Truth and Love

Truth and love are all that exist. You are both. You are Truth and you are Love. You are here to shift, and you are here to bring in the shift.

What are you shifting? Your own perception and the perception of those around you.

We ask that you do not judge the Self, for the Self is still human and therefore ego driven. Trust in your soul, for that is Who you are. You are challenged now and will continue to be until you shift your perception. We say that the challenge is something that the ego holds onto because it gives it something to fight against, to fight FOR.

So you see, all is Truly Well. You are in the midst of one of the most transitional times of your life, and you are conscious of it. Your ego is conscious of it to the extent that it is fighting for it’s life. Your ego fears extinction.

We offer you this gift: In this very moment, breathe, and find your center. Align with your soul and permit your highest self to release some of the struggle. Do this by finding your light, the spark within you. It is sometimes difficult to find but it is ALWAYS there. Take as long as it is necessary to find the light and spark within, because it is imperative to ushering in the Shift.

From this place of light and peace, use your will and intention to spark the joy within you to life. Joy is something that your ego resists and even resents because it (the ego) is not capable of generating joy. It recognizes the feeling of it, but most of the time deep seated old wounds and self judgment, generated by the ego, squash the feeling of joy that arises from within. The good news is that you are remembering how to recognize the feeling of joy as well as the feeling of the ego attempting to override it with self judgment. And this is power.

You are now aware of the other dimensions, the unseen realms that exist all around you, where aspects of your soul are existing in concurrent lifetimes. They are not in some far off place, they are right where you are. They are right where you perceive your physical body to be. In your expanded state of conscious awareness you “tap into” these realms quite frequently, mostly in your dream time, but very often in your conscious waking state. You feel this more than you are able to see it or hear it, and those feelings are what your ego is focused on. Your ego is focused on old energy, the old patterns and energy of oppression and suffering because those patterns are known to it. You are invited to step away from this old energy, become consciously aware of your ability to step away from this, and find and focus on the light within you. That light is where the Truth, Love and Peace exist. You are invited to grow and expand into these innate feelings. When you do, you are able to experience your external reality from the vibration of Truth and Love instead of the vibration of suffering. You will feel different; you will see your world more brightly and clearly. All of your senses, physical and otherwise, will become more acute. When you are immersed in your innate energy of Truth and Love, you are actively affecting not only your current existence, but every concurrent existence that your soul is experiencing in all of time and space.

You have been immersed in suffering, both internally and externally for eons of time. We wish to remind you that you have a choice. You have the strength and you have the will to change. This is Truth. Your ego does not wish for you to believe this, it wishes for you to remain stuck in old patterns because that is what it knows. Your soul however, cannot remain stuck in old patterns. It is impossible because you are always evolving into the next version of your expanding and expanded Self, becoming more aware in each moment of Now of Who You Are.

So here is what we are doing with you and for you in this moment of Now: We are witnessing your light, your soul, and only your soul. In other words, we are not heeding your ego, we are witnessing your God self with our total focus. You are invited to experience this, and you can do this for as long and as often as you read this, for time and space hold no relevance. Energetically we are working with your God self to enhance and expand your light, witnessing it broaden and expand into all of the realms of time and space. We, working in alignment with you are in this moment, shifting the energy of time and space. More importantly, we are shifting the frequency of your concurrent existences, bringing love and peace to all aspects of your soul in all realms of time and space. Be Here. Now.

Breathe. Deepen, and allow the thoughts to fall away. Focus your eyes on something, then allow your peripheral vision to expand. Do not take your eyes off of what you are focusing on, but soften the gaze, and relax into your peripheral vision. You will begin to experience an opening or an expanding, feeling the energy move through you. You are expanding your awareness into the unseen realms. You will feel yourself broaden and expand…Let the sounds and thoughts fall away and simply Be. Experience. Feel the stirrings of appreciation deepen into gratitude. Breathe into gratitude, expanding even further into it, knowing that in this moment you are shifting not only within your God self but within all concurrent existences. Allow the thoughts to fall aways, trusting the Truth of your soul, knowing that the feeling of gratitude is all that is necessary in order to shift, now.

In this place of gratitude, feel the Peace and Truth of it. Let this fill you, spilling into the realms of time and space. In this moment you are manifesting change. Here you are able to make reparations, to forgive the ego self, therefore making reparations and forgiving all of your brothers and sisters, in all of time, in all of existence. Allow the minutia to fall away, and trust that this change is affecting all aspects of your existence and everyone connected to you.

This is ushering in change. It may mean that all of the plans that you made may fall away. What does this mean? Your ego is the planner, not your soul. Your ego has goals that are based on past expectations and historical data that is no longer relevant in the new energy. We invite you to trust the innate wisdom of your soul and step into the flow of expectancy. Being in the flow of expectancy is knowing that all is truly well, where you are not bound to the disappointment of broken expectations.

The more you do this and the longer you stay present within it the more you affect change for yourself and all others. You are the only One, and One is all there is. You are emanating truth and love instead of suffering into all realms of time and space. This is powerful beyond what your mind can conceive. When you feel the weight of the ego and the challenges it presents, we invite you to become very conscious of your innate ability to transcend it. This is Truth.

You are in the womb of the Mother, the Goddess, always receiving energy, nourishment and strength via the umbilical cord that is connected to your heart and solar plexus. This cord has never been cut. The “memories” of the cord cutting at all of your births contributed to the trauma of that belief. You are not separate from the mother/father creator, you never have been, so it is time to re-connect to and re-member this flow of vital life force energy. Witness this umbilical cord that unites you in your heart and belly to the mother/father Goddess/God and as your breathe, feel the flow of life, of love, of energy. This is what sustains you. This is Life Force. You cannot cease to exist. You Are. Let this knowing carry away the detritus and old energy. It is a transfusion of sorts, re-igniting and strengthening your own innate compassion and truth. Be here, now. And so it is.