by Valerie Sargent | Oct 30, 2023
You are remembering how to Be in the present moment, the only moment there is.
Being present still may not feel comfortable, but the more you allow yourself to Be in the present, the more you’ll connect to the “memory” of it. The memory of Being has been overridden by the belief that you must always be doing something and that it must be productive. You have also been taught that thinking about the past and being worried about the future keeps you motivated to do all that you need to do. Those beliefs have served you over myriad lifetimes including this one, and they’re now old energy. We are not saying that you should not be productive. We are simply reminding you that Being present is just as important, and it is necessary for your wellbeing.
Finding balance within and recognizing that how you survived in the past is changing, Remembering how empowering it is to be present is where your focus is now.
You carry the memory of everything within you, and these memories don’t reside in your brain. The energy of these memories resides in your DNA, and until recently, that DNA was called “junk.” What used to be called junk is now coming online for you and as it does it is awakening the cellular memories of every experience that you can imagine. What we call your Source DNA is designed to awaken within you now.
This does not necessarily mean that you will remember every past life, although some of you are remembering bits and pieces of things that you may not be able to explain. What some of you are feeling, and more of you will start to feel are the emotions, the feelings associated with these memories. Many of you are experiencing aspects of these memories in your dreams, and as you evolve your brain will not have to try so hard to make sense of what your soul is experiencing in multiple dimensions at one time.
You’ll just know.
“Just knowing” means that you are allowing what is occurring to occur without actively resisting it. It also means that you are in acceptance of the changes that you are moving through physically and spiritually and that you trust the knowing of Who and What you are.
October energy was supportive of stepping into new experiences and many of these experiences involved stepping out of what is known to you and into situations that offered you the opportunity to trust your intuition more than you may have before. Some of this may have been uncomfortable at first.
New experiences may have shown up as ideas, or the feeling of potentiality that may not have been open to you previously. Each of you will experience new energy in your own way, a way designed by you prior to your incarnation into this lifetime. You will find that as you embrace this energy more fully, others step forward to help you to shape and manifest the potential into something that matters.
You are literally making things matter through your willingness to step into the energy of new experiences. You do this by being present in the moment, as this is when you are in your empowerment and able to recognize new energy. You cannot do this while regretting the past or being worried about the future.
You are ready for this, and this is the way forward for you. It is a different way of existing in a physical body because so much more of your spiritual self is becoming more apparent. Seeking balance and alignment is important because your physical body is working hard to adjust to the changes that are happening continuously. (Some would say relentlessly, but that is a perspective, and one that can be changed anytime through making a choice.)
As information within your DNA comes online, it is activating the neural pathways in your brain and nervous system, clearing out the dense energy of old patterns and beliefs, and you are remembering how to respond from this new alignment within you. Your old “go to” was to react from a constricted nervous system that was always in some form of fight or flight mode. This has taxed your body for many lifetimes, and now your body is remembering how to respond instead of react. You are able to assist yourself in this by being present, grateful to and for your body, and from that state of being, invite your cells to regenerate with no memory of trauma. You are consciously and lovingly directing the energy of your body to do something that it does automatically. This is a very big step in the awareness of your own empowerment.
The ability to respond is generated through being present which is when you are able to choose how you feel. Reacting is generated by a nervous system that is stressed and poised for fight or flight, constantly revisiting the past and worried about what is next.
Your body knows how to respond instead of react, and you are actively participating in this realignment by Being present.
You have grown so much in the last years, and it is beautiful to witness.
You are continuing to grow into your full potential, which the human ego cannot truly comprehend. In order to begin to comprehend it, you have to leave the mind and be in your heart. In many ways you are “losing your mind.” That is a figure of speech but it is also a fairly accurate way to describe the process that you are moving very quickly through. As you incrementally let go of old energy and are in the present enough to be open to new ideas, you are expanding neural pathways and in some cases, creating new ones. The old “stuff” is released through areas of your brain like the occipital and parietal lobes. This allows for more brain space for broader, more expansive perception. Your pineal gland has a more open connection to other areas of your brain, so your perceptions of your inner and outer world expand. You are literally able to perceive more than you ever have. This process opens your inner and dream worlds as well. You all experience this rapid expansiveness in different ways and we invite you to be in acceptance of how you experience your growing expansiveness. Acceptance itself is expansive, where resistance is constrictive, restricting the scope and freedom of action; the action of your ever expanding Self.
You are invited to Be in acceptance of your beautiful, miraculous ever expanding Self in the present moment. So much is occurring for you in this time, and it is beautiful to witness the awakening of your Source DNA.
by Valerie Sargent | May 1, 2023
Right now, you are different than you were yesterday. Everything about you and your life is changing. How much it changes is up to you, yet in the last month, your DNA, your cells and your energy field changed more than they’ve changed in the last 6 months.
When we say “how much changes is up to you” we mean that your thoughts, words and actions affect your reality, including your inner reality. So as you consciously choose to expand your awareness, you are not only inviting in the energy and light, you are also creating the right inner environment for the ‘most bang for your buck.’
Change happens constantly, and every once in a while you get an amplification of energy that causes major shifts within you. These happen in cycles, and as the energy that you are constantly receiving builds, it is making minute changes within the atoms of your body. When the cycle reaches a certain level, the minute changes activate a larger shift. All of this is very much in tune with the cycles of the sun.
If you are tuned into your body and your inner self, you are most likely very aware of the many small changes that are happening regularly as well as the larger and often more intense energy shifts that occur in these cycles.
With each next cycle, you are opening yourself to more high vibrational and new (as in unknown to you as a human) energy that literally shakes out whatever is now old, along with the very old patterns, beliefs, programming, karmic entanglements.
Everything that you have learned up to this moment is now old energy. It has all served a very important purpose, and you are now ready to receive and integrate much more because you are different; more expanded, more open, more in alignment with your Source consciousness self. How you manifest what your heart and soul desire is changing, and we will explore that more in a bit.
The more expanded you become, the more aware you are of being One with All, including those that came before and those that will come after you.
Let’s focus for a moment on those that came before: Your ancestors.
You carry within your inner Akash the cellular memories of your ancestors. The energy of everything that your ancestors were taught and experienced is within you, and you draw from that well of information and energy constantly. It has been what has guided you for many, many generations and lifetimes. This same information and energy is now becoming what is causing you to pause and question whether or not it is in your highest and best interest to continue to be guided by it.
This is your evolutionary journey.
You are re-evolving; Coming back around, full circle, to Who You Are; Source consciousness.
Your evolutionary process was to develop gradually into a more complex, awakened being.
You are re-evolving, or in a way, re-volving, moving in a circle to complete the biggest and most important cycle of all.
You are re-membering Who You Are.
Upheaval is a necessary part of this process. It has to be and you are aware of this. From the human perspective, upheaval is disruptive, frightening and not part of the plan that your ego was counting on. Yet here you are, in the midst of a number of years of upheaval. You are here now, and at this moment, all is well. You can simply choose for it to be, and that becomes your reality.
You know this now.
May brings more change, and you are ready for it. You embrace new energy now. You moved with ease and grace through all that crumbled and fell away, and you are well acquainted with and comfortable with your sure foothold in your new template. You help each other. Congratulations, you have done well.
Your new template is no longer new because you have been learning how to navigate it with grace and ease. You are playing with manifesting your heart’s desires in the feeling nature of Grace, grateful for what already exists, knowing that the potential is always there. You are invited to continue to practice and play with manifesting your heart and soul’s desires, as you will only grow stronger in your ability.
And we would like to add this:
Simply align with Source.
I AM are the 2 most empowering words that you can speak, and the words that follow I AM become your reality.
The statement
“I AM in alignment with Source (God, Creator, Highest Self)”
is all that you need. That’s it. When you claim your source consciousness you are aligning with All That Is and All That Is is You.
Source holds nothing back from you. You and your ancestors believed differently for so long that this belief is deeply ingrained in you. You are here, now, to release that belief for yourself, for your ancestors, for those that come after you because you are re-membering that You Are Source. You gift yourself with your own heart’s desires when you come into alignment with Source.
May brings changes; changes within you, changes in your world stage. You may feel it in different ways. Honor what you are feeling, and when that feeling becomes one that you don’t enjoy, choose to feel differently. Each and every time you choose to feel a higher vibrational feeling, you are clearing eons of patterns, beliefs, programming and karmic entanglements for yourself and for your ancestors. Those that came before you are grateful for the work you are doing and hold you in the highest vibration of love and gratitude.
The work that you are doing is the most important work that you will ever do, and the repercussions resonate throughout space and time.
We thank you.
by Valerie Sargent | Feb 1, 2023
Even though 2023 has only just begun, you are well on your way energetically. You have already moved through some rather intense solar flares, 2 energetic portals, and currently there is a very strong forward momentum that may make it feel as if things are moving very fast. Many things are occurring now that your conscious awareness is recognizing.
The illusion that time is speeding up is only an illusion if you are still thinking of time as something that is a constant. The truth is that you are much more aware of your multidimensionality now. The feeling that time is moving faster is real in that you are existing in all of your timelines at once and your conscious awareness is expanding to recognize this.
You are feeling things very deeply now because your expanding consciousness is responding to experiences in other timelines. You may not remember or have the conscious awareness of an experience in another timeline, but your soul does, and at some level, your heart (and in some cases, even your mind) recognizes the energy of that experience, so you may feel a deep emotional response to a seemingly small trigger.
Your sleep cycles may be disrupted, and you may be dreaming more, or more vividly. This is another aspect of your ever expanding awareness, bringing greater detail of other existences to your consciousness.
It is so fascinating!
There is no slowing down now, and that is exactly how you chose it to be.
As your consciousness and therefore your awareness is expanding, you are also recognizing patterns, beliefs and deep programming that no longer serve you. The intense light and energy that you are receiving vibrates loose the deeply embedded programming that is in your DNA which allows for the re-pairing of your DNA. There is nothing to be fixed; your DNA is being re-paired with your Source consciousness, and in this process, the old programming sloughs off like old skin. Seems simple enough, yet the old programming is deeply ingrained in your cellular memory and in your energy field, and anything that deeply embedded can often be painful to extract.
So you are feeling the effects of lifetimes of societal and cultural programming being shaken loose from the very core of you.
Acceptance of this process and kindness and compassion for yourselves and each other are what will help you the most.
Acceptance is a major aspect of Grace. Without it, you cannot truly heal, you cannot truly be free. Without acceptance you are always judging yourself, and when you are judging yourself you will always come up short. Being human is about being unique and having experiences. If you were all exactly alike, there would be no growth, and it would radically reduce the experiences you would have. You’ve already experienced that as Source. You have been and encompassed All That Is, so you chose to experience being something different.
You are simply finding your way back now. And again, you chose to do this.
The undoing of societal and cultural programming is what you are moving through in earnest now. The old programs are not bad, they are the experiences that you, as individuals and as a collective consciousness have chosen to be free of now. They no longer serve your expanding awareness of Who You Are so you are in the process of undoing them.
There are many who judge them as bad or corrupt, but as you move through this process it is important for you to remember that your perception of everything is what is showing up as your reality. So you can judge old programming is bad, or you can simply be grateful as you move forward, that you are releasing it.
Your vibration is yours to monitor and control. No one else can do that for you, nor would you want them to. Part of the old programming involves the belief that others in your life and in your world dictate how you feel.
Remember that you have superpowers: Your ability to choose how you feel in any moment, and being in the feeling nature of any aspect of Grace: Acceptance, peace, compassion, love, gratitude, joy, etc.
Your superpower changes your life.
Changing your life affects those around you.
That affects your circle of influence.
Your circle of influence is much greater than you know.
That is how you contribute to the shift in consciousness.
February is a month of undoing deep programming. You chose to move through the process of awakening, or enlightenment in this way: Coming to earth as human, and moving through a timeline of awakening, until you leave this physical incarnation. There will always be an integration and healing process for as long as you are in this body, and it does get easier as you continue to awaken, or enlighten. You are receiving light that affects the cellular structure of your body and your DNA, so you are indeed becoming enlightened. The awakening is the process of waking from the amnesia of not remembering Who and What You Are.
The joy and the excitement of it is in the journey, the process of re-membering, so if you are able to recognize that truth, choose to shift your perception from pain and suffering to excitement, gratitude and even joy. It behooves you to do so, and in choosing the higher vibrational feeling, you are inviting those around you to do the same.
That is how you contribute to the enlightenment of the world.
We see you for Who You Are and invite you to always see yourselves as that.