What is a Failure, Really?

What we perceive as a failure is just that: A perception.

It is only a failure because we believe it is. The truth is that it is simply a choice we made and we always have the opportunity to make a different choice.

If that perceived failure is in the past, then our choice might be to make peace with it, or to be at peace with that choice. In choosing to do so, or in choosing to shift our perception, we shift the energy of that choice.

It doesn’t change what occurred, but it does shift the energy of the choice we made within us, shifting our perception of it while re-weaving the karmic energy around it. This is how changes happen, and you are more empowered than ever before to make change happen.

Reweaving Your Karmic Tapestry

Everything that we offer you is a step in your ascension journey. The energy present for you now is one of deepening your understanding and conscious awareness of your Source consciousness, the aspect of you that is not only divine in nature, but integral for you to cognize and comprehend as you move further into the next cycle of your physical existence.

You have been clearing karmic entanglements for some time. Many of you now do this consciously, but anyone who forgives, makes peace with, and chooses to have compassion for another is also clearing karmic energy. You are now clearing karmic energy throughout the time/space continuum, and this is what we would like to talk more about, as the energy of June is supportive of this. 

The Law of Karma dictates that when you give, you will receive. You have been creating karmic entanglements throughout your lives by repeating variations of patterns, beliefs, and imprints, and this lifetime is the one in which you are awakening to Who and What You Are. What this means is that in choosing to incarnate at this time, you have the opportunity to reweave your karmic tapestry, re-creating it from a higher vibrational state of being; your natural state of Being, that of Grace.

Imagine an old tapestry, woven with heavy, dark threads of war, conquest, victimization. It also contains love and the joy of life, yet it is old and threadbare. Your karmic tapestry contains all of that, and at this juncture in your existence, you are able to reweave your tapestry with new energy; the energy of your Source Consciousness self. By reweaving a new tapestry you are consciously reclaiming your empowerment even more fully as a Divine Being of Source Consciousness, choosing to free yourself of old, heavy, lower vibrational karmic energy. Even the love and joy of life in your old tapestry are clouded with the imprints of unworthiness and judgment so as you move forward in this next cycle, you are shedding the old energy while adding threads of love and the joy of existence that are pure and untainted. 

In re-creating your new karmic tapestry you are doing your work, not anyone else’s, yet your work affects everyone because you are a part of all that is. Reweaving your karmic tapestry affects everyone. It is another step in your awakening, in your journey of reconnecting to your true and authentic nature.

We have spoken previously of deep imprints. As this next 15-20 year cycle of your life is unfolding, many of you are becoming very aware of deep imprints that are now surfacing. You are ready for this because of the work you have done up to this moment, which is why now is the time to be conscious of reweaving your karmic tapestry. You are very aware of what imprints, beliefs and karmic patterns you no longer wish to repeat, and every time you forgive, choose to be at peace, or make peace with another, a choice you have made, or yourself, that energy moves throughout your parallel lives and reweaves the energetic threads of your self created tapestry. It is truly wondrous to witness, as you re-make yourselves and all things anew. 

If this is the first time you are reading or hearing about reweaving your karmic tapestry, consider that it is an invitation for you to ask yourself if this feels true; if it is a next step in your ever expanding awareness of Who and What You Are. If you have read or heard about this before, you are already doing the work to recreate your grace filled new tapestry. As we mentioned above, all of you are doing this at your own level and pace, we simply bring it to your awareness. You might envision weaving your new karmic tapestry with gossamer threads of light,  vibrant colors, scenes of peace and love, galaxies and other worlds, and all beings existing in peace. You know how to do this. Your unique frequency plays a role in recreating the tapestry of the existence of all, like a piece of the puzzle that makes up the whole.

In closing, we wish to recognize the challenges that may be arising for you as you continue to move into the unknown of this next phase of your life. If you were not ready for this, you would not be here. With each old belief, pattern and imprint that you acknowledge, accept and then choose to look beyond, you are rewiring your nervous system, creating new neural pathways in your brain, and reweaving the energetic field around you. You are re-making yourself anew, and in doing so, you are inviting others to do the same. 

Each of you is playing an integral and unique role in the awakening of humanity. Some are doing it very consciously while others are playing their roles at an unconscious level, but everyone is vital. Everyone is source consciousness embodied. Every time you remember this, you are adding a beautiful new thread to your karmic tapestry. From our perspective, your tapestries are beyond description. We wish for you to imagine yours, witnessing the beauty and magnificence of it and enjoying the process for it is truly life altering.

You Are Ready!

The intensity level of the energy, light and information that you are receiving is increasing daily because you are ready for it. Your body, mind and certainly your soul can handle it. In fact your spirit has been waiting patiently for this time in your life, knowing without doubt that this time would come.

What is this time in your life about, and what does it mean for you?
This is a time of deep integration, recognition and purging. You are recognizing literally everything that no longer works for you as a human and purging it out of your system. 

It is a time of intense integration of every aspect of you; the wounded child, the victim, the perpetrator, the innocent and the guilty
What it means for you is ultimate freedom.

What it means for you emotionally, physically and mentally can be likened to a deep, cleansing purge and deep, cleansing purges can be uncomfortable, often very challenging.

Your physical body is releasing eons of old energy related to old programming, patterns, beliefs, and karmic entanglements, and that may cause (among other things) joint pain, muscle aches, distress in the areas of the body that correspond to chakra centers that are in the process of deep clearing and re-alignment.

Your bodies are amazing, and are designed to regenerate. You are invited to allow this truth to integrate as you release eons of old programming and beliefs around what the body can and cannot do.

Your emotional body is an energetic field that surrounds you. Others tap into your emotional field, picking up subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) energetic cues, just as you do with them. You are quite accustomed to doing this without thinking too much about it.

What is changing for you though, is how you respond to the cues that you are tapping into. 

Your old way was to react to others’ cues. Some would call these “triggers,” others would describe these people as catalysts in your life. You are also a catalyst for others, and your emotional field is very often a trigger for others to recognize old patterns in themselves such as (but not limited to) codependency, judgment, abandonment, and the fear of being vulnerable.

As you move into sustaining your natural state of Being for longer periods of time, you are remembering how to accept yourself (first and foremost) as well as others in your life and in your world. Acceptance is what neutralizes judgment. When judgment is neutralized, there is less opportunity for knee jerk reactions and more time for responding in Grace.

You are remembering how to respond to others’ energy rather than react, and it all starts with you. 

You will always feel emotions. The process of awakening to your own knowing of Who and What You Are doesn’t negate feeling emotion. In fact, it can heighten your ability to feel things as you release the walls around your heart, allowing yourself to be open and vulnerable. There is such empowerment in being open and vulnerable and it is a strength not a weakness.
In feeling all the feelings, you embrace them rather than fear them, so there will always be others in your life and in the world who will act as catalysts for you. The difference is in your response to them. 

You always have a choice in how you feel, and you are remembering how it feels to respond from a place of acceptance, peace, forgiveness, love, even gratitude.

You are always integrating aspects of yourself as you are releasing deeper levels of old energy and the more accepting you are of yourself, the easier this process becomes, which is a very good thing as you will continue to do this for as long as you are in a physical body.

What you may be noticing is that you now recognize the old patterns sooner, and you remember that one of your superpowers is that you always get to choose how you feel, so you are choosing to respond from Grace more often than not.

Your mental body has always been centered around the ego. As you began to heed your soul’s guidance, the ego often took offense  and acted out in fear for its existence. Your ego and soul are continually coming into deeper alignment and as that happens you may question your sense of identity as old beliefs, patterns and programming surface to be acknowledged and released. Things that are no longer important fall away, affecting every aspect of human life, and that can be very challenging as what you always thought was true or real no longer seems to work.

The choices that you make, including how you feel, come from the heart and not from the ego much more often now. 

You are re-forming your perception of yourself, accepting yourself as you are right now, neutralizing the pattern of self judgment.

All of these changes happening within you contribute to how you all perceive not only yourselves, but each other, and this is how you change your world.

These changes have been occurring for a while now, and you are already experiencing the shifts in your way of Being. March energy supports the continuation of this major shift in perception. 

Take a moment and breathe deeply. As you exhale, allow yourself to receive the amplification of the energy of this message. Recognize how far you have come in your awareness of yourself, of others, and of your world and let it fill you with a sense of peace and wonder.

You are all here, now, to accomplish this, and you are doing it. 

This is the freedom that you are seeking: Freedom from the old programming, patterns, and beliefs that have weighed you down in their heaviness and often severe limitations. You have carried all of this within your cells and your emotional and mental fields for lifetimes and you all chose to be here now in order to reclaim your freedom as Source Consciousness. 

You can call yourself a child of God, Source Consciousness, Being of Light, a Master…Whatever you like, because you are that.

This is your lifetime to reclaim Who You Are and embody it as a human Being, and in doing so, you affect your world as well as the universe because You are All That Is.

You are raising your vibration individually and as a collective. You existed in a 3D world for a very long time, accumulating experiences. You have chosen to move into a 4D existence as you prepare to move into a very new way of Being in 5D. 

What you are doing is truly much bigger than the mind can fully comprehend, so we invite you to simply trust that this is why you are here.

Enjoy life! 

Enjoy the process of moving out of a 3D existence and into a higher vibrational way of Being.
Embrace it and move forward into the next moment of now in your natural state of Being as Source Consciousness embodied: Full of joy, peace, acceptance, love, gratitude, and excitement. Your new template awaits, ripe with infinite potential.

All Of It

You are an empowered Being.

Each time you hear this, read it, and think about it, you integrate more of the energy of the truth in this statement.

The repetition of it serves as a wave of very high vibrational energy that eventually displaces the old belief that you are powerless. Once the old belief is displaced, the new awareness (which is only “new” to your human self) becomes an active part of your Divine Knowing. 

As this is happening, there is also an awakening of your Divine Knowing that already knows that you are an empowered Being. The old beliefs have hidden it from your awareness for many, many, lifetimes. This is an aspect of the integration/release process that we often speak of.

As you reclaim your true Divine Nature through deepening into knowing Who You Are, you are actively participating in the alteration of your DNA, you are an active participant in the restructuring of your Akashic Records, and you are consciously choosing which vibratory timeline you desire to reside in. 

You are manifesting your new earth; the new earth that you are creating through your high vibrational intentions.

This is a level of freedom and empowerment that you have not experienced in human form.

As you become more comfortable in this new way of Being, you will find that the people, opportunities, and places that you find yourself will be very serendipitous. As you become more aware of your inner senses, you will find yourself surprised and amazed by the sometimes magical synchronicities that occur. 

These things have always been occurring. The difference now is you. You are the one who is awakening to how you are changing, and doing so faster and more profoundly than you ever have as a human being.

We invite you to settle into your natural state of Being, which is Grace. Grace is your true energetic vibration, and you can parse it into the feeling natures of gratitude, peace, love, joy, forgiveness, acceptance, awe, and wonder, to name a few aspects of the energy of Grace.

When we say “feeling nature” we speak of bringing the awareness into the body and out of the mind, so that you are able to feel the feelings, not just think about them. Being in the feeling nature of Grace brings you into a heightened awareness of your whole self: Body, mind and spirit, and that raises your vibration. It is from this place that you are best able to integrate the energy of this message. 

All of our words, read or heard, carry an energetic vibration that is meant to contribute to and amplify your awakening. Each of you has the choice to awaken, and when you make the decision to do so, messages like the one you are reading, amplify the energy that you are already receiving. 

Take a moment and recognize the work that you have done so far. 

Close your eyes if you wish, and using your breath, settle more fully into Grace. Imagine the amplification of this very high vibrational energy and light entering through your crown chakra, and allow the tension and tightness to fall away from your mind and body.

Deepening into gratitude for this moment, and the energy that is flowing to you, through you and from you, smile as you feel yourself connect to All That Is. 

In this moment, you are receiving and creating exactly what you need in order to choose to shift your vibration and your awareness into a higher vibrational dimension.  

You are constantly moving between multiple timelines.

Your ability to choose how you feel in every moment is one of your superpowers. By choosing to be in Grace, or to feel an aspect of grace such as gratitude or joy, you are doing multiple things in multiple dimensions. 

You are able to stabilize your human self in a higher vibrational dimension or timeline, and you are emitting the vibration of that timeline/dimension to those around you and to your external reality. You are creating your reality in this higher vibrational timeline. Ie: Creating your new earth.

You are also inviting others to raise their vibration, as like energy meets and matches like energy.

The ripple effect from this is what you call a miracle, with subtle changes occurring at the speed of light within you and in your external reality.

You have within you the akashic memories of all of your lifetimes, and those memories carry the lower vibrational energy imprints of trauma, suffering and death. You have also experienced lifetimes of immeasurable joy, peace, love, a sense of oneness, and the knowing that there is no such thing as death, so you carry those akashic memories as well. 

You are awakening to these deeply buried akashic memories of immeasurable joy, peace, love, oneness and the eternal existence of your soul.

This is the freedom that you desire; the freedom to exist as Source consciousness in your human form. 

You have All Of It within you. 

You get to choose from All Of It what you are feeling and experiencing at any moment.

This is empowerment.

This is sovereignty.

This is your birthright.

The more you awaken to your true nature, the more you are able to experience with your inner senses. Your inner senses are the ones that awaken as you raise your vibration and sustain the higher vibration for longer and longer lengths of time. As with your multidimensionality, many things occur when you do this. 

You are lengthening the amount of time you are in higher vibrational timelines, and in doing so, inviting others to do the same just by Being there.

Your inner senses enable you to become aware of colors, sounds, vibrations, light, energy, and even higher vibrational Beings that you are not able to experience with your 5 human senses.

Quite often your camera will capture an image that your eyes cannot. There are many ways to interpret these images and none are wrong, it is simply a matter of trust. 

There are many mysteries for you to explore in your human experience. More will show up as you continue to open to your expanding awareness. Some of them will inspire awe and potentially shatter some of your oldest beliefs.

We say this often: This is why you are here, now.

You did not want to miss out on being a part of this event. Those that have left the physical plane are contributing from the spirit realms, and their roles are just as important. We say this because some of you reading or hearing this are missing those that have, from your perspective, left too early. We invite you to settle again into your own heart and feel their presence, and know the truth of their continued existence. 

Be at peace knowing that all is well.

In this moment, and in every moment, we are here, and surrounding you with constant love, support, guidance. 

We are a part of you and vice versa, as we are All One, from the same Source. You are so loved.