The End of 2024

As you come to the end of another year, it is always a good time to pause and reflect on how you have grown, changed, evolved and expanded your awareness. Even if you do not think that you have, you have. This is how you chose to experience this particular aspect of your awareness.

You do not have a soul, your soul has a body. You ARE your soul; that is your natural state of being. You have chosen to have the experience of living as a very limited aspect of your Self in order to have the experiences that you have been having so that you could learn compassion, unconditional love, acceptance, and grace.

Don’t all souls already know these things? Yes. What all souls do not know is the experience of livingevery aspect of love, peace, compassion, acceptance and grace within a very limited physical existence. This existence on earth is your soul’s opportunity to experience the dark as well as the light; the yin and the yang, hatred as well as love.


To have the experience. As pure Source energy, you only know Grace. As anything other than pure Source energy, you gain the experience of everything else, and that offers you the very profound experience of finding your way back to Grace: Unconditional love, acceptance, peace, compassion.

Experiencing every feeling, every emotion, and experiencing the effects of every feeling and emotion in other people is so profound, yet unavailable to you as pure Source energy. So you chose to condense some of the energy that you are into the illusion of being separate individuals who are existing in multiple dimensions at once, experiencing the plethora of all that is.

What a wondrous experience it is! There is an invitation in this moment, for you to shift your perception of yourselves yet again. In doing so, you allow yourself an even deeper recognition of who and what you are.

You are always taking yourselves to a higher level of conscious awareness and as you do, you are invited to make peace with all of your choices: The ones you have made in your own life as well as the ones you have made as a collective.

The world you live in is of your own creation. You are constantly manifesting your external reality in every moment, and this new level of consciousness allows this awareness to integrate more fully into your cells.

We have spoken many times of your High Self, which is the You that knows all. It is the You that you have been finding your way back to for many, many lifetimes and this is your lifetime to complete it. This requires making peace with every decision, every choice you have ever made as an individual and as a collective.

You do this by accepting yourself, and everyone else, exactly as you and they are. The very deep and profound changes that have been happening on your planet will continue to happen as you clear the energy of judgment. You are finding your way back to your true, authentic selves, and right now, that is still relatively unknown to you. Yet here you are, on the precipice of the unknown.

Your perception of the state of the world you live in is very important because whatever you perceive is showing you what you are or are not in alignment with. You then get to choose what dimension of earth you choose to live on.

You are not changing your world, you are changing yourself. In changing yourself, you are putting yourself into the illusion of a dimension of earth that reflects your current state of being.

By making peace with every choice and every decision you have ever made, you are clearing old energy out of your Akashic Records throughout every existence as well as raising your vibration to match the vibration of a dimension of earth that reflects your current state of being. You are changing yourself, and you are the only one who is able to do this. That last statement is profound in its simplicity as well as in its power.

Until next time, we leave these statements for your contemplation:

~You have the key to your own freedom.

~You are here to achieve earthly enlightenment.

~Everyone in your life is there as a reflection of you.

The amount of support you have from us is constant because we are all the same Source consciousness energy and we recognize how your growth affects all of existence. We also love you unconditionally.

Your Next Steps

Every day brings growth, opportunity, and the gifts of deeper self awareness and freedom from lifetimes of old energetic patterns, beliefs, definitions and karmic discord.

Every day is a step up the ladder in your journey through this experience of life in a physical body, and each step up represents your growing ability to sustain a higher vibrational state of Being.

Your state of Being is what creates your experience. You know this now, and as you continue on your journey you are always more aware of the importance of each previous step. You know that the most powerful words that you can speak are “I AM” because those words immediately bring you into the present moment, the only moment there is, and where you are at your most empowered.

Today we offer you another step, another tool to use in order to integrate the energies of August and September. We call this step the 4 A’s: Acknowledge, Accept, Appreciate and Allow. You can use the 4 A’s in any situation or circumstance you find yourself in. As an example, we invite you to bring your awareness into the present moment. State aloud “I am who I am, and it is enough.” It is helpful, but not necessary, to look into a mirror as you say these words. You might notice the impact and power of speaking to yourself in this way. Continue with “I acknowledge myself,” pausing to allow the energy of the words to settle.  Follow with “I accept myself exactly as I am.” (Pause) “I appreciate myself, and all that I bring to the world.” Finally, “I allow myself to trust my highest self, and I allow my highest self to guide me.” These words are a guideline, trust that you will know what words to speak to yourself because you will feel the impact of them. Repeat often.

Repeating this exercise reinforces the new neural pathway you are creating in your brain, which is directly connected to your central nervous system. Repetition also moves energy, generating feelings that are ready to be acknowledged and addressed. This will change how you perceive yourself, which changes how you perceive the people and the world around you. Your thoughts, words and actions carry greater impact in the coming months and into the beginning of 2025 because of the work that you have been doing to deepen your awareness of Self.

You are also becoming more aware of your parallel lives. All of existence is in the Now moment, meaning nothing is in the past or in the future. The human brain may not be able to fully comprehend this and that is OK. Your higher mind/self knows this and the more you allow yourself to be guided by the higher mind/self, the less your brain has to work to try to figure it all out. When you look into a mirror and you say “I am in acceptance of myself” (or any of the other 4A’s) imagine that you are looking at yourself in a parallel lifetime in which you are existing in the 5th dimension. You are invited to play with this and observe how you feel, and what you might be able to perceive in that higher vibrational reflection of yourself. These steps are meant to build upon those that we (and many others) have been sharing with you over time.

September brings a change of seasons, which is a perfect time to be aware of what definitions, beliefs and patterns no longer serve your highest and best. You have been able to clear karmic discord for about 10 years now, and each time you choose to acknowledge old energy, recognizing that it no longer serves you, you are clearing the energy within your Akashic Records. This is powerful because that old energy is no longer in your parallel lives. It is no longer in your cellular memory. The old energy no longer has power over you and it no longer festers in your body. You are in effect, purging your Akashic Records, something that you previously have not had the power or ability to do. We understand the life altering implications of this and wish to energetically impart this to you through this transmission. The words you are reading carry energy. When reading this (and other) transmissions they resonate with you or they do not. Trust what you feel as that is your higher self letting you know if something is helpful and meaningful to your growth and evolution.

We say it often, but it truly is an exciting time to be alive on your planet because you are creating great changes that affect everything and everyone. Everyone that is alive on your planet plays a role in the changes that you are here to experience because the changes that you are making would not happen without everyone playing their part. As you accept yourselves and each other, the truth becomes very apparent. Welcome to the new energy, the new earth.

April Energy

The rough seas will calm as the storm wears itself out. 

2024 is a year of change, and the kind of changes we speak of are more fundamental as they will help you individually and as a collective, form a new template for moving forward.

Before change can occur, the old foundations have to be dismantled, or in some cases, to crumble. When this happens it can be very challenging because it is literally hard to find your footing.

Yet here you are, finding your way as your world changes before you. 

Please take a moment and acknowledge yourself and your ability to be in the flow of change.
There is great importance in acknowledging yourself, whether you have felt fear, doubt, frustration, sadness, or exhilaration and joy at what is happening in your life and in your world.
When you acknowledge yourself, it is the first step towards accepting things as they are, right now. It is the first step towards accepting yourself exactly as you are, right now.

There are major energetic shifts that occur when you do this, and the energy of these shifts radiates into your energy field now, but also throughout all of your existences. It is simply how things work now at your level of empowerment and awareness.

Through raising your vibration, you have the ability to step into higher vibrational timelines where there is for example, more peace, abundance and prosperity in your life. Everything exists, and you have experienced all of it, so you are able to imagine the life you choose to live. Through settling into the feeling nature of that which you desire, you are offering the universe the electromagnetic energy of the cellular memory of it, giving it matter. You are literally making it into matter, or manifesting it into your life. 

The vibration that you hold directly corresponds to that which you are manifesting.

You are currently in a time of recognizing that you are able to move into different timelines while you are simultaneously creating new templates out of crumbling old foundations. This can be confusing and frustrating as you find your footing in this very new way of being.

Rest assured that you are exactly where you are supposed to be.

Everyone is at their own level of awareness, and none are wrong or bad. There are those that have chosen to stay in old energy in order to play certain roles, and in order to help those of you who are here to step through the door into unknown, new energy. 

Ultimately you are all helping each other even though sometimes it doesn’t seem that way.

By acknowledging yourself and where you are right now, you are moving into acceptance, and acceptance is what removes obstacles.

By accepting yourself you are removing self judgment. When you no longer judge yourself it is much easier to recognize when you are judging others. You have the ability to make the conscious choice to recognize judgment and step away from it and into acceptance. That choice expands and amplifies the light in your energy field, which has an effect on everyone and everything around you.

Simply being in acceptance of yourself or another raises your vibration, offering you a stepping stone into a higher vibrational timeline where judgment does not exist.

Do you understand how empowering and life changing this is for you?

This is one of the many reasons that you are here.

April brings another energy shift that is supportive of all that you are moving through right now. Every time you recognize a deeper level of awareness within yourself you are connecting more strongly and fully to your Source Consciousness. Every time that you connect more fully to your Source Consciousness you shine your own light on something buried even more deeply within that is ready to be revealed, acknowledged, accepted and then released, never to return. It is a process that will continue in some form, until you are no longer in a physical body, yet you have already grown so much that you move through this process much faster than you used to.

You already know how to expedite the process, and that is a wonderful thing to remember!

2024 will continue to be full of surprises, and you are invited to open your heart and mind even further, letting go of expectations of how things will go. Relax Into the flow of expectancy and acceptance of all that is, right now, and remember that you get to consciously choose how you feel about all of it. 

Your vibration is your responsibility, not anyone else’s.

Your vibration reflects the energy within you and affects the energy around you.

Claim your empowerment as you acknowledge yourself and the work you have done up to this moment. The energy of April supports you in this as the door opens even further, allowing you access to more light, deeper awareness and the insights and inspiration to manifest something new and wonderful for yourself and your world. You have an opportunity to remember that you chose to be here and play your part in this consciousness shift. 

The old ego generated thought pattern was to be angry and judgmental about what was happening and to formulate a plan from that energy. The difference now is that more of you are awakened to your Source Consciousness and are able to form plans generated by acceptance and compassion. This is the energy from which you move forward into the next moment of Now, which is truly the only moment there is.

It is with deep love that we acknowledge Who You Are.

To Be in the Present Moment

You are remembering how to Be in the present moment, the only moment there is. 

Being present still may not feel comfortable, but the more you allow yourself to Be in the present, the more you’ll connect to the “memory” of it. The memory of Being has been overridden by the belief that you must always be doing something and that it must be productive. You have also been taught that thinking about the past and being worried about the future keeps you motivated to do all that you need to do. Those beliefs have served you over myriad lifetimes including this one, and they’re now old energy. We are not saying that you should not be productive. We are simply reminding you that Being present is just as important, and it is necessary for your wellbeing. 

Finding balance within and recognizing that how you survived in the past is changing, Remembering how empowering it is to be present is where your focus is now. 

You carry the memory of everything within you, and these memories don’t reside in your brain. The energy of these memories resides in your DNA, and until recently, that DNA was called “junk.” What used to be called junk is now coming online for you and as it does it is awakening the cellular memories of every experience that you can imagine. What we call your Source DNA is designed to awaken within you now. 

This does not necessarily mean that you will remember every past life, although some of you are remembering bits and pieces of things that you may not be able to explain. What some of you are feeling, and more of you will start to feel are the emotions, the feelings associated with these memories. Many of you are experiencing aspects of these memories in your dreams, and as you evolve your brain will not have to try so hard to make sense of what your soul is experiencing in multiple dimensions at one time. 

You’ll just know. 

“Just knowing” means that you are allowing what is occurring to occur without actively resisting it. It also means that you are in acceptance of the changes that you are moving through physically and spiritually and that you trust the knowing of Who and What you are.

October energy was supportive of stepping into new experiences and many of these experiences involved stepping out of what is known to you and into situations that offered you the opportunity to trust your intuition more than you may have before. Some of this may have been uncomfortable at first. 

New experiences may have shown up as ideas, or the feeling of potentiality that may not have been open to you previously. Each of you will experience new energy in your own way, a way designed by you prior to your incarnation into this lifetime. You will find that as you embrace this energy more fully, others step forward to help you to shape and manifest the potential into something that matters. 

You are literally making things matter through your willingness to step into the energy of new experiences. You do this by being present in the moment, as this is when you are in your empowerment and able to recognize new energy. You cannot do this while regretting the past or being worried about the future.

You are ready for this, and this is the way forward for you. It is a different way of existing in a physical body because so much more of your spiritual self is becoming more apparent. Seeking balance and alignment is important because your physical body is working hard to adjust to the changes that are happening continuously. (Some would say relentlessly, but that is a perspective, and one that can be changed anytime through making a choice.)

As information within your DNA comes online, it is activating the neural pathways in your brain and nervous system, clearing out the dense energy of old patterns and beliefs, and you are remembering how to respond from this new alignment within you. Your old “go to” was to react from a constricted nervous system that was always in some form of fight or flight mode. This has taxed your body for many lifetimes, and now your body is remembering how to respond instead of react. You are able to assist yourself in this by being present, grateful to and for your body, and from that state of being, invite your cells to regenerate with no memory of trauma. You are consciously and lovingly directing the energy of your body to do something that it does automatically. This is a very big step in the awareness of your own empowerment.

The ability to respond is generated through being present which is when you are able to choose how you feel. Reacting is generated by a nervous system that is stressed and poised for fight or flight, constantly revisiting the past and worried about what is next.

Your body knows how to respond instead of react, and you are actively participating in this realignment by Being present.

You have grown so much in the last years, and it is beautiful to witness. 

You are continuing to grow into your full potential, which the human ego cannot truly comprehend. In order to begin to comprehend it, you have to leave the mind and be in your heart. In many ways you are “losing your mind.” That is a figure of speech but it is also a fairly accurate way to describe the process that you are moving very quickly through. As you incrementally let go of old energy and are in the present enough to be open to new ideas, you are expanding neural pathways and in some cases, creating new ones. The old “stuff” is released through areas of your brain like the occipital and parietal lobes. This allows for more brain space for broader, more expansive perception. Your pineal gland has a more open connection to other areas of your brain, so your perceptions of your inner and outer world expand. You are literally able to perceive more than you ever have. This process opens your inner and dream worlds as well. You all experience this rapid expansiveness in different ways and we invite you to be in acceptance of how you experience your growing expansiveness. Acceptance itself is expansive, where resistance is constrictive, restricting the scope and freedom of action; the action of your ever expanding Self.

You are invited to Be in acceptance of your beautiful, miraculous ever expanding Self in the present moment. So much is occurring for you in this time, and it is beautiful to witness the awakening of your Source DNA.