Whatever you like, because you are that.

This is your lifetime to reclaim Who You Are and embody it as a human Being, and in doing so, you affect your world as well as the universe because You are All That Is.

You are raising your vibration individually and as a collective. You existed in a 3D world for a very long time, accumulating experiences. You have chosen to move into a 4D existence as you prepare to move into a very new way of Being in 5D. 

What you are doing is truly much bigger than the mind can fully comprehend, so we invite you to simply trust that this is why you are here.

Enjoy life! 

Enjoy the process of moving out of a 3D existence and into a higher vibrational way of Being.
Embrace it and move forward into the next moment of now in your natural state of Being as Source Consciousness embodied: Full of joy, peace, acceptance, love, gratitude, and excitement. Your new template awaits, ripe with infinite potential.

I Am in Alignment with Grace

You are in the process of aligning with your God Self, aligning with Grace.

What this means is that you are in effect, no longer who and what you have believed yourself to be.

Your ego will dispute this until the day that you leave your physical body, but your heart knows this as truth.

In this moment, your heart is communicating this truth to you as you are reading this, and that is your soul’s way of sharing this truth with you.

To leave the old self and blossom into something as yet unknown to you takes courage. You have that courage, which is why you are here, now.

Awakening is the term you have chosen to use, but it is more like a death and a rebirth, and in every other lifetime, you had to physically die and be reborn in order to achieve the inner changes that are occurring within you now. Your inner changes are affecting your external reality. They have been for some time now, hence the chaos.

Things will continue to change as you enter into this new cycle/new year.Coming into alignment with your God Self requires the untangling of lifetimes worth of old energy, and many of you have been feeling it acutely as the last year came to a close. For some it may have felt like a constriction, a tightening that was forcing pressure to build within you.

As 2023 unfolds you will feel it loosening as you feel more comfortable finding your footing on your new template. Your template feels very different from the old foundations. It fully supports you while offering flexibility and fluidity. You have a lot more freedom in your new template.

2023 is new energy, unlike anything you have experienced as a human.

Are you curious? Curiosity is an aspect of Grace, and if you allow yourself to be curious, you will feel the excitement of it.

Add the feeling nature of curiosity to the acceptance of yourself and the gratitude that you feel every day, and you immediately expand your energy field to receive the potential that awaits in the high vibrational energy of your new template. 

This is how you move forward now; in alignment with Grace, and fearless, because you know Who You Are. You are creating your external reality through your high vibrational thoughts, words and actions. You are an empowered Being, reclaiming your freedom from all that no longer serves you.

You can never repeat a year. 

You actually never repeat old cycles, you experience versions of them which seem repetitive. 2023 is the year in which you consciously choose to step out of repeating old versions of unhealthy cycles and patterns. You have been practicing this in the last few years, and in last month’s message we introduced co-healing relationships and how they will be replacing co-dependent ones. Co-healing invites you to be consciously aware of being vulnerable and honest in all of your relationships. It will not happen all at once and in every relationship, but it is happening now. Many of you are on your way to working towards co-healing in personal as well as work related relationships, individually and with groups. This is very exciting and we invite you to be curious about it all, as it changes the way you perceive yourself, others, your relationships and ultimately your world.

2023 is a 7 year if you look at it in terms of numerology. There are many ways to interpret 7, but let’s start with seeking. You are all seekers, and in 2023, you will continue to seek, but you will also recognize that you have found much of what you have been seeking, and it is all within you.

What you perceive as reality often hides the fact that it is an illusion and you have recognized that as you continue to trust that when you are in alignment with Grace, your external reality reflects this. Let us say that it doesn’t mean that everything is a walk in the park. You came here to experience every aspect of life including the unpleasant aspects. Yet when you are in alignment with Grace you make everything new via your perception of it starting with yourself. Remember acceptance? Acceptance is a vital part of Grace, and it is necessary for true and real change to happen. Through acceptance, you make everything new because you are saying yes to what IS, Now. You are not stuck in past beliefs, nor are you projecting into the future. Your empowerment exists in the present, through acceptance.

7 is also associated with spiritual awakening, intuition, inner wisdom, knowledge and self awareness; all things that you have been practicing for many years in order to be here now, putting it to use. For yourself and for All.

All of this is necessary for you to move into creating co-healing relationships.

We wish for you to be aware of the great importance of co-healing.

Co-healing is more than stepping out of karmic patterns, beliefs and old energy. 

Co-healing changes the way you live together in your world. 

Co-healing fosters a deeper oneness consciousness in ways that you have not experienced as humans. 

Co-healing offers freedom from co-dependent, damaging relationships that have created wounds that became infected over time.

If you imagine co-healing relationships between communities, states, countries, leaders…It can and will change your world.

This is yet another reason why you are here, now; to change your world.
You chose this.

The most powerful words that you can speak are “I AM.” 

We invite you to speak these words aloud now, integrating the energy that is flowing in this transmission.

I AM in alignment with Acceptance.

I AM in alignment with Peace.

I AM in alignment with Love.

I AM in alignment with Gratitude.

I AM in alignment with Curiosity.

I AM in alignment with Grace.

The more you repeat these statements (and add what you feel to them) the more powerful they are. You are an empowered Being, speaking things from the feeling nature of Grace into the universe, and the universe responds.

Embrace this new year, new cycle, new energy! It is a time of rebirth. It is a time of reclamation of your freedom, of your true and authentic God Self.

It is with the deepest love and admiration for you that we wish you Joyous New Energy.