Giving and Receiving are One Truth

Please pause, and consider the brevity; the depth and the breadth of what we say to you today:

You are Infinite Being, experiencing a moment in time in and as the physical manifestation of the consciousness of Infinite Being.

You are that which created you.

We have said this to you many times, and much of what we say to you has been reiterated in many forms. In other words, all that we say to you, you already know; we are here to help you re-member.

You chose to learn this way, the way of practice and repetition. Look at “history”: It is all repetition of what you thought you knew.

Things are changing.

“Yes, I know all about change,” You say. Understand that in each moment of Now, changes are infusing the energy, information; the very consciousness that you are, affecting your physiology, your mental and emotional states, and many of you are still resisting it. What you resists, persists. You feel it in every aspect of your conscious awareness.

We know how hard you are working to release what is old, and with each transmission we endeavor to aid in your growth and expansion.

So today we invite you to embrace a deeper learning.

Stop resisting. In fact, stop releasing. Relax into embracing all that you are, right now in this moment. There is no more digging up old patterns and beliefs, releasing them from the body and the energy field. You have reached the saturation point of effectiveness at that level of awareness.

We invite you to understand another, deeper Truth. The first Truth that we spoke of at length was the Truth of Who and What You Are: An aspect of that which created you; holy, Divine, and therefore a creator. Infinite Being experiencing the physical manifestation of the consciousness that you are.

Consciousness is Love. Consciousness is Peace. Consciousness is Joy. Therefore You are love, you are peace, you are joy. It is literally what you are made of, and it is time for you to own it, exist from and within it, and give it freely to All.

You have learned in your existence as a human that when you receive a gift, there is a price, a debt; the unspoken expectation that there will be something given “in return.” Friends, this is Old Energy. (Expectations are limiting and constraining, and always lead to disappointment. The fluid energy of expectancy opens the floodgates to possibility.)

Today’s Deeper Truth:

Giving and receiving are one in Truth. When you give freely, you receive back what you have given.

We speak of more than material gifts, we speak of giving what you are made of: Love. Peace. Joy. These are the most valuable gifts, and giving freely of these gifts, living in the Now moment in the flow of expectancy that all is well ensures that you receive back what you have given so freely.

Practice this, friends. Play with this. This is part of the role you are here to fulfil. This IS change, and this change is not one to fear, it is one to embrace.

Re-member: You are Infinite Consciousness; a part of all that is, was and ever will be. All that you think, say and do is reflected in like energy and information, and comes back to you in amplified form. You will find that as you work with this Truth things shift quite rapidly, and timing is no coincidence.

You are an integral and necessary part of the shift in the consciousness of humanity.

It is time to get to the joyful work of creating change. And it is joyful work indeed because this is the first time as a human being that you are able to create positive change through the conscious giving of love, peace and joy. You give the gift of Yourself, and you receive the gift of Yourself in return.

We invite you to practice. What do you desire to give freely? What is your heart desiring? Breathe deeply, align in the truth of Who You Are and practice, allowing the heart’s desires to flow, to speak to you:
~Giving and receiving are one in Truth. When you give freely, you receive back what you have given.

~(Insert a name, or simply say Everyone,) I give you Peace, Love, Joy, Healing, Happiness, Acceptance, Understanding, Wholeness, Compassion, Gratitude, Forgiveness, Abundance…

Take this joyful work far and wide.

We give you Peace.