It is all starting to come together, friends. All of the hard work you have been doing, all of the clearing that has been taking place…It is all coming together to bring you to this moment of Now.
As we invite you to become very present in this moment, we wish you to understand that as you read these words, the information that is forthcoming is of a particular vibration; a high frequency vibration. It matters not when you read it, you are still receiving the energy, the encoded information that your soul is desiring you to receive in this moment. This is possible because we are working without the constraints of time and space.
You are existing (living, working, creating) more and more, free of the constraints of time and space. Notice how this manifests in your life. Pause for a moment, and notice what has changed for you in the last year; for some of you, in the last 5-10 years.
The Akashic Field is not knew, but more is being ‘discovered’ about it, making it less mysterious, more accessible. Some refer to the Akashic Field as a kind of supercomputer for the cosmos. Information flows constantly, and you, in your ever expanding state of awareness, are able to ‘receive’ and better yet, understand this information, and how it pertains to you.
Your awakening process effects you physically, mentally and emotionally. Your brain is literally waking up, along with your DNA. You have electrons in every cell of your body, and in your brain, these electrons are part of an electric current that is continuously transmitting and receiving impulses from the Akashic Field. We have spoken before about the importance of the frequency of the information that you broadcast and receive because this information affects you in profound ways. Like thoughts meet like thoughts, building energy and manifesting those thoughts into matter.
You have more conscious control than ever in regards to what you are manifesting as your reality. This helps to explain some of the chaos that you are experiencing in your world: The exponential growth in the awareness of humanity combined with those that are still resisting contributes to the chaos, as many are still immersed in low vibration creations. Many of your prophets and seers could see the ‘end times’, and many feel that there are here for you now. These are indeed end times: the end of forgetfulness. The end of the old way of being. The end of falsities, lies. You are entering the Time of Great Awakening, and in this process, all that is built upon lies must be deconstructed.
This process of deconstruction applies to you as well. All that you thought that you were: All of the labels, stories, learned behaviors are to be deconstructed. This is about getting to the root of You; the True You. Therefore there is often chaos within, as deconstruction is a major undertaking that involves breaking down everything that you thought was true and real.
Freedom is what you are seeking, and freedom is what you will find.
The deconstruction of the self, coinciding with the deconstruction of the world as you know it brings freedom, and Truth.
Now, back to the Akashic Field.
As you de-construct your old patterns and beliefs, shedding all of the lies and labels, you literally clear away lifetimes of old energy from the physical, mental and emotional self. What happens when there is a clear connection? You hear, you see, you speak without distortion. Dear friends, you have lived with distortion for lifetimes. The distortion is clearing, and your electron filled brain is firing: Transmitting and receiving better than it has in the history of your existence as a human. You are able to access and understand with greater clarity, the information in the Akashic Field; the supercomputer of the cosmos. How does this benefit you?
It offers a deeper, clearer understanding of Who You Are, which affects every aspect of your existence. It affects your relationships, it impacts your work, it changes how you perceive everyone else. As you cognize who you are, and begin to experience the effects of this awareness in your life, you witness everyone else in that light. Literally, in that light: The light of your own Divine awareness; your own holiness. This process is how the New World is being re-constructed. It is based on your spiritual recognition of Self and everyone else. Ego has no outstanding role in this new world. You are re-membering your True selves, and your true, Divine selves are soul oriented, not ego based.
Much is changing and much more will come to light in the coming years.
Many of you will have ‘memories’ of other lifetimes and existences, some of them not of earth.
What you consider ‘non-physical’ beings as well as beings from other parts of the cosmos will let themselves ‘be known’ to you as you acclimate to the frequency of the Field. This ‘channeled message’ comes via the Akashic Field in the form of information that is downloaded into the brain of the one writing. She has found it easier to ‘tap into’ the Akashic Field of late, and is open to her work evolving as she deconstructs her own patterns, stepping more into her freedom every day.
You are invited to welcome and embrace change as it knocks on the door of your awareness! This is what you have come here for.