From The Guides:
We acknowledge each of you as a whole and complete being who has no need for healing. We also acknowledge your desire for more, so we are hear to offer our guidance in helping you to remember.
Your humanness is a gift. You chose to be here on Earth; you chose to forget that you are Divine at your core. You took on this responsibility so that you could fully and completely understand that being human is challenging, and, the most fulfilling experience that is available to you.
This is expansion of SELF at it’s best.
We honor you, and ask that you honor each other.
In this very exciting, challenging time of expansion, many of you are connecting more fully to your innate; that deep part of you that knows all. Many of you would call this the sub conscious self. This innate part of you knows everything about you. It is deep within your DNA, and it is where your Akash is stored. Yes, you have your Akash within you as well as in the dimension of the Akashic Records.
As you connect with your innate, you are becoming more in touch with your creativity. Here we are discussing creativity in a very broad sense, and creativity shows up differently for each soul, as you each have your own unique vibration or “soul fingerprint.”
Within your DNA you carry the “blueprint” of your original, pure, pre human self. You have lived many lifetimes on Earth, and you carry within your DNA memories from each lifetime. (Your inner Akash.) You are your own ancestors. As you move through each lifetime you add to the memories stored within. (The information in your DNA does not show up as memory the way the brain interprets memory; it shows up through concepts and feelings.) You have developed skills and creative aspects in your human existences, and you carry the memory of these skills and creative aspects in your DNA. You may be experiencing the concepts, feelings and in some cases the memories now, as you re connect to your innate. The innate is the bridge to the original DNA.
As your consciousness expands, you begin to trust your intuitive self more, and you begin to connect more deeply with your inner, divine innate. You are then able to release the original DNA, activating the skills and creative aspects that have been “buried” for lifetimes.
All this requires is your intention and your trust. What does your heart yearn for? What is calling to you now? What do you desire to create?
Breathe deeply, and trust that you have the courage to look deep within and to trust your own knowing. Ask yourself what inspires you; what activity takes you completely out of your every day existence and into a space and place of being fully present?
We encourage you to look more deeply into this, as it is time. All it takes is your intention and trust in your self.
~Artwork is original, 12″x 12″ acrylic on canvas. “OM” is for sale. Contact me for information.