This past week I have had a higher than normal amount of clients come in for energy sessions and readings.  That’s all good of course because it tells me that many more people are ready to “awaken” and listen more deeply to their own inner guidance. More people are also ready to take back their own power and remember that their bodies are amazing creations that were designed to heal themselves.  

There is also a lot of chaos in the world right now; it has been this way for a long time, and it will continue for a while longer.  As we move through the chaos, we also hit “hot spots” or chaotic nodes that exacerbate the level of anxiety that many of us are feeling.  It’s as if we are on a roller coaster during an earthquake…Very unsettling, a bit exciting at times, with a lot of exhaustion in between.

I have found through working with myself and with clients that centering and aligning with your core is the most helpful way to bring balance back into your daily life.  Balancing and aligning can be done anytime; simply find a quiet place, close your eyes, take a few deep, relaxing breaths and bring your awareness to your heart.  This step is often the most challenging, so take the time necessary to feel your heart open and expand.  Breathe into it, and relax. If you feel stuck or tense, please do not judge yourself, simply try again later.

Once you have found that soft, open place of calm within your heart, allow the feeling to spread throughout your body.  Imagine it moving into the core of you, maybe following your spinal column, then down through your legs all the way to your feet, and don’t forget about your head!  Allow yourself to sink into the body, and then see what images, feelings, colors, sensations come up.  

I find it helpful to ask clients to describe what they are experiencing, as there is often a deep meaning associated with the experience.  Whatever you experience, it is exactly what it is supposed to be for you, as you are unique.  Your core is a description of You, your Soul, your Inner Self.

This is an exercise that can be done as often as you feel it’s necessary to stay in alignment and become balanced.  I bring my awareness to my core at night before I fall asleep.

The images, feelings, colors and sensations that you may receive while doing this exercise may change each time you do it because you are an ever evolving being.  There is no right or wrong way to do this, and as long as you feel relaxed and peaceful then all is well.