Be at Peace, Freedom is Near

Intense fluctuations of energy are flooding your planet. You move through cycles of what you are able to absorb and integrate, and your physical, emotional and mental bodies respond according to what old patterns, beliefs and karmic entanglements you need to release. Your emotional, physical and mental bodies will not necessarily respond in the same way or at the same time as each other so you may experience periods of intense emotional upheaval, a physical illness or some combination of all of it.
This is by your own design. You, as Source, chose to experience this time of ascension and awakening in this way so that you would fully appreciate every aspect of it.
As a collective, you share your energy with the earth and vice versa, so as the earth releases massive amounts of old Akashic energy, so do you. When you (and the earth) are in the process of releasing massive amounts of old energy you are very open to receiving greater amounts of new, very high vibrational energy. This energy enters your auric field, your body, your cells and your DNA. This energy creates more photons, or light in your cells, displacing old, diseased, toxic and dead cells that carry the energy of enslavement.
Integration of this energy and light begins once you have received it, so you don’t necessarily feel the “effects’ until you have moved through a cycle of intense flooding of new energy and the release of old energy. This varies from person to person, and depending on choices you made prior to incarnating in this life, you may have chosen to feel things more acutely in the physical body through illness, emotionally, or through what you would call mental illness. These are all labels that humans have created, and from our perspective, they are meaningless. We are not minimizing what you are feeling, yet what we witness is very simply, the releasing of lifetimes of unhealed patterns and the integration of your true and authentic Source consciousness.
What is important for you to know is that each and every person is moving through these cycles. Many are still unaware, and are fighting against awakening to their true and divine nature. Those that are aware and awake are invited to truly recognize the power in your ability to choose how you feel, what your thoughts are, the words you speak and the actions that follow your words. When you choose to raise your vibration and feel compassion for others for example, you are affecting those around you as well as your world.
April energy is a completion of a larger cycle. To put it simply, the steady increase in light, energy and information over the past handful of years was designed (by you) to help you to awaken to your true and authentic self; Your Source consciousness self. It began in earnest with an opening in your upper chakras. For many of you there was a possibly intense opening and clearing of your third eye or pineal gland. Others may have felt an opening (or even a constricting) of the heart as the heart chakra opened and cleared old energy.
The opening and clearing of the upper chakras needed to occur first so that you would begin to re-cognize and re-member Who You Are. We hyphenate the words to emphasize them: You are re entering the membership you have always had with your Source consciousness. It has never left you, but you did forget that you are All That Is, and you did that by choice in order to experience everything: Life, death, rebirth, suffering, enslavement, greed, darkness and of course, light, love, joy, peace, grace.
Reclaiming your empowerment, your Divine self awareness is your goal in this lifetime, and you do this by raising your vibration through your intention.
As you began to remember how to raise your vibration by returning to the feeling nature of Grace (your natural state of Being) you were able to receive more and more light and energy. This process instigated a lot of change, and much of it was very uncomfortable. As your chakras began to vibrate at a higher frequency, you went deep into the cycles of releasing and integrating. You moved through the pandemic which affected every one of you even if you did not get sick. You witnessed the upsurge in the rise of the divine feminine, and conflicts and resolutions with race issues. You are in effect, freeing yourselves from all forms of enslavement.
Through all of this, your heart, solar plexus and sacral chakras have been opening and clearing over the last 2-3 years.
You are not done yet, but here is a light at the end of the tunnel.
It is time for your root chakra to be cleared of trauma, suffering and survival issues. You are being faced with not only a pandemic, but war, and that affects everyone’s root chakra. As you move through April, the energy will support you as you clear these deeply rooted survival and enslavement issues. They are already in your awareness, and many of you are feeling the movement in your physical, emotional and mental bodies. The support you are receiving in April will help you to clear these age old issues in your current life experience as well as in all of time. This is how it always works but we like to remind you of the profound effect that the work you are doing for yourself has on the collective, your ancestors, as well as the ones that come after you.
Once you clear root chakra trauma, you are free to experience the joy of living in full awareness of your true, authentic self. You have moved through the process of intellectualizing your Source consciousness self, to believing that You Are That. Now it is time to know Who You Are, and to know it experientially.
This is the true shift in your conscious awareness.
Not everyone will make this leap with you, and that is OK as you all have free will. You are not required to stay in a 3D world however. When you choose to exist in the high vibratory state of Grace, you are ultimately choosing to move into a higher vibrational dimension or “timeline.”  Your choice affects your external reality, so your world reflects back to you your choice to exist in 5D. Remember that you affect your external reality with your thoughts, words and actions. In Grace, you are able to witness everyone, regardless of their level of conscious awareness, in compassion, love, forgiveness, gratitude and peace.
You are freeing yourself from the constraints of old beliefs and you are allowing others to choose for themselves, ultimately acknowledging their freedom as well.
April energy means freedom.
We know that you won’t give up at this point. We know that events that you witness in your world will reflect the 3D, 4D and 5D existences that you all are choosing in any given moment. We also know that you recognize your empowerment. You are realizing that when you choose to exist in 5D, that is what you experience.
With this awareness comes peace of mind and peace within the heart, and when you are at peace, your world responds.
We congratulate you for Being Here in this Now Moment, and invite you to pause, breathe, choose to raise your vibration and to be in Grace with us. As you settle into your natural state of Being we amplify it to you, within you, and to All.
Be at Peace.

Urging and Purging

When you have an urge to do something, it is like a need to act. Often the urge to act comes from ego, or from a deep desire to be needed, accepted, loved, revered, worshiped, or simply seen as attractive in the eyes of another.

The ego pushes us to act on some urges in order to feel satisfied.

In the past this has worked, albeit temporarily.

When we act on ego driven urges we are potentially temporarily satisfied but not fulfilled. The need often continues until or unless we address it at a deeper level, which means looking inward and acknowledging our wounds.

 The beginning of 2022 was for many, a time of deep purging.

Purging is like having an urge, with your soul adding an extra (often involuntary) push to release the urge from deep within the subconscious, so that ego is not involved in acting on the original urge.

(Soul guided) Push + (ego driven) Urge = Purge

Purging deep woundedness may show up in your life as an illness, a major life change that upsets your way of life, or some other potential upheaval that offers you an opportunity to look more deeply within yourself.

The opportunity here is to take the time to examine what is happening in your life from your natural state of Being, that of Grace.

For many, the first instinct is to drop into fear, doubt, anger, even defensiveness.  This is certainly a choice one may make.It is also choosing to continue with old patterns. You can then change your mind, making the choice to look deeper within for guidance.

You are now at a level of the conscious awareness of your Divine Nature that you no longer care to be in the story of your wounds. That ego driven desire is gone.

That in and of itself is a sign of healing and freedom from enslavement to old patterns and beliefs.

Be at peace with yourself as you purge old energy.

Quantum Updates

We invite you to become aware that each moment of Now holds as much change as what you have experienced in your entire lifetime.

The change we are referring to is at the quantum level. All change is at the quantum level, but the ever increasing flow of energy that you are receiving in each moment is effectively altering your molecular makeup so rapidly that your brain cannot even begin to comprehend it. This is not something that is happening at random. It is something that each and every one of you signed up to be a part of.  It is the completion phase of a cycle that you have experienced multiple times on earth, 

The difference is that you are going to complete the cycle this time.

The other difference is the sheer amount of information that you are able to integrate now. In some of these other existences (like Atlantis, for example) you were highly adept at technological advances that included using crystals as a source of energy. You were able to communicate telepathically, and you were all aware of your own innate healing capabilities, yet you were not as innately aware of your own connection to Source as you are rapidly beginning to remember. You learned about your spiritual selves through study. In this current lifetime, you are also studying, but you are also integrating aspects of your soul regardless of who you are and the level of awareness that you are currently aware of. 

In other words, you are ALL waking up. You are ALL on a journey of ascension, remembering that you are Source consciousness. Many of you are consciously aware of this and your purpose, if you will, is to embody this, to BE this in order to invite others to awaken not through what you do, but by the energy that you are. 

Let’s take the Oneness Aspect a bit further.

Humans represent an aspect of every being within the entire universe. Everyone who is seeking ascension and to love in oneness is willing to help because they are all aspects of you. 

Your future self exists, and you are receiving information in the form of electromagnetic energy from this future self. You might perceive this future self as an off planet being; maybe an Arcturian, a Pleiadian, an archangel, or an ascended master. Many of you will feel the truth of this, others may reject it as fantasy, and that is all Ok. There is no right or wrong, good or bad in any of this. You are at the level of understanding that you chose to be in, at this moment. We introduce this to plant the seed of deeper awareness. 

Your future selves exist concurrently with your “past” selves, and in your present awareness, you are integrating more of each. As you continue to shed patterns, beliefs, karmic energy and the like, you are able to more fully integrate the energy of all aspects of you while healing all aspects of you, including this one.

You have surpassed your “past” human existences in your level of expansion and awareness of Who You Are.

Because of this, you are on the verge of a new way of being on this planet. And because your planet is a living entity with consciousness, you and your planet are intimately connected in this journey. You are ascending together. You know this of course, yet as you read these words, there is an amplification of the deeper cellular recognition of this knowledge. We spoke of rapid change at the quantum level at the beginning of this message: This is but one aspect of change that we are talking about. Your DNA is changing constantly, which affects the molecular structure of your cells. This process moves through every aspect and system in your physical body. We have invited you to connect with and communicate with your physical body in previous messages and we invite you once again to a deeper level of oneness with your own earthly structure. When you are in Grace, your physical body responds in kind. Your energy field reflects it, and your thoughts, words and actions reflect your inner and energetic state of Being, 

This is your superpower and you have never been more aware of this in any existence on your planet as you are now.

You are using this superpower and it is helping all beings, everywhere. At times it may not seem that way, but we are able to perceive the big picture, and from our purview, you are doing amazing things in and through Grace. Please take a moment and breathe, allowing yourself to feel the truth of that statement.

In each next moment of Now, you are different, and the differences are so beautiful to witness. We invite you to witness the beauty in your differences; not just in how you look to each other, but in how you are embodying your Divine selves. 

Witness the changes in yourself in Grace.

Share your Grace with the world.