Today has seemed fraught with frustrations. They are coming at me from every direction, as well as from myself.
Enough is enough, so I am taking the time to move away from work for a moment, and just breathe and center myself. I then imagine all of the frustration, anger, irritation at people and things that are beyond my control as a cloud of energy surrounding me. I allow myself to feel it…Really go deep into how disgusting it all feels…
I then imagine that a greater, grander version of myself is standing just a few feet in front of me, and I am smiling at myself, beckoning to myself to come on out of that cloud of uncomfortableness.
I take 3 steps forward and literally embrace Me; the greater, grander version of me, only to find that she is no different that the “original” me who was a moment ago standing in the middle of the cloud of anger and frustration.
I breathe in and feel the openness, the clarity, the freedom of where I am now standing; looking over my shoulder at the dark and ominous cloud that I just left behind. I am able to smile, and watch with love as the cloud simply blows away into nothingness.
With a light and full heart, I walk forward, into the next chapter of life.