Delve deep. Pull yourself free of the fear that holds you back. Free fall into your own soul’s safe, Divine and Holy hands. Those hands are your net, you are not able to fall. You have completed the act of “falling” and you are on the upswing, the upward spiral of the ascension.

You are climbing the mountain, shedding layers of unnecessary beliefs, labels, patterns as you go.
Much of what you do has been unconscious, and now, you are entering more fully into the conscious awareness of your actual awakening to your Holy and Divine Self.

This has been creating conflict with the ego, the personality aspect of you. You are now aware of this, so it is time for another step. It is time for you to free yourself from fear. What is your fear?

Ask your ego. We invite you to write down the answers. Writing (or some other way of removing them from the mind) is cathartic. It purges you of the burden of carrying old beliefs and patterns.

In the world that you have assisted in creating, there is much to distract you from the work at hand.

What is the work at hand? It is to align to the Truth of Who and What you are, and to exist in that alignment. It raises your vibration, changing the energy and information that you are, that you emit. Your existence, your Beingness, is the actual work at hand.

The distractions are many and they are varied. Pause, breathe, align in truth, and you will know what they are.

There is to be no judgment, they are to be seen from the soul self with neutrality.

In this time of chaos, neutrality brings peace, it is a step towards compassion.

One cannot be in peace and compassion when there is judgment, condemnation, anger, hatred.

Neutralize it by stepping away from the fear that holds you by the back of your shirt. You will find that the grip that fear is not as strong as you think. Ego would have you believe that fear has the strongest grip of all. That is Not True.
Love is stronger than fear.

Love is expansive, fractal, light filled energy. Fear is closed in, contained, tight and therefore it is not light energy.

You used to live in contained, limiting, fear based energy. It has been slowly cracking open for 3 decades now, and as you taste, feel, and experience the openings in the energy and information it thrills you and it scares you. Many are doing their best to keep everything contained, and many are doing everything they are able in order to break free.

There is no wrong way to be, there is only Being. We invite you to trust your own Divine Knowing; your Soul’s guidance leading you to Being Free.