by Valerie Sargent | Dec 31, 2024
Since you have calendars to mark the passage of time, the new year is an energetically positive and powerful time to set intentions. Intentions and resolutions are similar but not the same. At this juncture in time and of your awareness there is no need to re-solve anything because you know that you are not changing the earth that you live on, you are changing yourselves. As you change yourselves you are shifting ever so subtly into a higher vibration of earth; one that already exists, but has heretofore not been available to you. So as you set intentions that are formed from the highest vibration of yourself you are putting a plan into motion, offering it your energy, making it into matter. You literally make it matter. As more and more of you recognize your ability to do this, your energy meets like energy and you make your intentions matter.
2025 is the second year in this new 20 year cycle, and you will witness many things change in the next 2-3 years. 2024 energy was conducive to the continued stirring up of a lot of old patterns, beliefs and karmic entanglements that involve everyone who is alive on the planet right now, so at some level, everyone was affected. 2025 energy will move faster, bringing more to the surface while a simultaneous clearing out of old energy occurs. Some will find this refreshing and invigorating while others may feel bogged down as the higher vibrational energy offers the invitation to meet it. If you feel bogged down at times, it is part of the process of being able to sustain a higher vibration for longer periods of time.
Your energy is like a wave that crests and then falls into a trough. The trough phase can feel like depression, or like a heaviness, but it is a natural part of your energy flow. The troughs are important because they offer you insights into what you are no longer in vibrational alignment with. So we invite you to release judgment of the waves of your feelings and emotions. You may have more of this in the first part of 2025 as the energy “speeds up” and stirs up more within you as an individual and within all of you as a collective.
All of this is in preparation for the many changes that are happening within this next cycle. You can expect open contact with civilizations from other star systems within as few as 2-3 years from now. We say that you can expect it because you are moving in the trajectory of it, based on the vibratory level of the majority of your population. All things can change, but if you continue to practice the 4As you are constantly raising your collective vibration and that brings you closer to what you chose to be here for. (The 4A’s are explained in previous messages and you can find this information at
You can also expect many changes in the medical field. Your physical bodies are changing while you are working to create the new neural pathways through your brain that affect your autonomic nervous system. A division of your autonomic nervous system is your sympathetic nervous system, or your fight or flight response. Everyone has been living life in some form of fight or flight mode, which tightens the body, decreasing the flow of your life force energy. This affects every aspect of your physical body but for many of you it primarily affects your digestive system which affects every other aspect of your physical well being. The medical field is slowly coming around to rethinking how to help the body heal. There are many conscientious people working somewhat under the radar to bring about important changes regarding medicine on your planet.
Sometimes it is easy to feel discouraged, doubt or fear when your intentions are not met as you expect them to be. This new year takes you further into letting go of having expectations based on how things worked in the past and stepping more fully into the flow of the energy of expectancy. Being in the energy of expectancy has a flow to it that having an expectation does not. Expectancy is trusting that all is working out as it is supposed to for the highest and best for All. How things work out may look and feel very different than what your human mind remembers because your mind puts an emphasis on what it remembers from the past. The past no longer exists because you have evolved beyond believing in “past” and “future” lives and into the knowing that all of your existences are happening now. So when you set an intention in the present moment, you are effectively setting that intention throughout your parallel lives, shifting the energy throughout what you used to call the past.
The past truly doesn’t exist, because you have changed it.
This is a powerful statement and it is true. What does that mean for your “future?” It means the same thing: You are changing it with your heartfelt, soul guided intentions. You are in unknown territory for a human, and you chose to be here for this great shift in consciousness.
The unknown can feel overwhelming to some, scary to others, yet it is truly pure potential.You have the ability to choose how you move forward, and what vibrational version of yourself you wish to manifest as well as what vibrational aspect of earth you wish to live on. If you are reading this, you are receiving the energy of this transmission. It will make you feel something, and we invite you to be with the feeling. Acknowledge it, accept it, and ask what it means for you. Allow yourself to be with the feelings that arise within you because they offer you a gift. It may be as simple as an insight, or it may be something life changing. Even an insight can be life changing. We have no expectations about how you receive this information, we simply offer it because you are ready. You are about to graduate to the next level on your ascension journey.
There will be those that will leave the physical body in 2025 because they have experienced what they came here to experience and will be able to offer connection and guidance from their natural and free state of Being. The lines of communication are always open and will only open further.
We leave you to contemplate this: When you are getting ready to sleep at night, offer gratitude to everyone that you have met in your entire life. As you do this, there are individuals that will come into your awareness. They might be people who you may have been hurt or challenged by, or have hurt. This is a powerful exercise that not only offers the opportunity to forgive, but opens new neural pathways in your brain so that you are able to perceive these people from a higher vibrational perspective, that of your higher self; your Divine Source consciousness self. You are clearing the karmic indebtedness with people so that you can create good karma if you will, as you move forward. Play with this and see how it shifts relationships with others in your life, but also how it shifts your perception of yourself.
Until next time, we invite you to love yourselves as we love you; unconditionally.
by Valerie Sargent | Nov 30, 2024
As you come to the end of another year, it is always a good time to pause and reflect on how you have grown, changed, evolved and expanded your awareness. Even if you do not think that you have, you have. This is how you chose to experience this particular aspect of your awareness.
You do not have a soul, your soul has a body. You ARE your soul; that is your natural state of being. You have chosen to have the experience of living as a very limited aspect of your Self in order to have the experiences that you have been having so that you could learn compassion, unconditional love, acceptance, and grace.
Don’t all souls already know these things? Yes. What all souls do not know is the experience of livingevery aspect of love, peace, compassion, acceptance and grace within a very limited physical existence. This existence on earth is your soul’s opportunity to experience the dark as well as the light; the yin and the yang, hatred as well as love.
To have the experience. As pure Source energy, you only know Grace. As anything other than pure Source energy, you gain the experience of everything else, and that offers you the very profound experience of finding your way back to Grace: Unconditional love, acceptance, peace, compassion.
Experiencing every feeling, every emotion, and experiencing the effects of every feeling and emotion in other people is so profound, yet unavailable to you as pure Source energy. So you chose to condense some of the energy that you are into the illusion of being separate individuals who are existing in multiple dimensions at once, experiencing the plethora of all that is.
What a wondrous experience it is! There is an invitation in this moment, for you to shift your perception of yourselves yet again. In doing so, you allow yourself an even deeper recognition of who and what you are.
You are always taking yourselves to a higher level of conscious awareness and as you do, you are invited to make peace with all of your choices: The ones you have made in your own life as well as the ones you have made as a collective.
The world you live in is of your own creation. You are constantly manifesting your external reality in every moment, and this new level of consciousness allows this awareness to integrate more fully into your cells.
We have spoken many times of your High Self, which is the You that knows all. It is the You that you have been finding your way back to for many, many lifetimes and this is your lifetime to complete it. This requires making peace with every decision, every choice you have ever made as an individual and as a collective.
You do this by accepting yourself, and everyone else, exactly as you and they are. The very deep and profound changes that have been happening on your planet will continue to happen as you clear the energy of judgment. You are finding your way back to your true, authentic selves, and right now, that is still relatively unknown to you. Yet here you are, on the precipice of the unknown.
Your perception of the state of the world you live in is very important because whatever you perceive is showing you what you are or are not in alignment with. You then get to choose what dimension of earth you choose to live on.
You are not changing your world, you are changing yourself. In changing yourself, you are putting yourself into the illusion of a dimension of earth that reflects your current state of being.
By making peace with every choice and every decision you have ever made, you are clearing old energy out of your Akashic Records throughout every existence as well as raising your vibration to match the vibration of a dimension of earth that reflects your current state of being. You are changing yourself, and you are the only one who is able to do this. That last statement is profound in its simplicity as well as in its power.
Until next time, we leave these statements for your contemplation:
~You have the key to your own freedom.
~You are here to achieve earthly enlightenment.
~Everyone in your life is there as a reflection of you.
The amount of support you have from us is constant because we are all the same Source consciousness energy and we recognize how your growth affects all of existence. We also love you unconditionally.
by Valerie Sargent | Oct 31, 2024
We have offered you many ways to help yourself over the years, and it is up to you to accept them or not. It is always your choice, and no choice is wrong or bad, and that stands for whatever choices you make throughout your existence. This is a loving reminder that everyones’ feelings are valid based not only on how they were raised and how they live in this lifetime, but on myriad other existences where similar patterns and beliefs were prevalent.
Occurrences are not random. Everything that happens has been orchestrated by the collective consciousness in order to move energy. Sometimes drastic things happen so that immense amounts of energy can be moved. The energy we refer to is what you call old energy. It is lower vibrational, deeply ingrained beliefs, patterns and karmic indebtedness that no longer apply to your current level of conscious awareness. You are all on your own individual paths towards awakening to the conscious awareness of who and what you are, and in each now moment, the collective consciousness of all of you is moving closer to a deeper awareness of Oneness.
It is a miraculous and beautiful experience that each of you chose to be here to participate in, and we are here simply to remind you of this. You are so loved by all of us and it matters not whether you heed our invitations, but it does fill us with a sense of fulfillment when you pay attention. So many of you have thought of earth and your existence here as a trial, but it is truly a Masters’ Program. You are all on your way to Mastership, no matter what choices you make. Yes, no matter what choices you make, because everyone is playing a role in order to bring a level of conscious awareness to the tipping point of Oneness, and when that happens you’ll know it because everything changes.
We have been saying this for a while now, and you are well aware that things are always changing. We refer to major life changes for those of you on earth. Things like contact with your star family. Radical acceptance of all humans no matter their color, gender, or cultural background. Radical changes in how you fuel your homes and the way you travel. In fact, how you travel and the way you communicate with each other will change too. These are just a few examples of the changes you all are bringing forth. Deep within your subconscious you are aware of this, because you chose to be on earth during this amazing time.
In early 2024 we spoke of the next cycle of life that spans roughly the next 20 years. The first few years of this cycle have to be about radical change, some upheaval and chaos as things that are no longer valid for you in your evolving state of being surface to be acknowledged, accepted as old energy, and appreciated for what insights and growth they offered you. Those are necessary steps so that as a collective consciousness, you can choose to allow that which is old to clear out of the Akashic records, opening to the flow of higher vibrational energy, the energy of the unknown. As a human, this energy is new to you in every way. As an infinite soul, it is what you know to be true and real. All of the work that you have done up until this moment has been in preparation for what is next.
So we invite you to be very aware of your perception of things: Your thoughts, words and actions; your home life and who you influence and who influences you; your community and your world. One of your more deeply ingrained patterns is to judge yourselves and others for their choices. In choosing to shift your perception, you are in effect choosing to accept others regardless of their beliefs, and something as simple as that has a profound effect on the collective consciousness. Every single person affects the consciousness of All, and this leads to the tipping point that you all chose to be here for.
You all know that what you offer to the universe is what you then receive back. So what are you offering to the universe?
The speed at which things are manifesting in your life is only increasing, while all of the old patterns, beliefs and karmic indebtedness are clearing out of your Akashic records. It absolutely can be challenging if you allow it to be. That is a choice, and some of you thrive on challenges. Each of you plays a role and you are all playing your roles beautifully; each and everyone of you, no matter what role you have chosen. And yes, you are able to change your role any time you wish. You have free will because you are the one who created your existence. You had help, and all of that help started in unconditional love, or Grace. You all exist in Grace. It has never been different nor will it be. What is changing is your perception and perspective of yourselves.
So in this time of great shifts and changes, embrace the unknown, recognize your own ability to consciously choose how you exist in this moment of Now. From our perspective, it is truly wondrous to witness your growth as you move towards Mastership.
Until next time, we leave you with a few things to contemplate:
What is an illusion erodes, what is real is eternal. You are eternal.
The unknown is where you discover yourself and this is exactly what you are doing.
by Valerie Sargent | Sep 30, 2024
September introduced an influx of very high vibrational light and energy. You are truly in the unknown now, and it serves you well to embrace it.
From now on, changes are occurring very rapidly, due in part to the recent ingress of energy and light.
You are the other reason changes are happening. You are responsible for the vibrational version of earth that you are existing on and this is of the utmost importance as you move forward.
There are myriad versions of earth, just like there are myriad versions of you, existing in what you know as the past, present and future. Remove the time aspect and you will recognize that everything in existence is happening Now. This means that in each moment, you are choosing via your thoughts, words and actions, which vibrational version of earth you are existing on. Do you realize the empowerment and the conscious responsibility that is available to you?
From that perspective, you are quite ready for the energy that you are now integrating as it is the energy that sets the tone for the next 15-20 years.
Take a moment and think about what you experience daily. Every experience you have is designed by you, for you. Everything that you encounter in your daily existence is not about you, everything that you encounter is for you. What might you gain from whatever it is that you are experiencing in the present moment? In this moment, you are receiving the energy of this transmission, and if it resonates with who you know yourself to be, then you are allowing the energy to integrate into your own energy field, which includes your physical body. Being in stillness is also an experience because being in stillness offers you the opportunity to know yourSelf better, to acquaint yourself more deeply with Who You Are.
All of this is to offer you the experience of living this life in the present moment, in the awareness that you always get to choose how you feel. You are the only one who can alter your vibration. You are remembering that you are not a victim, you are not powerless in facing your external reality. You are manifesting the experiences that your higher mind knows are beneficial for you, for your growth and spiritual evolution. As you settle more fully into this truth, your perception shifts may be quite dramatic as you recognize that old beliefs, patterns and karmic energy no longer serve you. Sometimes that is the experience that is necessary for you to finally allow old energy to fall away.
You still perceive yourselves as separate from each other, given the nature of the world you live in, yet you also consciously recognize that you are all One. Your experiences have been leading you to this awareness for many years now, and this awareness affects your personal life, your community, your country and the world. What is happening everywhere reflects the experiences you all are having, as a whole. We remind you that you came here in order to experience exactly what you are experiencing in this life; the major changes not only in your personal life but on a global level.
You choose the vibrational version of the earth you live on in every single moment via your thoughts, words and actions. Everything already exists, and everything is happening now. Use your beautiful and powerful imagination to manifest the world you choose to live in. There is so much more that we will share with you about this in the coming months, and you are invited to play with this, allowing the energy of October to support you in your endeavors.
You have come so far in your awareness and we wish for you to acknowledge and appreciate yourselves for the work you are doing. You are doing this for yourself and for everyone, and it has brought you fully into the unknown, which is ripe with potential. It is all right here, available to you right now. Embrace the unknown, and embrace Who You Are in this moment. Say Yes to the experiences because they are always a gift from yourself to yourself.
by Valerie Sargent | Aug 30, 2024
Every day brings growth, opportunity, and the gifts of deeper self awareness and freedom from lifetimes of old energetic patterns, beliefs, definitions and karmic discord.
Every day is a step up the ladder in your journey through this experience of life in a physical body, and each step up represents your growing ability to sustain a higher vibrational state of Being.
Your state of Being is what creates your experience. You know this now, and as you continue on your journey you are always more aware of the importance of each previous step. You know that the most powerful words that you can speak are “I AM” because those words immediately bring you into the present moment, the only moment there is, and where you are at your most empowered.
Today we offer you another step, another tool to use in order to integrate the energies of August and September. We call this step the 4 A’s: Acknowledge, Accept, Appreciate and Allow. You can use the 4 A’s in any situation or circumstance you find yourself in. As an example, we invite you to bring your awareness into the present moment. State aloud “I am who I am, and it is enough.” It is helpful, but not necessary, to look into a mirror as you say these words. You might notice the impact and power of speaking to yourself in this way. Continue with “I acknowledge myself,” pausing to allow the energy of the words to settle. Follow with “I accept myself exactly as I am.” (Pause) “I appreciate myself, and all that I bring to the world.” Finally, “I allow myself to trust my highest self, and I allow my highest self to guide me.” These words are a guideline, trust that you will know what words to speak to yourself because you will feel the impact of them. Repeat often.
Repeating this exercise reinforces the new neural pathway you are creating in your brain, which is directly connected to your central nervous system. Repetition also moves energy, generating feelings that are ready to be acknowledged and addressed. This will change how you perceive yourself, which changes how you perceive the people and the world around you. Your thoughts, words and actions carry greater impact in the coming months and into the beginning of 2025 because of the work that you have been doing to deepen your awareness of Self.
You are also becoming more aware of your parallel lives. All of existence is in the Now moment, meaning nothing is in the past or in the future. The human brain may not be able to fully comprehend this and that is OK. Your higher mind/self knows this and the more you allow yourself to be guided by the higher mind/self, the less your brain has to work to try to figure it all out. When you look into a mirror and you say “I am in acceptance of myself” (or any of the other 4A’s) imagine that you are looking at yourself in a parallel lifetime in which you are existing in the 5th dimension. You are invited to play with this and observe how you feel, and what you might be able to perceive in that higher vibrational reflection of yourself. These steps are meant to build upon those that we (and many others) have been sharing with you over time.
September brings a change of seasons, which is a perfect time to be aware of what definitions, beliefs and patterns no longer serve your highest and best. You have been able to clear karmic discord for about 10 years now, and each time you choose to acknowledge old energy, recognizing that it no longer serves you, you are clearing the energy within your Akashic Records. This is powerful because that old energy is no longer in your parallel lives. It is no longer in your cellular memory. The old energy no longer has power over you and it no longer festers in your body. You are in effect, purging your Akashic Records, something that you previously have not had the power or ability to do. We understand the life altering implications of this and wish to energetically impart this to you through this transmission. The words you are reading carry energy. When reading this (and other) transmissions they resonate with you or they do not. Trust what you feel as that is your higher self letting you know if something is helpful and meaningful to your growth and evolution.
We say it often, but it truly is an exciting time to be alive on your planet because you are creating great changes that affect everything and everyone. Everyone that is alive on your planet plays a role in the changes that you are here to experience because the changes that you are making would not happen without everyone playing their part. As you accept yourselves and each other, the truth becomes very apparent. Welcome to the new energy, the new earth.
by Valerie Sargent | Jul 31, 2024
August energy is powerful, transformative and it affects everyone and everything. You are always receiving energy. The difference is that you are now in a place of empowerment and at a level of awareness where you are able to consciously choose how this energy affects you and what you are able to do with it.
Please understand that this is a level of conscious responsibility that you have not had before. It is very different from the old energy of responsibility because this new energy is the highest vibration that your physical body is able to integrate. The old feelings of responsibility have their roots in lifetime after lifetime of what you have been told you have to do or be in order to be loved and accepted. You are done with that, and are ready for this new level of conscious responsibility. It is of the utmost importance that you move forward in this energy from a deep place of trusting your Highest Self, as your Highest Self will always lead you to the highest vibrational path available to you. The path that your Highest Self nudges you to follow each and every day may look very different than any choice you have made prior to this time, or it may look the same but feel very different.
The feelings that you have in your heart and solar plexus are the ones that resonate at the vibratory level of your Highest Self. Each and every day you are becoming more attuned to what feels good from a heart centered perspective, and you are invited to trust this, to trust your Highest Self.
How you choose to allow this energy to affect you and use it is the next step in your evolution as a spiritual being in human form. You are here to affect change as well as to be changed. It has been a complicated process so far only because your ego/mind cannot fully understand it, and there is a fear of having your mind blown so to speak. Now is the time to allow your mind to expand, knowing and trusting that you do not have to understand everything. Simply be in the flow, trusting the feelings in your heart and solar plexus
August brings in what many of you call the Lion’s Gate Portal energy. Each year this energy is amplified, and each year you are better able to integrate the amplification, choosing how it moves through your physical form and how you will then amplify it and share it with the world.
As an example, each of you carries the vibration of healing. There are many who have been using this energy for their highest and best and for the highest and best of others for years with various results, all of them based on human beliefs. You all have this energy within you. It is not about needing to use it, it is simply an awareness that it is there, available to you. As you choose how the energy of August moves through you, you are invited to recognize the vibration of “healing” available to you. You are able to make the conscious choice to accept and integrate the vibration of “healing” for your own highest and best. In accepting this vibrational energy, you carry it in your frequency and you are then able to offer the vibrational energy of healing to others. Understand that you are not healing others with it, you are offering them the vibration with the invitation to accept it themselves. There are some who will very gratefully accept the invitation and others who will not, and that is how it should be. There are some people who at some level, do not want to or are not ready to accept healing because not healing brings them certain experiences that they chose to have. This is their choice. Everyone is here playing roles that affect their lives, their circles of influence, and the world.
August energy is one of deeper empowerment. The ability to choose how the energy affects you and how you use it is a very important step in your ascension journey as well as a very important step in how you move forward as a collective on your planet.
You get to choose how things change.
You get to choose how You change.
Because you are All That Is, the changes you choose affect you as well as the world.
Changes are happening faster now, because everything is happening faster. You have believed in time as a line, a continuum, but as your awareness expands, time seems to speed up. What is really happening is more of a physics phenomenon. You are able to comprehend that your past lives are in fact parallel, and when you are in the present moment, your awareness of time is circular, even spiral in nature. You have access to the information from all of your parallel lives because the information is moving in a spiral around you as you exist in the present moment. Imagine being able to pluck helpful information from your parallel lives by bringing yourself into the present moment, settling into the feeling nature of gratitude for what you choose to know. This opens the flow of your own energy so that you are able to “connect” with your other lifetimes. It takes practice, and many of you are well on your way to mastering this.
You are able to use this to deeply connect to lifetimes of acceptance, abundance and peace for instance, connecting to the energy of those existences through the vibration of gratitude, love, compassion (Grace). This is how you manifest it in your world. It is all there for you, and this is your lifetime to claim it.
The amplification in energy affects your thoughts, words and actions. Your voice carries a frequency, and when you are in alignment with your Highest Self, your voice emits the vibration of that alignment. It is an invitation to others to align with that high vibration. Notice how you feel when others’ speak. You are connecting to the frequency their voice emits, and either accepting an invitation or recognizing that you do not resonate with it. Making the conscious choice to step out of judgment and choose whether or not to respond is an example of this deeper empowerment and conscious responsibility.
Deeper empowerment: You are ready for it, and it is just another step in your journey of remembering Who and What You Are. Between now and the end of your calendar year there will be many changes, and you are the ones who affect those changes. Deeper empowerment and conscious responsibility are your gifts from yourself to yourself and we are honored to remind you of this.