Big Changes

For the second time in this year of transition, you are receiving an influx of high intensity, very high energy cosmic light that is entering your galaxy for the very first time. This particular cosmic light is one that is not identifiable by science.

What it means for you is the end of a very long cycle that includes oppression and subjugation.

You are constantly in cycles as they overlap, and whatever it is that you are integrating and releasing at any moment is going to coincide with whatever is next for your highest and best.

2023 has been a year of often intense transition, and December energy is coming in strong to help clear out all that is left.

This doesn’t mean that oppression and subjugation are gone from your world, but with the end of this cycle, many of the deepest roots of it are no longer embedded in the earth and within your subconscious.

This is very good news for you.

You have been evolving so rapidly that in many ways, you don’t even know you are changing. It is easy to fall back into old belief patterns and look at the world from the old perspectives, and this is to be expected because you are human, and you carry within you the cellular memory of old programming, beliefs, etc.

Yet you are now cognizant of your Highest self and you heed your soul’s guidance more now than you ever have and that changes how you perceive yourself and the world around you.

You are ready for this very high energy cosmic light.

Your body can handle it now because your DNA and the mitochondria in your cells have released so much dense energy and are now not only holding more light, but creating more light.

Yes, you are creating light.

You are altering your energy field every time you choose to raise your vibration and connect to your own God/Source frequency.

Your energy field extends into the world around you, and effectively manifests a higher vibrational reality for you. You are literally altering the energy around you at every moment by amplifying your light. 

This is empowerment and it is yours.

2024 will be the year that this awareness within the shared consciousness of humanity starts to manifest in your world.

Combined with the deeper releasing of oppression and subjugation, this awareness invites in the level of consciousness that supports a 5D timeline.

You are doing what you came here to do!

The 12/12 portal energy is amplified by this cosmic light, and it will bring big changes in your world; including the beginning of the 5D manifestations that you have been dreaming of.

There are many who have been working diligently behind the scenes to help people prepare for the changes that 2024 will begin to bring in and if you are reading this, you are one of them. 

2024 is the start of true New Energy. 

In many ways it is the beginning of a very large new cycle that sets the tone for the next 15 years or so; the beginning of a new era.

The exciting thing for you as humans is that you get to manifest what your heart desires in this new, very beautiful cycle.

You are ready to do this. You have worked very hard to expand your consciousness, embracing ego and all of the aspects of yourself, including the shadow aspects. In doing the inner work, you recognize all that is no longer serving you and your fellow humans, and you are making the choice to be open to new energy, new ideas, and a new world.

This next cycle will span a number of years as the extended roots of oppression and subjugation are loosened and released with Grace. While this is happening, there will be more pockets of joy, more opportunities to witness growth and change within yourselves and your world. You chose to be here to participate in this shift and to experience it firsthand. It is always a choice.

Embrace this high vibrational light, aware that it is changing your cellular structure, and in doing so, offering you a deeper, more cognizant level of awareness. Moving forward from this moment of now is different, new, and exciting. Trust what your soul is telling you through how you feel. What you choose to do in the next moment may be very different from what you chose a year ago, or 10 years ago. We invite you to embrace the unknown because the unknown is what you came here to experience. You already know the past, and of all that is now old energy.

Welcome to the end of a very old cycle, and the beginning of all that is new.

You are always held in the energy of Grace.

November Shifting Energy

Time is an illusion and many of you are recognizing that as true more than ever before, especially if you have changed your clocks back. That action awakened a timed release mini download that is being activated by the solar activity of the sun. 

“Timed release” is an interesting term for us to use as time is an illusion, but it gets the point across. You chose to receive this current activation now, as the level of awareness you are experiencing is conducive to what you are now ready for.

Your body may feel off balance, maybe even a little ill. You may feel very tired, and your sleep schedule may be off. You are in the process of detoxing old energy that now acts as poison to your changing body. Be gentle with yourself and listen to your body. Now is the time to recognize that pushing yourself to do something may be an old pattern that your body finds uncomfortable.

Things are changing and you are changing too.

The best thing you can do is to BE, and to go with the flow of your own inner guidance.

Breathe, find peace within, and be in acceptance of all that is changing within and externally of you.

There is always something to be grateful for, and as you settle into peaceful gratitude, in acceptance of where you are right now, the energy shifts.

As it shifts, you might find yourself feeling some emotions as the old energy surfaces. 

Accept it as something that you no longer need, and in letting go, you are free.

Trust this process.

Accept this process.

Be present with this process.

All is well.

Energy Shifts

Right now, you are different than you were yesterday. Everything about you and your life is changing. How much it changes is up to you, yet in the last month, your DNA, your cells and your energy field changed more than they’ve changed in the last 6 months.

When we say “how much changes is up to you” we mean that your thoughts, words and actions affect your reality, including your inner reality. So as you consciously choose to expand your awareness, you are not only inviting in the energy and light, you are also creating the right inner environment for the ‘most bang for your buck.’ 

Change happens constantly, and every once in a while you get an amplification of energy that causes major shifts within you. These happen in cycles, and as the energy that you are constantly receiving builds, it is making minute changes within the atoms of your body. When the cycle reaches a certain level, the minute changes activate a larger shift. All of this is very much in tune with the cycles of the sun.

If you are tuned into your body and your inner self, you are most likely very aware of the many small changes that are happening regularly as well as the larger and often more intense energy shifts that occur in these cycles.

With each next cycle, you are opening yourself to more high vibrational and new (as in unknown to you as a human) energy that literally shakes out whatever is now old, along with the very old patterns, beliefs, programming, karmic entanglements.

Everything that you have learned up to this moment is now old energy. It has all served a very important purpose, and you are now ready to receive and integrate much more because you are different; more expanded, more open, more in alignment with your Source consciousness self. How you manifest what your heart and soul desire is changing, and we will explore that more in a bit.

The more expanded you become, the more aware you are of being One with All, including those that came before and those that will come after you. 

Let’s focus for a moment on those that came before: Your ancestors.

You carry within your inner Akash the cellular memories of your ancestors. The energy of everything that your ancestors were taught and experienced is within you, and you draw from that well of information and energy constantly. It has been what has guided you for many, many generations and lifetimes. This same information and energy is now becoming what is causing you to pause and question whether or not it is in your highest and best interest to continue to be guided by it. 

This is your evolutionary journey. 

You are re-evolving; Coming back around, full circle, to Who You Are; Source consciousness.

Your evolutionary process was to develop gradually into a more complex, awakened being. 

You are re-evolving, or in a way, re-volving, moving in a circle to complete the biggest and most important cycle of all.

You are re-membering Who You Are.

Upheaval is a necessary part of this process. It has to be and you are aware of this. From the human perspective, upheaval is disruptive, frightening and not part of the plan that your ego was counting on. Yet here you are, in the midst of a number of years of upheaval. You are here now, and at this moment, all is well. You can simply choose for it to be, and that becomes your reality. 

You know this now.

May brings more change, and you are ready for it. You embrace new energy now. You moved with ease and grace through all that crumbled and fell away, and you are well acquainted with and comfortable with your sure foothold in your new template. You help each other. Congratulations, you have done well.

Your new template is no longer new because you have been learning how to navigate it with grace and ease. You are playing with manifesting your heart’s desires in the feeling nature of Grace, grateful for what already exists, knowing that the potential is always there. You are invited to continue to practice and play with manifesting your heart and soul’s desires, as you will only grow stronger in your ability.
And we would like to add this:
Simply align with Source.

I AM are the 2 most empowering words that you can speak, and the words that follow I AM become your reality. 

The statement

“I AM in alignment with Source (God, Creator, Highest Self)”  

is all that you need. That’s it. When you claim your source consciousness you are aligning with All That Is and All That Is is You. 

Source holds nothing back from you. You and your ancestors believed differently for so long that this belief is deeply ingrained in you. You are here, now, to release that belief for yourself, for your ancestors, for those that come after you because you are re-membering that You Are Source. You gift yourself with your own heart’s desires when you come into alignment with Source.

May brings changes; changes within you, changes in your world stage. You may feel it in different ways. Honor what you are feeling, and when that feeling becomes one that you don’t enjoy, choose to feel differently. Each and every time you choose to feel a higher vibrational feeling, you are clearing eons of patterns, beliefs, programming and karmic entanglements for yourself and for your ancestors. Those that came before you are grateful for the work you are doing and hold you in the highest vibration of love and gratitude. 

The work that you are doing is the most important work that you will ever do, and the repercussions resonate throughout space and time. 

We thank you.

Lean In

Lean into the energy that is available to you. Imagine meeting it halfway, and allow yourself to lean in towards it and you’ll feel it in your body, you’ll see it in your inner vision.

This energy is light. It is love. It is from Source, and Source is You. 

Source is the collective You and it is you as the individual who chose to Be Here Now so that you could live experientially.

As you lean in, trust that you are supported by the energy, the light, the love. You are supported by Source as you support yourself through knowing that you are Source. The more you lean in, the more you trust, the more you embody the energy.

The more you embody the energy the more you feel it. 

The more you feel it, the easier it is for you to trust it.

So lean in. 

Trusting that you are supported is stepping out of your comfort zone into new territory, and this territory is your new template. Your template is supportive, fluid, flexible. It moves and breathes with you. 

This is the way you have chosen to move forward. 

You have already made this choice because you are here, now. 

Moving forward in a completely different way leads to freedom from all that no longer serves you. It leads to manifesting a new earth, a higher vibrational planet where you have transcended old energy. 

You are transcending original pain, the pain of separation from blissful love. 

You are rising above it, so that you can witness it, understand it and then accept it. In accepting it you are no longer fighting it or fearful of it. You become free of it, in that in transcending it, you are in a higher vibration than the original pain, but it is different from being healed of it.

It doesn’t mean that you are not healing. You are. Transcendence is a key piece for you to understand in order to accept all that is happening. The feelings, awarenesses and memories that are surfacing now are all connected because you are now crossing timelines constantly. It is a way for you to allow the healing that occurs as you transcend the old programs, energy, patterns and karma from all of your timelines. You are literally raising your vibration higher than the vibration of the old energy, transcending all of it. You witness it all from your higher vibrational perspective where acceptance, forgiveness and making peace with it all begins to happen.

This is the healing.

April energy is supporting you in this.

Lean into it. Trust it, trust yourself. In transcending original pain, there is potential for immense growth. In April there will be opportunities for you to be in situations that offer you the chance to be in acceptance of yourself and others as you choose to co heal. Lean into those opportunities for the energy is rich and ripe with potential; the potential for real change. The opportunities for personal growth that lead to change are always there in abundance.

Your new template is just one aspect of support that trusting in your own Source consciousness self offers you. As you grow accustomed to your template, feeling supported as you deepen into trust, it becomes easier to sustain your natural state of being, that of Grace. 

You do not need to reinvent the wheel. 

All that you can imagine exists, including the life that you dream of. Co-healing relationships, vibrant health, clean air and water, acceptance, peace, and compassion all exist and you magnetize all of it to you through Grace. You raise your vibration to meet the 5th dimensional new earth through being in grace.

You are the impetus of change.

You came here to change how you exist on earth. The chaos in the world is a sign that things are changing. Old ways that no longer serve your rapidly growing awareness of Who You Are are crumbling. You chose this. Within the perceived chaos of the restructuring of the world as you knew it is immense growth; the growth that you chose to be a part of. Not just to witness, but to actively participate in. 

Every person, group, or event that triggers you is a catalyst that you chose at the energetic level as a potential for personal growth. That relative that you fundamentally disagree with; the political figure that triggers you; the ecological disaster that breaks your heart; everything is an opportunity for you to choose how you react, or respond. You are remembering to respond from some aspect of Grace more often than not. You are changing. You are growing. You are re-membering that you are love incarnate. That is how change happens.

Lean in to April energy. Breathe deeply and trust it. Let it enlighten you, literally bringing more light into your body. You have asked for support, and you receive it. Now trust it. In trusting it you are trusting yourself, Your Source consciousness self, your true and authentic self.

You are doing it, it is happening. All that is going on in the world is a sign of change. The change that you as a collective, you as Source consciousness chose to be part of.

Relax into the energy of April, let it support you.

All is well.