If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?
In reality, your ability to choose a superpower IS a superpower.
You have the ability to choose how you feel at any moment.
Making a choice is a superpower.
We often remind you that Gratitude is your superpower and that will always remain true. Yet you are always making choices: In every moment you choose a thought, a feeling, a way of Being.
Allowing yourself to recognize choice as a superpower elevates your awareness of the choices that you make.
This changes your perspective, which affects how you perceive yourself and the world around you. This is growth, both on a personal and collective level.
In every moment, you are choosing between war and peace.
Think about that for a moment.
Any time you think negatively about yourself, you are waging war on yourself. The same goes for the angry thoughts you sent to the driver who cut you off the other day and the world leader who wages war on another country.
Your thoughts are only growing more powerful as you continue to awaken.
You get to choose your internal and external realities.
When you choose to be at peace with your own body for instance, you are shifting the energy within yourself; within the cells of your body as well as your energy field. Your body will respond. It may not be immediate, but the more you do it, the more you are affecting change within. This choice affects your external reality because your higher vibrational energy is an invitation to those around you to match your higher vibration.
The bigger picture is that you are one with all that is, so when you choose peace, you are connecting to everyone else’s choices of similar vibration and that is when major changes begin to happen. Every thought that you have connects with like thoughts, which then manifest in your external reality. This process is speeding up as you continue to awaken into the deeper knowing of your own Divine Nature.
Conscious Evolution: You have a choice in how you evolve.
This is a very big part of why you incarnated into this lifetime.
Prior to incarnating, you were aware that you were going to awaken to your own Divine Nature.
You were aware that you have been enslaved for eons by and for many beings, things and reasons.
You were aware of the opportunity available to you in this lifetime to consciously choose how you were going to evolve through your awakening to your Divine Nature.
You are doing this by choosing Peace instead of war.
You are doing this by consciously connecting to your natural State of Being, that of Grace.
You are making the choice to consciously raise your vibration to awaken, ascend, and evolve into your true and original Beingness: Source. Goddess. Creator. God.
Choosing how you evolve changes history.
You read that right.
Because you are constantly deepening your awareness of your Divine Nature, your choices have a ripple effect through all of time and space. We have spoken often of your multidimensionality and your growing ability to perceive aspects of yourself that exist in what you call the past and the future. With deepening awareness comes the deepening power of Source/Goddess/Creator/God that is within you.
As a human you could not change the energy of the past. 
As aspects of Source, you are able to shift the energy of the past and the future through conscious and purposeful evolution.
Your thoughts carry electromagnetic energy. You are expanding into your ability to exist in multiple dimensions in any given moment. You are in the process of gaining access to your original Akash, which is the essence of Source Consciousness in your DNA.
You Are That.
The most powerful statement that you can make is “I AM.” The words that follow “I AM” carry immense power. 
This is true Freedom.
Source, Goddess, Creator, God is not enslaved by anyone or anything.
The energy of the first months of 2022 caused many of you to deeply purge anything energetically unhealed within you through illness, emotional upheaval or changes in your life. January and February’s energies carried deeply cleansing aspects that are preparing you for the energy of March.
As the equinox and a new season are upon you, new information may be brought to light. Some of it may be surprising or shocking. We gently remind you that you always get to choose how you feel, and that is empowering and powerful. Choosing peace, compassion, forgiveness and gratitude, and amplifying it out to those around you and the world will change the course of how you move forward as a collective.
This is how you consciously evolve.
You are ready for this.
Be at Peace.