The more old patterns and beliefs that you release, the more you are able to receive and integrate deeper Truths.
You are well aware that you are integrating all aspects of the Self while releasing eons of deeply ingrained, damaging patterns and beliefs. You are also releasing Karmic entanglements and energy. The patterns and beliefs contribute to that which you call Karma, but the beliefs and patterns are not Karma.
You are ascending. You are coming into an age of enlightenment. You as an individual, have chosen to remember Who You Are, and you have brought everyone else along with you simply because You Are All That Is. Therein lies your ability to release not only eons of deeply ingrained limiting and damaging patterns and beliefs but the Karma that is associated with them.
As you integrate the myriad aspects of your Self, you begin to fathom the deeper truth that the fellow humans that you do not trust, fear or even hate are also aspects of your Self. You are your own harshest judge, and from that perspective, it becomes easy to judge others who are different, or who have different beliefs than you.
As you continue to remind your Self of Who You are, it becomes easier to stop judging the Self, and easier to love the Self because you are truly beginning to cognize that you are Source consciousness, and Source is Grace. (Grace is, but not limited to: Love, gratitude, peace, joy, wonder, curiosity, excitement.) The ego is coming into deeper alignment with your soul because you are constantly dropping into your natural State of Being (Grace) and sustaining it for longer and longer.
You are able to sustain higher states of consciousness and this changes You in so many ways.
You may not see it in your daily existence, but from our perspective, the changes are great and wondrous.
When in a higher state of consciousness you have much more power to change your reality than you do when in the lower vibratory range. Grace (Love, gratitude, peace, joy, wonder, compassion) propels you into a higher state of consciousness, and from there you are able to resolve problems, create a more heart centered, fulfilling life, and create change for all of humanity. When in a higher state of consciousness you are in the Now moment (or Zero point) so you are also creating change in what you consider to be the past, present and the future. Oh, and did we mention that when in Grace, you are actively loving your Self, which effectively and efficiently opens the flow to loving All.
This powerful stuff, and Now is the time.
Your world is rapidly changing and at times it can feel stressful. The greatest tool you have to help your Self (and everyone else) is your ability to be in Grace, to make every decision from this place. Better yet, for every thought to originate from Grace.
We invite you to bring your awareness to your heart now, as we are amplifying the energy of this transmission, regardless of when you read or hear it. Feeling the warmth of the love from another enhances your connection, allowing you to breathe into and expand your heart center. Imagine light and energy moving within your heart center, and with your breath and intention, expand it out into the body, and then the energy field. Your awareness is now focused on your Merkaba of light and healing, creating a field of higher consciousness that completely encompasses you everywhere you go. This is your greatest tool and the greatest gift you can give to yourself, and therefore to your fellow humans.
You are able to move energy using your will and intention, and when you intend in and from Grace, you are moving energy that is always in your highest and best interest, and therefore in the highest and best for All.
Do you understand how powerful you are?
You, as Source consciousness, need no one or nothing else to complete you.
You are love incarnate.
All is well.
The world may seem chaotic, but from the higher perspective, from a place of higher consciousness, it is possible to witness the world and understand that All is Well. Your world is responding to the vibrations of all of it’s creators, and everyone is creating their reality from their current state of Being, whatever that is. You are here to bring about change and you do that by raising your vibration. You do that by remembering Who and What You Are, and you do that by connecting to your natural state of Being, that of Grace. And in this moment of Now, All is Well. You are doing exactly what you are here to do. We invite you to relax into this knowing and trust that All is Well.
We have shared the analogy of crossing a bridge: You are leaving the old ways, limitations and the past behind and crossing the bridge to a New way of Being, where truly all is New. It is the unknown and it is ripe with potential, and that potential is at your fingertips. You reach it in and through Grace. The bridge may feel very long and steep at first, and you may find yourself looking over your shoulder at all that you are leaving behind. Grieve for it and let it go because another one of those Truths we speak of is that you came here for this transition into a New way of Being. You came here to remember Who you are (Source) and that Grace is your natural State of Being. You’ll recognize this truth by the way it feels in your heart and as you are so much better at connecting with your own heart, you should in this moment, recognize the energy of this Truth.
Be patient with your Self, and it becomes easier to be patient with your fellow human Beings. You are doing exactly what you came here to do. All is well. Trust in the knowing of Who You Are. In fact, rejoice in the knowing of Who You Are! As you do, rejoice in the knowing that you are all here to love the Self, which makes you fully and completely capable of loving everyone else in the way that you all deserve to be loved: Unconditionally.
We see you, love you, honor you, and respect you for Who You Are.