It’s time to play a new game. It’s time to get out of our own way when it comes to creating our lives. So often we are too much in our heads to truly feel what is best for us. We feel what is best for us with our hearts, not our minds.
Here is the new game: Imagine that you can sense your auric field around you. This is an actual field of energy, your energy, that surrounds you. Now envision that there is an infinite number of possibilities that are available to you in every moment. Possibilities that you cannot even imagine with your mind. Just take your mind out of it, and allow the feeling of an infinite number of possibilities to sink into your auric field. You don’t have to DO anything here, you don’t have to worry about what the possibilities are, just imagine them; envision them; feel them sinking into your energy field.
As you connect to that, the unlimited number of possibilities will be there and will flow into you, and through you, without you having to do anything.
As you play this new game, allow yourself to fully feel and experience the ease of the flow of infinite possibilities showing up in your life. Anything can happen…Suspend judgment. Release old beliefs. Allow yourself to play the game.
Now more than ever before, we have the ability to create our every moment. It’s time to play the new game, and create from the heart. Remember, there is an infinite number of possibilities to choose from.
Valerie Sargent, Oct. 12, 2011