August energy is powerful, transformative and it affects everyone and everything. You are always receiving energy. The difference is that you are now in a place of empowerment and at a level of awareness where you are able to consciously choose how this energy affects you and what you are able to do with it.
Please understand that this is a level of conscious responsibility that you have not had before. It is very different from the old energy of responsibility because this new energy is the highest vibration that your physical body is able to integrate. The old feelings of responsibility have their roots in lifetime after lifetime of what you have been told you have to do or be in order to be loved and accepted. You are done with that, and are ready for this new level of conscious responsibility. It is of the utmost importance that you move forward in this energy from a deep place of trusting your Highest Self, as your Highest Self will always lead you to the highest vibrational path available to you. The path that your Highest Self nudges you to follow each and every day may look very different than any choice you have made prior to this time, or it may look the same but feel very different.
The feelings that you have in your heart and solar plexus are the ones that resonate at the vibratory level of your Highest Self. Each and every day you are becoming more attuned to what feels good from a heart centered perspective, and you are invited to trust this, to trust your Highest Self.
How you choose to allow this energy to affect you and use it is the next step in your evolution as a spiritual being in human form. You are here to affect change as well as to be changed. It has been a complicated process so far only because your ego/mind cannot fully understand it, and there is a fear of having your mind blown so to speak. Now is the time to allow your mind to expand, knowing and trusting that you do not have to understand everything. Simply be in the flow, trusting the feelings in your heart and solar plexus
August brings in what many of you call the Lion’s Gate Portal energy. Each year this energy is amplified, and each year you are better able to integrate the amplification, choosing how it moves through your physical form and how you will then amplify it and share it with the world.
As an example, each of you carries the vibration of healing. There are many who have been using this energy for their highest and best and for the highest and best of others for years with various results, all of them based on human beliefs. You all have this energy within you. It is not about needing to use it, it is simply an awareness that it is there, available to you. As you choose how the energy of August moves through you, you are invited to recognize the vibration of “healing” available to you. You are able to make the conscious choice to accept and integrate the vibration of “healing” for your own highest and best. In accepting this vibrational energy, you carry it in your frequency and you are then able to offer the vibrational energy of healing to others. Understand that you are not healing others with it, you are offering them the vibration with the invitation to accept it themselves. There are some who will very gratefully accept the invitation and others who will not, and that is how it should be. There are some people who at some level, do not want to or are not ready to accept healing because not healing brings them certain experiences that they chose to have. This is their choice. Everyone is here playing roles that affect their lives, their circles of influence, and the world.
August energy is one of deeper empowerment. The ability to choose how the energy affects you and how you use it is a very important step in your ascension journey as well as a very important step in how you move forward as a collective on your planet.
You get to choose how things change.
You get to choose how You change.
Because you are All That Is, the changes you choose affect you as well as the world.
Changes are happening faster now, because everything is happening faster. You have believed in time as a line, a continuum, but as your awareness expands, time seems to speed up. What is really happening is more of a physics phenomenon. You are able to comprehend that your past lives are in fact parallel, and when you are in the present moment, your awareness of time is circular, even spiral in nature. You have access to the information from all of your parallel lives because the information is moving in a spiral around you as you exist in the present moment. Imagine being able to pluck helpful information from your parallel lives by bringing yourself into the present moment, settling into the feeling nature of gratitude for what you choose to know. This opens the flow of your own energy so that you are able to “connect” with your other lifetimes. It takes practice, and many of you are well on your way to mastering this.
You are able to use this to deeply connect to lifetimes of acceptance, abundance and peace for instance, connecting to the energy of those existences through the vibration of gratitude, love, compassion (Grace). This is how you manifest it in your world. It is all there for you, and this is your lifetime to claim it.
The amplification in energy affects your thoughts, words and actions. Your voice carries a frequency, and when you are in alignment with your Highest Self, your voice emits the vibration of that alignment. It is an invitation to others to align with that high vibration. Notice how you feel when others’ speak. You are connecting to the frequency their voice emits, and either accepting an invitation or recognizing that you do not resonate with it. Making the conscious choice to step out of judgment and choose whether or not to respond is an example of this deeper empowerment and conscious responsibility.
Deeper empowerment: You are ready for it, and it is just another step in your journey of remembering Who and What You Are. Between now and the end of your calendar year there will be many changes, and you are the ones who affect those changes. Deeper empowerment and conscious responsibility are your gifts from yourself to yourself and we are honored to remind you of this.