Each of you is moving an immense amount of energy in each moment of Now. You are moving through your modern day initiations more quickly than you have since you became fully human.

Many things are happening on many different levels and layers, and all of it is occurring in this moment of Now. We have spoken often of your multidimensionality and that you work concurrently free of the constraints of time and space. You are effectively displacing the old energy of your Akash, creating the wave of change in what you consider to be your past, present and future. This is not something that you were able to facilitate until this lifetime, and you are all actively doing this As One Consciousness. You are re-membering that you are truly One in Consciousness. There is only One, and you are that One.

As you read this, you are receiving the energy of this message at the quantum level of your consciousness. The mind may question the meaning but your soul understands and integrates it perfectly.

You are shedding old energy of trauma. You have been easing into this for quite some time in accordance with the Earth’s evolution and movement around the sun as well through the universe. As you are One Consciousness, you are also one with the Earth, the sun, and All That Is. You communicate with your Earth and sun in every moment, so you are moving through your release of old Akashic energy together. You witness this in the volcanoes, earthquakes, weather patterns, solar flares and polar magnetic shifts, for example. You witness it in human behavior. The trauma stored in the Akash of human and Earth consciousness has been surfacing and will continue to surface, to be acknowledged, healed and released until it is done.

You knew about this prior to incarnating and you chose to be here for it, knowing that you play an integral role in this process, and that you are ushering in Great Change, and ultimately, Great Peace.

Underneath the trauma is your true essence; the Pure Love, Joy, Compassion and Peace that You are, and have always been. Do you understand the depth and immense importance of what you are doing here?

We understand that this process is often challenging and it is stirring the deepest fears of many. Fear is at the core of all trauma. So to be clear, you are not releasing the awareness of fear, as the awareness of fear plays a healthy role in your existence. You are releasing the energy of fear, which is the basis of all trauma. Do you understand the difference? For example, all of you carry Akashic energy of traumatic suffering and/or death involving fire, so the energy of the Akashic memory is what is being transformed, not the awareness that fire can be life serving as well as dangerous.

All of you carry the traumatic Akashic energy of war, famine, disease and lack, to name a few, and this is the energy that is currently being displaced with new energy. The new energy is truly new in that you have not experienced it as a human. What does it mean for you? It means freedom, friends. Freedom from the energy of trauma that you have existed in for eons. It means Change. It means Peace. It means a different way of living and experiencing life as a human.

Your physical, emotional and mental selves are still learning to Be as One, so you may be struggling with integrating this tremendous influx of new energy that is displacing the old. Your physical body may want to hold onto old energy as this is what it “knows.” (Weight fluctuations, aches, pains, fatigue and illness are examples of manifestations of this.) Your ego may be struggling with the knowledge that past decisions and choices no longer serve the highest good. Your soul is speaking to you in ways that you cannot deny, and your mind is trying to deny it, causing frustration, anger and often, grief. Does this, or something similar apply to you?

We invite you to help each other. We invite you to listen to each other. Just listen. Turn off your devices and turn to each other. Connect with the Earth and nature. Ground the new energy into the body, bringing it into the Earth. Say Yes to it, and allow yourself to let go of the old. Give yourself permission to be free. Breathe deeply. None of these are new ideas, but allowing yourself to apply them to your life may be new to some of you.

Pay attention to how your body speaks to you. It will tell you how to nourish it, and it will balance and heal as you trust it more. This is part of your evolution: Balancing and healing the body, mind and soul, and re-membering how to trust the Wholeness of You. This is an immensely exciting time to be a human! Embrace and enjoy this wondrous ride because you chose this time to be alive. Do not underestimate your role here. Each and every one is a part of the Whole.

We embrace you with love, and shower you with peace.