Unequivocally and without a doubt you are evolving. As pure consciousness you became energy that took many forms, eventually taking the form of a human on this earth. With each form you took, your energetic vibration lowered so that you would forget Who You Were and settle more fully into the experiential existence of humanity. As a Being confined to a dense physical form you were able through your body, mind and soul, every emotion and every aspect of physical existence that there was to experience. Each of you has been and done everything. In that regard you went through stages of being, beginning with pure consciousness, phasing into embryonic energetic beings who learned and were taught language, industry, technology. Each phase seemed as if it was evolution and in a way it was, yet you are truly evolving into your whole and complete self now, and as you do this, you are returning to the embryonic phase. Let us explain.

The phases of humanity symbolize the forgetting of your Creator/God Selves. You have been deep in the amnesia of forgetfulness and fully in the glory of your humanness. You have been waking up from the long sleep of forgetting for decades now, and as you awaken you return to the embryonic energetic (or spiritual) stage of your development. 

You are physically, emotionally and mentally truly evolving into your full spiritual self awareness. You are returning to your own consciousness.

As the embryo, you are becoming aware (re-membering) that you are always connected to the Source of All. In fact you are beginning to truly remember and believe that you have never been separated from your Source, and as the embryo you are now able to realize (make real) the permanent, infinite connection to Source that you have always had. You may imagine this as an energetic umbilical cord that connects you via your solar plexus (the chakra of self awareness, self empowerment, self worth) to the Source of All. You receive love (your ultimate nourishment) from this infinite and permanent connection to Source. You have never been separate from Source, that was the ultimate illusion, dream. The reality is that you are the embryo safe in the womb of the Mother of all, cradled in the hands of the Father of all. You have always been there, connected to Love, but believed otherwise. This was your plan all along and it is now time to remember and to awaken.

What happens next? The next phase in your journey of course. You exist. You experience. You help others to awaken to the next stage of the journey. Time and space are human constructs so as you evolve they begin to have no meaning. The future (which doesn’t actually exist because there is only NOW) is unknown and ripe with potential. You are now in your stage of evolution where you are ready to create from the pure consciousness that you are. The unknown is here, ready to be seeded with conscious thoughts, words and deeds and you are the conscious creator of it all. You are now making more choices from the heart and less from the ego because you are deepening into trusting the inner knowing of Who and What you are. You are now conscious that you are one with All and vice versa. You are in the time of revelation, and in some ways it looks and feels like what was prophesied. Revelation is ‘the divine or supernatural disclosure to humans of something relating to human existence or the world.’ This is what you are here for, it is one of the many reasons why your conscious awareness is in your current physical existence. You are here to reveal Divine disclosures to your fellow beings having a human experience. What a glorious existence it is! In many ways we envy you as we witness this amazing journey of evolution and remembrance. All is well. Breathe deeply in this knowing and go in Peace.