I do my healing work within the Akashic Record, so I thought I would share my knowledge of what the Records are.  The Akashic Record is known in every major religion, but goes by different names.  In the bible the Record is referred to as The Book of Life. 

The Akashic Record is a dimension of consciousness that contains a vibrational record of every soul and its journey.

“The Akashic field is presumed to exist in physical reality even though it cannot be observed directly.” The Akashic field is like the universe’s super computer system that contains every deed, word, feeling, thought, and intent that has ever occurred at any time in the history of the world.  These records connect each one of us to one another and mold and shape human consciousness. 

We are continuously storing information in the Akashic Record, as we are not able to hold and process all the incoming energy and information and shifts we are destined to experience.  Because our lives are dynamic, we can tap into the Record often and receive guidance and information that pertains to where we are in our life in any given moment. 

Upon entering the conscious dimension of the Akashic Record, we leave the “real world” behind for a short while.  The shift in consciousness is usually very subtle, yet the healing is amplified, simply because you are in a safe, love filled field of consciousness.  All healing work within the Record is done through the intention of love and with your highest outcome in mind.  Your soul knows what is best for you at all times, and will never, ever lead you astray.  Your soul is your connection to your divinity; the God within.

Nothing is ever created without thought (intention) so when you are setting intentions within the Record, your manifestation of what has already been energetically created is that much more powerful.