There are many who are energy transmuters. There are ones that amplify light, ones that generate peace, etc. You get the idea.

Energy is moving at an unprecedented rate at the moment, and if you are reading this, you are probably feeling something.

If you are feeling energy moving in your lower chakras, you are most likely transmuting very old energy of oppression, trauma, subjugation. 

If you are feeling light headed, headachy, maybe cold symptoms, you are most likely doing work regarding speaking truth.

Some people feel great, and that is wonderful indeed! You all are most likely amplifying light. That is not to say that one person cannot do it all! In many ways you all are doing all of it. Yet each of you has your “specialties” if you will, and each of you is here to help and complement the work of the other. 

This is very important work that you are doing, and you agreed to do this in order to raise your vibration and assist in ushering in this next big cycle.

Very exciting!