To begin this transmission, we invite you to pause in whatever it is that you are doing in order to recognize the energy that is moving through you Now.
You are always running energy through you because you are energy. Yet for the most part, you are not always thinking about the flow of Source energy that is the core, or the basis of what you call your physical body and energy field. It is the core of Who and What You Are.
We invite you to bring your conscious focus to it now as we wish to enhance the energy transmission of this message
Breathe deeply, bringing your awareness inward, settling into a peaceful state of gratitude and love for Who You Are and for what You bring to the world.
Exhale and let the cares, the worries, and everything that occupies your conscious mind go.
On your next inhale, imagine your beautiful Source consciousness energy as it fills you; it is the core of You. Bringing your awareness to your Source consciousness, feel for the vibration of it, of You, and settle there for a moment.
Source consciousness is infinite, and it has no particular vibration except for that which you give it.
Think about that for a moment.
Your Source consciousness has no vibration except that which you give it. How can that be if we have told you many times that Source consciousness vibrates at the highest level?
You create it, you are it, and you choose the frequency at which it (therefore you) vibrates in any given moment.
Recognize the empowerment in that statement.
Recognize that you are ready and able to claim that level of empowerment.
Remember your superpower: Your ability to choose how you feel in every moment.
Take a moment and allow this information and the energy of it to integrate.
Your Source consciousness core is like the strings of a harp, waiting to be plucked to make the most beautiful and harmonious music.
Imagine that the rest of humanity is the orchestra, and you are an integral part of the orchestra. What song do you choose to play with your instrument? You cannot control how others choose to play their instrument, but as you consciously choose to create beautiful music and harmonize with those around you, that higher Source consciousness vibration that you are creating is the one that draws others to it. All like vibrations draw others, so if you are able to choose, why would you not choose the highest one available to you? You are Source consciousness embodied, so you are the creator of your own vibration. You get to choose. (Superpower!)
You are changing at your core at this very moment.
As your human self begins to feel the truth of this energy transmission, your cells and DNA respond to the vibration accordingly, effectively “restructuring” in a way that reflects your choice to move to a higher level of conscious awareness. This is happening now, as you read this.
While you are in this very open and receptive place of awareness, we wish to speak to you about LOVE.
Your human perception of love is but the tip of the iceberg of what LOVE truly means and is. So much of the deep trauma, suffering and forms of enslavement that you are releasing in order to be free have roots in love, or the fear of truly allowing the breadth and scope of love to enter your conscious awareness. You carry the trauma of lifetimes of lost love, tragic love, betrayed love, all of the ways that you have been hurt and have suffered when you loved or allowed yourself to be loved. That has served as a form of protection that you no longer need and in fact has become very unhealthy for your and your current world. As you reclaim your sovereignty as a Being of Source consciousness you are able to create your own vibration of LOVE within.
You pluck the strings of Source consciousness within to create the beautiful song of love that you choose to experience.
It comes from within you. It has always been within you.
You forgot that as you became human, and sought it from external sources, lifetime after lifetime.
You are awakening to your original song: Your own infinite vibration of LOVE.
As this awakening takes place, insights will surface, awarenesses will arise, and you will have those moments where all of a sudden something makes sense to you in a way that resonates deep within your heart. Some of these insights may be very different from what you thought you wanted, or thought could even be possibilities for you in your current stage of life.
We have always been fond of saying it is never too late for anything to happen!
You are playing on a new, fluid playing field that we call your new template.
Your old foundations are long gone by now. Your new template, which you create as you go, moves with you, yet is more supportive than the old, crumbled foundation ever was. Your new way of Being involves stepping into the universal flow instead of trying to push against it.
This, friends, is what Ease and Grace truly means.
Are you ready for this? We feel that you are indeed ready for this.
Welcome to your new way of Being and Creating.
June energy supports this, and you will feel more supported as long as you are consistent in bringing your focus back to your heartstrings, your core that vibrates at the level that you choose.
Your world is looking to you and others like you to reclaim your sovereignty and create beautiful music together as major, old foundations continue to crumble and you continue to co-create your new, 5D world. You are co-creating it each and every time you choose to be in Grace.
As we are also very fond of saying this is what you came here for.
You came here to not only participate in, but to co-create this time of ascension and awakening into your knowing of Who You Are, and ultimate freedom.
Why do you think there are so many of you here, now? Those that are leaving are doing so by choice because they have played their particular role, and they are cheering you on, towards your freedom, in and from their freedom.
Your ascension is a spectacular thing to witness, and from our perspective, All Is Well.
We hear and feel your beautiful music, and it is the most pleasing sound and vibration that we could ever ask for.
Open your heart, play beautiful music together.
As you do, it will be music to your ears and all of your other senses.
You are so very honored and loved.