You Exist in a Time of Amazing Grace

You are constantly completing old cycles while beginning new ones simultaneously. Many of you have become aware of this as your awareness expands. The cycles represent change and the expansion of your awareness of your connection with all that is and to your Divine nature. Each new cycle is more multidimensional (and potent) than the last.

What this means for you are more choices, potentials, and deepening of beliefs into the divine knowing within you. 

Your higher mind and your ego are coming into balance. You are transitioning out of your old way of being and into your new way of being.

Sometimes this is challenging to the body, the mind, relationships, and other aspects of human life. Often conflict can arise. 

Challenges are opportunities for growth. 

You always have a choice in how you face challenges: You can react, which is the old ego way, or you can settle into your natural state of Being (Grace) and observe. Reacting is repeating old patterns and karmic energy. Observing is non attachment. Observing is not avoidance, it is a higher vibrational choice based on empowerment, not victimization.

You exist in a time of amazing grace.

The human self may not agree with that statement, but your heart and soul do. YOU are the generator of the amazing grace that you exist in. The more aware you are of this, the bigger the impact it has on your external reality. Anytime that you choose to Be in some aspect of Grace, (peace, joy, love, gratitude, forgiveness, acceptance…) you are lifting yourself to a higher vibrational timeline. You are creating a new cycle. You are opening a vortex of high vibrational energy. All of these actions are invitations to those around you to join you. They always have a choice, just as you do, yet the more you are aware that you exist in a time of Grace, the more powerful and irresistible your invitation becomes. 

Other peoples’ choices are not your responsibility.

Acceptance of others’ choices is a part of existing in Grace. You know that not everyone has to think like you, or have the same beliefs as you. Acceptance is non judgment. Non judgment is what each of you is moving towards, and it begins with you; acceptance of all aspects of yourself. This is the growth and higher vibrational awareness that you incarnated in this lifetime to achieve.

With all of this comes the opportunity to completely change how you live your life on earth. 

Existing in a time of amazing grace is empowering and life changing, and You get to choose how your life changes.

Some of you have been faced with great challenges in these last months, and those challenges offer you the opportunity to clear eons of karmic entanglements, recognize and let go of damaging patterns and beliefs, and to change the way you move forward in your life. You have a new template now, and that new template is created every moment by You. We invite you to recognize the empowerment that is yours, now. Old beliefs about disease, money, war, and so many other things are being examined, questioned, and recognized as old and no longer valid as your level of awareness rises. More people observing instead of reacting contributes to this new cycle of change.

 Each cycle you move through prepares you for the next one. 

The early part of October offers an increase in the amount of karmic energy you are releasing. Some of you will feel this more in the body, some will feel it emotionally. This is the time to look deep within and recognize what you are still holding onto with an iron fist, and to consciously and gracefully let it go without judgment of yourself or others.

Remember that you are doing all of this for yourself as well as for the collective, throughout all of time. This is big work friends, and you came here because you knew that you could and would do this. 

So much is changing and so much will change in the coming months and years. 

We have offered glimpses of those changes, but you are the ones who manifest them, who literally create them with your graceful intention.

Over the next few days, we invite you to be very heart centered in your hopes, dreams, wishes and desires. The more time that you spend looking within, the easier it is for you to sustain your higher vibrational state of Being, and the more potent it becomes, for you, for everyone.

Things are already changing, and there are those that try to hide the proof of those changes by promoting fear. 

You are able to recognize this now, and not judge those that are still in fear. This alone is a massive shift in the consciousness of humanity. As you accept yourself in the knowing of Who and What You Are, you are able to accept others where they are, bringing you one giant step closer to peace. You no longer have to fight anything or anyone. Take a moment and reclaim your energy and empowerment as you step out of the ring and off of the battlefield. 

Breathe deeply and reclaim your inner peace, and in reclaiming it, proclaim it to the world, and beyond. 

That is a powerful action right there; reclaiming and proclaiming peace and the more often you do it, the more powerful it becomes. You are the change-makers, the light bearers, the ones that you have been waiting for. 

We honor you in all that you do, and for Who You Are.