by Valerie Sargent | Dec 22, 2023
It is all about You right now.
The words “I AM” are the most powerful words that you can utter, and right now is the perfect time to deepen into this practice.
Whatever words follow I AM are going out into the multiverse as well as into all of time and you are now able to shift the energy of every existence with those words.
Read that again and recognize the truth in that statement.
Much has shifted as you are completing a very long cycle and beginning a new one. This new cycle spans the next 10-15 year phase of your life, and for the past handful of years you have been creating a new template in preparation for this time.
Within the next decade your life will become very different.
The world will be different.
You are manifesting this now, and have been doing so for many years.
There is still work to be done, and if you are here now you are doing the work necessary to manifest great change.
Look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are beautiful. You are complete. You are love. You are grace embodied. You are Source incarnated. You are amazing: Able to amaze yourself and others in love guided and life altering ways.
As you do this, notice how you feel, notice the way your body responds.
Accept how you feel, and continue to declare to yourself and the universe how magnificent you are.
When you do this, you are altering the structure of your cells at the atomic level.
We cannot state this more emphatically.
You are here now to shift the consciousness of humanity, and in doing so, it shifts the energy throughout time and space.
You are a part of All that is, so the changes you instigate affect All.
There is so much love for you from all of us.
by Valerie Sargent | Nov 30, 2023
For the second time in this year of transition, you are receiving an influx of high intensity, very high energy cosmic light that is entering your galaxy for the very first time. This particular cosmic light is one that is not identifiable by science.
What it means for you is the end of a very long cycle that includes oppression and subjugation.
You are constantly in cycles as they overlap, and whatever it is that you are integrating and releasing at any moment is going to coincide with whatever is next for your highest and best.
2023 has been a year of often intense transition, and December energy is coming in strong to help clear out all that is left.
This doesn’t mean that oppression and subjugation are gone from your world, but with the end of this cycle, many of the deepest roots of it are no longer embedded in the earth and within your subconscious.
This is very good news for you.
You have been evolving so rapidly that in many ways, you don’t even know you are changing. It is easy to fall back into old belief patterns and look at the world from the old perspectives, and this is to be expected because you are human, and you carry within you the cellular memory of old programming, beliefs, etc.
Yet you are now cognizant of your Highest self and you heed your soul’s guidance more now than you ever have and that changes how you perceive yourself and the world around you.
You are ready for this very high energy cosmic light.
Your body can handle it now because your DNA and the mitochondria in your cells have released so much dense energy and are now not only holding more light, but creating more light.
Yes, you are creating light.
You are altering your energy field every time you choose to raise your vibration and connect to your own God/Source frequency.
Your energy field extends into the world around you, and effectively manifests a higher vibrational reality for you. You are literally altering the energy around you at every moment by amplifying your light.
This is empowerment and it is yours.
2024 will be the year that this awareness within the shared consciousness of humanity starts to manifest in your world.
Combined with the deeper releasing of oppression and subjugation, this awareness invites in the level of consciousness that supports a 5D timeline.
You are doing what you came here to do!
The 12/12 portal energy is amplified by this cosmic light, and it will bring big changes in your world; including the beginning of the 5D manifestations that you have been dreaming of.
There are many who have been working diligently behind the scenes to help people prepare for the changes that 2024 will begin to bring in and if you are reading this, you are one of them.
2024 is the start of true New Energy.
In many ways it is the beginning of a very large new cycle that sets the tone for the next 15 years or so; the beginning of a new era.
The exciting thing for you as humans is that you get to manifest what your heart desires in this new, very beautiful cycle.
You are ready to do this. You have worked very hard to expand your consciousness, embracing ego and all of the aspects of yourself, including the shadow aspects. In doing the inner work, you recognize all that is no longer serving you and your fellow humans, and you are making the choice to be open to new energy, new ideas, and a new world.
This next cycle will span a number of years as the extended roots of oppression and subjugation are loosened and released with Grace. While this is happening, there will be more pockets of joy, more opportunities to witness growth and change within yourselves and your world. You chose to be here to participate in this shift and to experience it firsthand. It is always a choice.
Embrace this high vibrational light, aware that it is changing your cellular structure, and in doing so, offering you a deeper, more cognizant level of awareness. Moving forward from this moment of now is different, new, and exciting. Trust what your soul is telling you through how you feel. What you choose to do in the next moment may be very different from what you chose a year ago, or 10 years ago. We invite you to embrace the unknown because the unknown is what you came here to experience. You already know the past, and of all that is now old energy.
Welcome to the end of a very old cycle, and the beginning of all that is new.
You are always held in the energy of Grace.
by Valerie Sargent | Feb 1, 2023
Even though 2023 has only just begun, you are well on your way energetically. You have already moved through some rather intense solar flares, 2 energetic portals, and currently there is a very strong forward momentum that may make it feel as if things are moving very fast. Many things are occurring now that your conscious awareness is recognizing.
The illusion that time is speeding up is only an illusion if you are still thinking of time as something that is a constant. The truth is that you are much more aware of your multidimensionality now. The feeling that time is moving faster is real in that you are existing in all of your timelines at once and your conscious awareness is expanding to recognize this.
You are feeling things very deeply now because your expanding consciousness is responding to experiences in other timelines. You may not remember or have the conscious awareness of an experience in another timeline, but your soul does, and at some level, your heart (and in some cases, even your mind) recognizes the energy of that experience, so you may feel a deep emotional response to a seemingly small trigger.
Your sleep cycles may be disrupted, and you may be dreaming more, or more vividly. This is another aspect of your ever expanding awareness, bringing greater detail of other existences to your consciousness.
It is so fascinating!
There is no slowing down now, and that is exactly how you chose it to be.
As your consciousness and therefore your awareness is expanding, you are also recognizing patterns, beliefs and deep programming that no longer serve you. The intense light and energy that you are receiving vibrates loose the deeply embedded programming that is in your DNA which allows for the re-pairing of your DNA. There is nothing to be fixed; your DNA is being re-paired with your Source consciousness, and in this process, the old programming sloughs off like old skin. Seems simple enough, yet the old programming is deeply ingrained in your cellular memory and in your energy field, and anything that deeply embedded can often be painful to extract.
So you are feeling the effects of lifetimes of societal and cultural programming being shaken loose from the very core of you.
Acceptance of this process and kindness and compassion for yourselves and each other are what will help you the most.
Acceptance is a major aspect of Grace. Without it, you cannot truly heal, you cannot truly be free. Without acceptance you are always judging yourself, and when you are judging yourself you will always come up short. Being human is about being unique and having experiences. If you were all exactly alike, there would be no growth, and it would radically reduce the experiences you would have. You’ve already experienced that as Source. You have been and encompassed All That Is, so you chose to experience being something different.
You are simply finding your way back now. And again, you chose to do this.
The undoing of societal and cultural programming is what you are moving through in earnest now. The old programs are not bad, they are the experiences that you, as individuals and as a collective consciousness have chosen to be free of now. They no longer serve your expanding awareness of Who You Are so you are in the process of undoing them.
There are many who judge them as bad or corrupt, but as you move through this process it is important for you to remember that your perception of everything is what is showing up as your reality. So you can judge old programming is bad, or you can simply be grateful as you move forward, that you are releasing it.
Your vibration is yours to monitor and control. No one else can do that for you, nor would you want them to. Part of the old programming involves the belief that others in your life and in your world dictate how you feel.
Remember that you have superpowers: Your ability to choose how you feel in any moment, and being in the feeling nature of any aspect of Grace: Acceptance, peace, compassion, love, gratitude, joy, etc.
Your superpower changes your life.
Changing your life affects those around you.
That affects your circle of influence.
Your circle of influence is much greater than you know.
That is how you contribute to the shift in consciousness.
February is a month of undoing deep programming. You chose to move through the process of awakening, or enlightenment in this way: Coming to earth as human, and moving through a timeline of awakening, until you leave this physical incarnation. There will always be an integration and healing process for as long as you are in this body, and it does get easier as you continue to awaken, or enlighten. You are receiving light that affects the cellular structure of your body and your DNA, so you are indeed becoming enlightened. The awakening is the process of waking from the amnesia of not remembering Who and What You Are.
The joy and the excitement of it is in the journey, the process of re-membering, so if you are able to recognize that truth, choose to shift your perception from pain and suffering to excitement, gratitude and even joy. It behooves you to do so, and in choosing the higher vibrational feeling, you are inviting those around you to do the same.
That is how you contribute to the enlightenment of the world.
We see you for Who You Are and invite you to always see yourselves as that.
by Valerie Sargent | Jan 1, 2023
You are in the process of aligning with your God Self, aligning with Grace.
What this means is that you are in effect, no longer who and what you have believed yourself to be.
Your ego will dispute this until the day that you leave your physical body, but your heart knows this as truth.
In this moment, your heart is communicating this truth to you as you are reading this, and that is your soul’s way of sharing this truth with you.
To leave the old self and blossom into something as yet unknown to you takes courage. You have that courage, which is why you are here, now.
Awakening is the term you have chosen to use, but it is more like a death and a rebirth, and in every other lifetime, you had to physically die and be reborn in order to achieve the inner changes that are occurring within you now. Your inner changes are affecting your external reality. They have been for some time now, hence the chaos.
Things will continue to change as you enter into this new cycle/new year.Coming into alignment with your God Self requires the untangling of lifetimes worth of old energy, and many of you have been feeling it acutely as the last year came to a close. For some it may have felt like a constriction, a tightening that was forcing pressure to build within you.
As 2023 unfolds you will feel it loosening as you feel more comfortable finding your footing on your new template. Your template feels very different from the old foundations. It fully supports you while offering flexibility and fluidity. You have a lot more freedom in your new template.
2023 is new energy, unlike anything you have experienced as a human.
Are you curious? Curiosity is an aspect of Grace, and if you allow yourself to be curious, you will feel the excitement of it.
Add the feeling nature of curiosity to the acceptance of yourself and the gratitude that you feel every day, and you immediately expand your energy field to receive the potential that awaits in the high vibrational energy of your new template.
This is how you move forward now; in alignment with Grace, and fearless, because you know Who You Are. You are creating your external reality through your high vibrational thoughts, words and actions. You are an empowered Being, reclaiming your freedom from all that no longer serves you.
You can never repeat a year.
You actually never repeat old cycles, you experience versions of them which seem repetitive. 2023 is the year in which you consciously choose to step out of repeating old versions of unhealthy cycles and patterns. You have been practicing this in the last few years, and in last month’s message we introduced co-healing relationships and how they will be replacing co-dependent ones. Co-healing invites you to be consciously aware of being vulnerable and honest in all of your relationships. It will not happen all at once and in every relationship, but it is happening now. Many of you are on your way to working towards co-healing in personal as well as work related relationships, individually and with groups. This is very exciting and we invite you to be curious about it all, as it changes the way you perceive yourself, others, your relationships and ultimately your world.
2023 is a 7 year if you look at it in terms of numerology. There are many ways to interpret 7, but let’s start with seeking. You are all seekers, and in 2023, you will continue to seek, but you will also recognize that you have found much of what you have been seeking, and it is all within you.
What you perceive as reality often hides the fact that it is an illusion and you have recognized that as you continue to trust that when you are in alignment with Grace, your external reality reflects this. Let us say that it doesn’t mean that everything is a walk in the park. You came here to experience every aspect of life including the unpleasant aspects. Yet when you are in alignment with Grace you make everything new via your perception of it starting with yourself. Remember acceptance? Acceptance is a vital part of Grace, and it is necessary for true and real change to happen. Through acceptance, you make everything new because you are saying yes to what IS, Now. You are not stuck in past beliefs, nor are you projecting into the future. Your empowerment exists in the present, through acceptance.
7 is also associated with spiritual awakening, intuition, inner wisdom, knowledge and self awareness; all things that you have been practicing for many years in order to be here now, putting it to use. For yourself and for All.
All of this is necessary for you to move into creating co-healing relationships.
We wish for you to be aware of the great importance of co-healing.
Co-healing is more than stepping out of karmic patterns, beliefs and old energy.
Co-healing changes the way you live together in your world.
Co-healing fosters a deeper oneness consciousness in ways that you have not experienced as humans.
Co-healing offers freedom from co-dependent, damaging relationships that have created wounds that became infected over time.
If you imagine co-healing relationships between communities, states, countries, leaders…It can and will change your world.
This is yet another reason why you are here, now; to change your world.
You chose this.
The most powerful words that you can speak are “I AM.”
We invite you to speak these words aloud now, integrating the energy that is flowing in this transmission.
I AM in alignment with Acceptance.
I AM in alignment with Peace.
I AM in alignment with Love.
I AM in alignment with Gratitude.
I AM in alignment with Curiosity.
I AM in alignment with Grace.
The more you repeat these statements (and add what you feel to them) the more powerful they are. You are an empowered Being, speaking things from the feeling nature of Grace into the universe, and the universe responds.
Embrace this new year, new cycle, new energy! It is a time of rebirth. It is a time of reclamation of your freedom, of your true and authentic God Self.
It is with the deepest love and admiration for you that we wish you Joyous New Energy.