You are at a much higher level of conscious choice and awareness now than you were a year ago. This means that you are able to receive more light and energy, and it can be intense for the psyche and the body to try to interpret and integrate. This is a natural process. 

When you are moving great amounts of energy (as you are now) it often does not feel good. Stay with it, in the energy of presence and acceptance. Answers may come to you, or you may simply move through the intensity and then be able to choose to feel differently. The new, very long cycle that you are in now consists of many smaller cycles that overlap one another. The cycles are loosely connected to solar cycles and the movement of the planets in your solar system, but you also have your own personal cycles of growth.

Be gentle with yourself, rest when you feel the need to, letting go of old expectations and beliefs. Changes are happening much more quickly now and that goes for your body too.

Sometimes short illnesses may arise as your body is integrating more light and energy. This may signify the releasing of old, deeply embedded energy.

Welcome to the new energy.