by Valerie Sargent | Apr 20, 2022
April’s energy is here to help you to transform in ways that as a human, you have never transformed before.
In many ways, you are in a process of deep inner transformation that is much like what you experience in realms of higher vibration. Many of you were here in the time of Lemuria, and if you give yourself the time and space to remember, you can recall similar experiences from your time then. Those times are not in the past, but right here, in another dimension that exists next to you, if you can imagine it.
April energy is here to support you as you dig deep into root chakra issues. Anytime you dig deeply, you are going to uncover surprising things. Some of the things that surfaced may have caused you to seemingly revert to old patterns, actions, feelings, and the like. Do not despair, as that is what is supposed to happen. Your higher self is always lovingly guiding you to visit opportunities that will help you to transcend what you call your past. Your past is not a bad thing, yet you judge it and yourself harshly. There are still the remnants of blame, fear and judgment. Not all of it is from this lifetime, but from every lifetime. You have carried all of that within your cells and your Akash for eons.
This is the lifetime that you chose to be here to transcend all of that, to be free.
If April (in fact, the first quarter of 2022) seemed challenging, you have moved quite a bit of energy and are well on your way to a more expansive, higher vibrational version of yourself.
If you have kept journals or diaries, this is a good time to go back and review what you have written over the past years. You will be amazed at how you have changed, at how much you have forgotten, and how much your patterns and habits have shifted. Many of you are now living in completely different situations. Your external reality is potentially very different, but the biggest and most profound changes have been happening within you. Those changes are the ones that are most difficult to track from day to day.
Trust that you are very different, energetically and otherwise than you were 1 year, 2 years, 5 years, 10 years ago. This is not about judging who you were then, or even last month. This is a loving reminder that you are Here Now, because you chose to Be Here Now to change and be a part of a greater change. This change, or shift, is about recognizing your true identity and claiming it as a sovereign Being of Love. In reclaiming your sovereignty, you also reclaim your freedom and recognize that everyone and everything is a part of you. When you cognize Oneness consciousness, your perspective shifts, and with it, your life.
You affect change, therefore you affect the shift in the consciousness of human Beings.
So many of you came back for this time, and it is wonderful. You are Here Now, and because you are, you are changed. You have been transforming constantly, and at an increasing rate. Take a breath and recognize this truth, for it is well done.
by Valerie Sargent | Jan 1, 2022
Welcome to a new year.
Each moment is truly an opportunity to begin anew, and many of you make the choice to start fresh upon waking in the morning. The majority of you consciously choose to start anew at the beginning of the new year because of your collective belief that this is the time to make changes in your life.
There is actual energy behind this belief, and most of you feel it and it motivates you for a while, until your ego steps in and tells you that it is futile to change.
That is now old energy.
You are an amplifier of light.
In last year’s New Year message we spoke of letting go of making resolutions (there is truly nothing to resolve) and instead, making changes in your way of Being.
You have done exactly that, and 2021 ushered in the results of your efforts.
You may have the thought that 2021 was very challenging in many ways and you are not incorrect. The fallout from the changes you have made in your way of Being caused chaos which is exactly what happens when you choose to change.
The changes you have made (singularly and as a collective) have resulted in your current state of transitioning out of the 3rd dimension and into the 4th dimension, while seeing glimpses of the 5th dimension in the world you live in.
You live in a dualistic world and believe in light and dark, good and evil, so upheaval is the result when immense amounts of light shine on creations and situations that were created and have existed in the dark.
There are 12 dimensions, or density layers of consciousness. You have spent your existences on earth in the very low vibrational 3rd density consciousness. This was by choice so that you could experience all that there is to experience.
You are moving into the 4th dimension, or the spirit realms. You will recognize this because you are connecting more deeply to your spiritual self, and opening to deeper levels of communication with spirit. It is a dimension of transition that you move in and out of as you prepare to move into the 5th dimension and a deeper, cognizant awareness of Who You Are.
There are many levels in the spirit realms and as you deepen into your own Divine Knowing you become more heart centered and are better able to discern if the energy and information that you receive are truly for your highest and best and therefore the highest and best for All.
You spend most of your sleep time in the 4th and higher dimensions and when you wake there is a veil of forgetfulness that descends upon most of what you experience. This is shifting as you consciously raise your vibration through choosing to be in Grace. (Grace is your natural State of Being, and we speak of it often. Please refer to past transmissions for more.)
2022 is an opportunity to shift exponentially into a higher vibrational state of Being both at a personal level and as a collective.
You have completed a cycle, and have been laying the groundwork, or template for the next 9 year cycle. It is an exciting time of discovery for you on your personal journey of ascension as well as for the collective. In each next moment of Now you leave separateness behind and cleave to Oneness consciousness more completely. Oneness consciousness refers to your innate knowledge of Who You Are as Source and as Source, you are one with All That Is. In fact you ARE All That Is.
Knowing that you are Source has nothing to do with ego. It is a deep and powerful connection to your own light, energy and soul that literally opens your heart so that you truly begin to accept, forgive and love Yourself. At this stage of your conscious evolution, you are ready to recognize the truth about Yourself. This spectacular way of Being is akin to being vulnerable because you are energetically wide open, shining your love, energy and light not only inward, but outward for all to experience. It is an empowering and life changing way to live and Be!
When your heart is open and you are existing in a state of Grace:
*You exist in a higher vibrational state of being.
*You are an open invitation for all you meet to step into a higher vibrational state of Being.
*You are able to forgive all others who have caused you pain and suffering in all lifetimes.
*You are able to forgive yourself for the choices you have made that have caused pain and suffering to yourself and others in all lifetimes.
When you exist in a state of Grace you are making powerful changes to every lifetime that you have ever lived.
You have been told that you cannot change the past. At your level of awareness, transitioning out of the old, limiting 3rd dimensional world, you do indeed have the ability to affect your Akashic Records. All of time is occurring Now. You exist in a kind of hologram, not in linear time. So as you forgive and accept others where they are right now, you are stepping out of damaging patterns and clearing karmic entanglements. This is incredibly empowering for your own freedom from the miasma of trauma and suffering, and you are able to perceive a deeper level of Love for the first time in your human existence. This all begins within You as you heal your old, damaging beliefs about yourself.
2022 is your year to embrace and create a template for moving forward into the 5th dimension.
How you view the challenges in your life shifts as you evolve.
Forgiveness and acceptance of Yourself and others is the powerful magic key that unlocks the door to healing and the higher dimensions.
Gratitude is your superpower that the universe responds to.
When you forgive another, accepting them for who they are in gratitude for the role they play in your life you are fully embracing your Source consciousness Self. This energetically transforms your reality in all of time, clearing your path into what you call the future.
It also expands and transforms your awareness of the world around you, so that you are able to glimpse the 5th dimensional world that you are helping to create through your Beingness.
Since you are the creator of your reality, you can see how this all fits into the bigger puzzle. Your continued clearing of old Akashic memories of trauma and suffering contribute to your ability and willingness to forgive ALL who have kept you enslaved in some form, throughout all of time.
Forgiveness is the most healing balm that exists.
You are the ones who are creating the new earth and your own future on it.
When you contribute your energy and intention in Grace to the universe, you are amplifying the energy of what you are doing exponentially.
Right now, become aware of the deep memory of separation; allowing yourself to feel the fear, the pain, the suffering. Acknowledge it, and as you do, connect fully with your own light, your own Divine Consciousness and Forgive. Forgive yourself, and whoever comes into your awareness. As you do this, know that we are with you, amplifying this intention into all of time and space.
Trust that you are making a difference. You are an integral part of the puzzle, and without you, it would not be complete.
Everything you think, say and do instigates change.
We would like to remind you that you create the versions of the people that are in your life (and the world) to be exactly as they are so that you can learn more about yourself. What these people are showing you are things that you potentially judge in yourself.
Forgiveness and acceptance are the powerful, magic tools in your tool belt. You always have a choice in how you feel and what your thoughts, words and actions are at any moment. We invite you to choose Grace. When you do, you alter the energy that you emit to the universe, and the universe responds accordingly.
In closing, we remind you that the intense amounts of light and energy that you are receiving can cause discomfort in the body and emotionally as you purge the old energy that has been housed in your cellular memory and Akashic Records for many lifetimes. It is a process that has to occur. Some feel it more than others, and many experience fear around upheaval, disease, and many other things that are surfacing as eons of trauma and suffering are acknowledged and released.
Please take that to heart and recognize that You are all connected, that you are All truly one consciousness from the same Source of Love. All that you think, say and do truly affects the Whole, and that is only going to expand as you move into the next moment of Now.
Welcome this New Year while blessing the past, for that door is now closed.
We know Who You Are, and acknowledge you in the highest vibration of Love.
by Valerie Sargent | Dec 1, 2021
We greet you from the highest vibration that you are able to integrate, and in this vibration, you are receiving the light, energy, information and codes that you need in order to identify and loosen the deeply buried Akashic memories of trauma and suffering.
You are now at the level of awareness where you are able to handle this intense light and energy.
From our perspective, which does not include the perspective of duality, the amount of Akashic memories that are vibrating “loose” and surfacing into your awareness is immense, and you are ready for it at your own personal level as well as at the collective level. You have come so very far, and we are so delighted to witness this growth.
As we are not in physical bodies, our perspective is very different from yours. We do not perceive duality like you do nor do we experience the heaviness of the lower vibrational energies. We certainly understand them though, and we are here to offer you as much guidance as we are able. We witness you as your Source consciousness selves: Beautiful beings of Light and energy.
Your growth has expanded exponentially within the last few months and as you enter the final days of your calendar year 2021, the amount of expansion is increasing tenfold.
This is how you chose to do this in order to secure your ascension in this lifetime. You chose it as collective Source Consciousness, not from your individual human perspectives. We remind you of this so that in this moment of Now you recognize the truth of that statement, and in that recognition, you integrate that truth into your DNA. As the light and energy of that truth integrates into your DNA, the vibration of it causes deeply impacted Akashic memories of suffering and trauma to be shaken loose where they rapidly move to your gut, heart and brain to be acknowledged. This process can cause intense emotional disturbances, deep grief, or intestinal upset because the energy of these memories is heavy and of a low vibration. They are moving into your conscious awareness via the chakra centers that you carry most of what you call your “issues.” For example, if you suffer from low self worth in this lifetime, you suffered from self worth issues in many other existences so you may feel things mostly in your solar plexus.
You have the ability to help yourselves through this process by truly loving yourselves. We have been working with you on bringing your awareness inward to your natural state of Being,that of Grace. Being in Grace is the most helpful tool that you have because you are literally addressing yourself physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually from the heart, or your highest Self, and your body responds to this. You are well aware of your body’s response to negative thinking, judgment and self hatred. You have been working on changing this age old pattern for a while now and it is paying off. The pay off may not yet make sense to your ego/mind because the world still seems chaotic, but from our perspective, the chaos means that eons of damaging karmic energy, patterns and beliefs are being uncovered, acknowledged and released. From our perspective this is cause for celebration.
So here you are at this time of joy and giving thanks. We invite you to ride the coattails of this energy and amplify Grace (Peace, love, gratitude, acceptance, joy, excitement, forgiveness, compassion, awe and wonder) into your world. When you are in Grace you are in the highest vibrational energy that you are able to handle while being in a physical form. When you are in Grace you are in the 5th dimension.
Understand that you are always interacting with others at an energetic level and you are inviting others to match your vibration at all times. When you are consciously in your natural state of Being you are inviting others to be in the 5th dimension with you. This is how you contribute to the shifting of the consciousness of humanity. This is how you manifest your 5th dimensional new earth. You are experiencing moments of it now, and each time you do, you are able to sustain it for longer periods of time. So ride the coattails of the vibration of the season! Amplify out to the universe joy, peace, gratitude, forgiveness, acceptance, wonder, light and all of the other aspects of Grace that comprise your natural state of Being!
As you continue to do this through the end of 2021, you are literally ushering in a New Era, one that you have been waiting for and anticipating for many lifetimes. Your mind cannot fully conceive of what this all means, but your body is able to feel it. You feel it in your heart, and when you feel it, you want to smile as the knowing fills you. We call this Divine Knowing, and everyone has Divine Knowing flowing through them. You have been in the process of clearing for so long now, and every bit of clearing that you have done helps you to identify the feeling nature of Divine Knowing that flows unceasingly within you.
Breathe deeply, and recognize the energy of Divine Knowing. This message contains the high vibrational energy of it which is moving through your DNA now. You chose it, which is why you are reading this. You chose to celebrate seasons such as this one so that you would amplify peace and goodwill to the world. You have been doing this for eons, yet this lifetime carries the most potential for the greatest shift in the consciousness of humanity than any other. It is your journey of journeys, and throughout this journey you are facing the deepest shadow aspects of your beingness as well as the purest Source consciousness that you are.
As these Akashic memories of trauma and suffering loosen and surface to your awareness, your mind will attempt to process them. You may dream vivid, violent dreams. You may have what you call flashbacks or visions that seem prophetic and frightening. We invite you to be aware that it is all part of the process, and to recognize that fear is not an integral part of you. It serves a purpose of course, but it does not control you. Your precious mind tries to make sense of what is suddenly showing up, much as your heart and gut do, so some upheaval is possible. You may find that you are not able to eat some of your favorite foods, or your sleep patterns are changing. You may find yourself becoming emotional for no reason. Know that all of this is part of the process of release, and be gentle with yourself and with others.
Grace is your superpower and it will never fail you. You raise your vibration when in Grace and this is how you change yourself and ultimately, your world. This is why you are here, and so many of you are here, Now. Celebrate this, and in the celebration, witness the shift within and all around you.
Happy New Year and New You!
by Valerie Sargent | Sep 30, 2020
Congratulations are in order because you are adapting to Where You Are, present moment, so very well. Where are you? You are in the Void. We have spoken to you of the void prior to this because the void is and always will be in the here and now, but you are truly in it for the first time, as something other than pure consciousness. You have passed the point of no return so to speak, meaning you are well into the transition of consciousness that you all came here to be part of. Your soul, your Highest Self is very aware of Where You Are, yet your precious physical body and ego are playing catch up, and in some cases, resisting the transition of consciousness. Your human/ego self still fears death to some degree. You are always coming into deeper alignment with your multidimensional self as you continue to shed eons of imprints, but your humanness prevents you from coming into full alignment. This is exactly how it should be because you would not need the physical body if you are in complete alignment with your multidimensional self. You are becoming ever more aware of your multidimensional self, hence the body and ego needing to catch up. Your energetic self vibrates at a higher frequency than the physical body and your inner senses are sharpening on a daily basis, so you are aware of your increasing ability to know. What you know is your own Divinity.
In each moment of Now, every aspect of your “reality” is changing, and this can be stressful. Your body is in many ways reacting to the changes and this may be uncomfortable. We spoke about this in a mid September message, and here is an excerpt:
“When you move a great deal of energy, which you are doing right now, you will feel it. You’ll feel it in your physical body through what you call symptoms of dis-ease. You might feel it moving through your emotional body, causing you to feel intense sadness, frustration and anger. Emotions can be triggered by others or may seem to arise from nowhere. You may feel mentally exhausted or as if your intelligence has left you for a brighter place. All of this is to some extent, true. Your physical body has to process the energy that is moving through you in some way, and you are all acquainted with myriad symptoms of dis-ease so you label the manifestation of moving energy as illness.”
(If you wish to read the full message, click on the orange “read past message” button below.)
You are able to help yourselves in many ways and most of these are self explanatory. The key is to become conscious of them so that they are a part of your daily life. We have been helping you to remember your natural state of Being for some time now. When you are in the State of Grace, you are offering all aspects of the Self myriad ways to adapt and adjust to the transition of consciousness, this time of immense and life altering change. (For more on Grace, please read past messages.) It would be impossible to never feel anger, frustration, sadness or even hate at times because that is part of your humanness, but you most certainly have control over what you do with the feelings and emotions that you experience. Consciously practicing sustaining your natural state of Being is the best thing you can do, as everything that you think, say and do then originates in and from Grace.
Imagine what your world would be like if everyone practiced sustaining their natural state of Being. Indeed, imagine it in and from Grace because when you do, you are emitting that energy, that vibration. It alters YOU, your energy field, and that affects everyone and everything. No thought is insignificant. We will say that again: No thought is insignificant. Think about that for a moment. Now, use your imagination and create this new world that you came here to create!
by Valerie Sargent | Nov 9, 2017
I have been practicing alternative healing (hypnotherapy, various types of energy work, Akashic Record Reading/Healing) for a few decades. I still get the occasional client who is just curious as to what it’s all about. Typically that person visits once, leaves feeling lighter, more relaxed, more peaceful, maybe even pain free, and then I don’t hear from her or him again.
That is OK with me. I work hard not to have any expectations about peoples’ opinions about the work that I do. It resonates with many, and that number seems to be growing as people are becoming more and more dissatisfied with traditional medicine. Let me say that I am in no way against traditional medicine. I am happy when clients combine what I offer with their medical regimen. What I do get asked after almost every visit is some version of “Should I come back again, or how often should I come back?” First, I am always conscious of making sure that the client knows that scheduling further appointments are always up to her or him. In the medical field, people are used to scheduling a follow up visit, or coming in for regular checkups, physicals, etc. Medicines are generally prescribed for some length of time, often with refills pending.
I do not diagnose dis-ease, nor do I prescribe any medication. What I do is leave the client with homework. In my line of work, what we do during a session is often quite deep and potentially life changing, but the client is also responsible for continuing the work once he or she leaves my office. This means that whatever issue we have been working on is something that the client is asked to continue to work on at home, as the more she or he does on their own, the deeper the level of potential healing.
One visit to the doctor will sometimes cure what ails a patient, but that is not the case most of the time. One visit to your Akashic Records or one hypnosis treatment will move some energy and will potentially make a positive difference in your life, but it typically will not completely resolve your issues.
I have had the opportunity to work with many clients over a period of many sessions, over some length of time. Maybe is it a few months, or even a few years. In each session, we build upon what we have worked on before. There is always a deeper level to reach, another issue to be uncovered. I get to know the client and she/he gets to know me. There is rapport, trust and a spiritual connection that evolves over time. The work we do can become very powerful and life changing in very positive ways. When I am able to work with clients over many sessions, some amazing things happen.
I have often told people that I am no longer surprised by what occurs with this work, but I am constantly amazed. Multiple sessions go deeper, reaching depths that I feel we cannot reach on our own. We are truly spiritual beings having a human experience, and this work enables us to be in both worlds, finding balance, peace and healing. I have experienced my own healing over the years: Both physical and emotional, and I have had the opportunity to witness some amazing healing in the lives of many others.
Healing: The process of becoming sound, or healthy again.
People also come to me when they don’t have a particular issue to deal with. Curiosity seekers aside, receiving alternative healing is beneficial whether you are suffering from some ailment or not. I try to schedule time for various types energy work regularly. It’s just good practice.
Treat yourself well, inside and out. You deserve it. Not because of anything you do, simply because you are you.