Since you have calendars to mark the passage of time, the new year is an energetically positive and powerful time to set intentions. Intentions and resolutions are similar but not the same. At this juncture in time and of your awareness there is no need to re-solve anything because you know that you are not changing the earth that you live on, you are changing yourselves. As you change yourselves you are shifting ever so subtly into a higher vibration of earth; one that already exists, but has heretofore not been available to you. So as you set intentions that are formed from the highest vibration of yourself you are putting a plan into motion, offering it your energy, making it into matter. You literally make it matter. As more and more of you recognize your ability to do this, your energy meets like energy and you make your intentions matter.
2025 is the second year in this new 20 year cycle, and you will witness many things change in the next 2-3 years. 2024 energy was conducive to the continued stirring up of a lot of old patterns, beliefs and karmic entanglements that involve everyone who is alive on the planet right now, so at some level, everyone was affected. 2025 energy will move faster, bringing more to the surface while a simultaneous clearing out of old energy occurs. Some will find this refreshing and invigorating while others may feel bogged down as the higher vibrational energy offers the invitation to meet it. If you feel bogged down at times, it is part of the process of being able to sustain a higher vibration for longer periods of time.
Your energy is like a wave that crests and then falls into a trough. The trough phase can feel like depression, or like a heaviness, but it is a natural part of your energy flow. The troughs are important because they offer you insights into what you are no longer in vibrational alignment with. So we invite you to release judgment of the waves of your feelings and emotions. You may have more of this in the first part of 2025 as the energy “speeds up” and stirs up more within you as an individual and within all of you as a collective.
All of this is in preparation for the many changes that are happening within this next cycle. You can expect open contact with civilizations from other star systems within as few as 2-3 years from now. We say that you can expect it because you are moving in the trajectory of it, based on the vibratory level of the majority of your population. All things can change, but if you continue to practice the 4As you are constantly raising your collective vibration and that brings you closer to what you chose to be here for. (The 4A’s are explained in previous messages and you can find this information at
You can also expect many changes in the medical field. Your physical bodies are changing while you are working to create the new neural pathways through your brain that affect your autonomic nervous system. A division of your autonomic nervous system is your sympathetic nervous system, or your fight or flight response. Everyone has been living life in some form of fight or flight mode, which tightens the body, decreasing the flow of your life force energy. This affects every aspect of your physical body but for many of you it primarily affects your digestive system which affects every other aspect of your physical well being. The medical field is slowly coming around to rethinking how to help the body heal. There are many conscientious people working somewhat under the radar to bring about important changes regarding medicine on your planet.
Sometimes it is easy to feel discouraged, doubt or fear when your intentions are not met as you expect them to be. This new year takes you further into letting go of having expectations based on how things worked in the past and stepping more fully into the flow of the energy of expectancy. Being in the energy of expectancy has a flow to it that having an expectation does not. Expectancy is trusting that all is working out as it is supposed to for the highest and best for All. How things work out may look and feel very different than what your human mind remembers because your mind puts an emphasis on what it remembers from the past. The past no longer exists because you have evolved beyond believing in “past” and “future” lives and into the knowing that all of your existences are happening now. So when you set an intention in the present moment, you are effectively setting that intention throughout your parallel lives, shifting the energy throughout what you used to call the past.
The past truly doesn’t exist, because you have changed it.
This is a powerful statement and it is true. What does that mean for your “future?” It means the same thing: You are changing it with your heartfelt, soul guided intentions. You are in unknown territory for a human, and you chose to be here for this great shift in consciousness.
The unknown can feel overwhelming to some, scary to others, yet it is truly pure potential.You have the ability to choose how you move forward, and what vibrational version of yourself you wish to manifest as well as what vibrational aspect of earth you wish to live on. If you are reading this, you are receiving the energy of this transmission. It will make you feel something, and we invite you to be with the feeling. Acknowledge it, accept it, and ask what it means for you. Allow yourself to be with the feelings that arise within you because they offer you a gift. It may be as simple as an insight, or it may be something life changing. Even an insight can be life changing. We have no expectations about how you receive this information, we simply offer it because you are ready. You are about to graduate to the next level on your ascension journey.
There will be those that will leave the physical body in 2025 because they have experienced what they came here to experience and will be able to offer connection and guidance from their natural and free state of Being. The lines of communication are always open and will only open further.
We leave you to contemplate this: When you are getting ready to sleep at night, offer gratitude to everyone that you have met in your entire life. As you do this, there are individuals that will come into your awareness. They might be people who you may have been hurt or challenged by, or have hurt. This is a powerful exercise that not only offers the opportunity to forgive, but opens new neural pathways in your brain so that you are able to perceive these people from a higher vibrational perspective, that of your higher self; your Divine Source consciousness self. You are clearing the karmic indebtedness with people so that you can create good karma if you will, as you move forward. Play with this and see how it shifts relationships with others in your life, but also how it shifts your perception of yourself.
Until next time, we invite you to love yourselves as we love you; unconditionally.