“Clarified Consciousness is Contagious” ( quote from The Akashic Experience by Ervin Laszlo)
New energy floods your awareness in this very moment, yet many of you are still resisting it.
What am I resisting you wonder; I have been working hard to clear, to release, to heal! Yes, you have, and yes there is still resistance.
Because you are afraid. You are afraid of what is new and unknown to you. Let us rephrase that: Your mind/ego is afraid of what is new and unknown to it.
Your soul; that part of you that is Divine and Holy, knows all, and is willing and eager to be free, yet you are still ingrained in the ways of the human, so you still struggle with duality.
Pause and breathe…Bring your awareness inward to the Holiness, the Divinity that dwells within you and take a moment to step into the expansiveness that is You. From that place of expansiveness, use your intention to align to the highest frequency available to you and open to the flow of energy and information that is always present and ever flowing. It helps to use your imagination; seeing and feeling the information as energy and/or light flowing in through the crown chakra.
Here is what we tell you: Information is flowing to and through you constantly regardless of it’s frequency, and you receive the information, effectively raising (or lowering) your frequency to match it.
Frequent and regular alignment to the highest frequency causes your body to entrain to the highest frequency. Entraining to and sustaining the highest frequency available to you limits the lower frequency information that you will receive. The choice is always yours.
Understand that the more aware you are of this process, the more you are able to contribute to the rate at which you expand your awareness by consciously aligning to the highest frequency that is available to you.
We also wish to tell you that everything is energy and information. Your body is comprised of energetic information, it is simply vibrating at a frequency that is able to sustain the force of gravity.
Since your body is information, you are constantly sharing energy and information with others.
What are you sharing? What are you receiving? You have control of these things dear one. Your thoughts and intentions are very powerful.
Let us revisit the fear that many of you still live with.
As your mind and body learn to entrain to the highest frequency through practice, you learn to trust your soul-self. Fears generated by the ego/mind become easily recognizable for what they are, and they lose the power they used to hold. (Power that you gave them.) It is an ongoing process dear one, please release any self judgment that may arise around this. All that you have witnessed, experienced, remembered, and wish that you could forget has brought you to this moment. There is only this moment, and it is the most important moment. What are you sharing and receiving in this moment?
We wish to tell you that you have the right to claim your happiness. It is within you. It has never left you. It is an innate part of you, just as love and harmony are innate to you. Within everyone is harmony and balance. It is not out of your reach.
You chose to be here for this; to remember who and what you are, and to claim your birthright. As you continue to become aware of and to trust your innate Divinity, you begin to fully cognize that everything in existence is energy, and energy can be manipulated. You are witnessing the manipulation of energy daily. If you are empathic, you are able to feel these shifts in energy. We invite you to practice entrainment to the highest frequency with intention, if you are not already doing so. The information contained in the energy of the work that you do is part of the whole, and affects the whole. What are you sharing in this moment?
We are honored to offer you this remembrance, this guidance. We offer it to you with love.