To Be in the Present Moment

You are remembering how to Be in the present moment, the only moment there is. 

Being present still may not feel comfortable, but the more you allow yourself to Be in the present, the more you’ll connect to the “memory” of it. The memory of Being has been overridden by the belief that you must always be doing something and that it must be productive. You have also been taught that thinking about the past and being worried about the future keeps you motivated to do all that you need to do. Those beliefs have served you over myriad lifetimes including this one, and they’re now old energy. We are not saying that you should not be productive. We are simply reminding you that Being present is just as important, and it is necessary for your wellbeing. 

Finding balance within and recognizing that how you survived in the past is changing, Remembering how empowering it is to be present is where your focus is now. 

You carry the memory of everything within you, and these memories don’t reside in your brain. The energy of these memories resides in your DNA, and until recently, that DNA was called “junk.” What used to be called junk is now coming online for you and as it does it is awakening the cellular memories of every experience that you can imagine. What we call your Source DNA is designed to awaken within you now. 

This does not necessarily mean that you will remember every past life, although some of you are remembering bits and pieces of things that you may not be able to explain. What some of you are feeling, and more of you will start to feel are the emotions, the feelings associated with these memories. Many of you are experiencing aspects of these memories in your dreams, and as you evolve your brain will not have to try so hard to make sense of what your soul is experiencing in multiple dimensions at one time. 

You’ll just know. 

“Just knowing” means that you are allowing what is occurring to occur without actively resisting it. It also means that you are in acceptance of the changes that you are moving through physically and spiritually and that you trust the knowing of Who and What you are.

October energy was supportive of stepping into new experiences and many of these experiences involved stepping out of what is known to you and into situations that offered you the opportunity to trust your intuition more than you may have before. Some of this may have been uncomfortable at first. 

New experiences may have shown up as ideas, or the feeling of potentiality that may not have been open to you previously. Each of you will experience new energy in your own way, a way designed by you prior to your incarnation into this lifetime. You will find that as you embrace this energy more fully, others step forward to help you to shape and manifest the potential into something that matters. 

You are literally making things matter through your willingness to step into the energy of new experiences. You do this by being present in the moment, as this is when you are in your empowerment and able to recognize new energy. You cannot do this while regretting the past or being worried about the future.

You are ready for this, and this is the way forward for you. It is a different way of existing in a physical body because so much more of your spiritual self is becoming more apparent. Seeking balance and alignment is important because your physical body is working hard to adjust to the changes that are happening continuously. (Some would say relentlessly, but that is a perspective, and one that can be changed anytime through making a choice.)

As information within your DNA comes online, it is activating the neural pathways in your brain and nervous system, clearing out the dense energy of old patterns and beliefs, and you are remembering how to respond from this new alignment within you. Your old “go to” was to react from a constricted nervous system that was always in some form of fight or flight mode. This has taxed your body for many lifetimes, and now your body is remembering how to respond instead of react. You are able to assist yourself in this by being present, grateful to and for your body, and from that state of being, invite your cells to regenerate with no memory of trauma. You are consciously and lovingly directing the energy of your body to do something that it does automatically. This is a very big step in the awareness of your own empowerment.

The ability to respond is generated through being present which is when you are able to choose how you feel. Reacting is generated by a nervous system that is stressed and poised for fight or flight, constantly revisiting the past and worried about what is next.

Your body knows how to respond instead of react, and you are actively participating in this realignment by Being present.

You have grown so much in the last years, and it is beautiful to witness. 

You are continuing to grow into your full potential, which the human ego cannot truly comprehend. In order to begin to comprehend it, you have to leave the mind and be in your heart. In many ways you are “losing your mind.” That is a figure of speech but it is also a fairly accurate way to describe the process that you are moving very quickly through. As you incrementally let go of old energy and are in the present enough to be open to new ideas, you are expanding neural pathways and in some cases, creating new ones. The old “stuff” is released through areas of your brain like the occipital and parietal lobes. This allows for more brain space for broader, more expansive perception. Your pineal gland has a more open connection to other areas of your brain, so your perceptions of your inner and outer world expand. You are literally able to perceive more than you ever have. This process opens your inner and dream worlds as well. You all experience this rapid expansiveness in different ways and we invite you to be in acceptance of how you experience your growing expansiveness. Acceptance itself is expansive, where resistance is constrictive, restricting the scope and freedom of action; the action of your ever expanding Self.

You are invited to Be in acceptance of your beautiful, miraculous ever expanding Self in the present moment. So much is occurring for you in this time, and it is beautiful to witness the awakening of your Source DNA.

Displacing Old Energy in Favor of New Energy

You are creating something new.
In order to create something new, you have to be open to new energy. There is no such thing as a new thought, but there is new energy.
New energy and a change in perspective open the door to creativity. You are creators. More than that, you are Divine Creators. You are That which created you, therefore you are That. You are existing in the experience of creating the physical manifestation of that which you are.
The new energy is a conduit that is aiding you in breaking free of the self destructive patterns and beliefs that you have been re-creating on earth for eons.
Your history as human beings is cyclical, and you have become adept at re-creating certain patterns and behaviors. (ie: War was created by beliefs; that one was more powerful, devout, wealthier, more deserving, better, correct in a belief than the other.)
That cyclical pattern and many others have been a part of the experience of Being, of creating, and now you are in new energy, creating a new world.
What is new energy and how are you in it?
Your galaxy is constantly moving, expanding into that which you call space. The energy and information that your planet is moving through now is different. The electromagnetic frequency is different, therefore the way it affects all things and the way all things are affected by it causes change at the subatomic level.
Change is upon you. You could also say that You are upon change.
As creators, you affect change as much as change affects you. You have choices. You have your expanding consciousness. You are aware of your connectedness to All that Is.
You have power.
We are not referring to ego power. We are referring to the power of Who you are; your holiness. Your Divinity.
You have the power to create something New.
You have the power to step out of old patterns and cycles, to use the new energy and your own conscious awareness of Who you are to create a new world.
This is it. It’s happening now.
You have a role to play in this creation. That is why you are here.
The Akashic Field is open and available to everyone. In fact you are always within it as it is the energy and information that comprises all that is. We invite you to use your intention to be open to the flow energy and information at the conscious level. You are in the new energy; you are new energy. Your electromagnetic frequency is different than it was just a few years ago.
Becoming consciously aware of the flow of energy and information acts as an opening and expansion of the essence of you, the Divinity within you. It is from this place that you create the new world.
This is what you came here, now, for: To create a new world, as one, with all.
As you are creating something new, you are also deconstructing the old.
Energy cannot be created, nor can it be destroyed, but it may be manipulated. You are, in truth, creating something “new” by manipulating the energy of the “old.” You are deconstructing the lower frequency patterns and beliefs, and reconstructing a conscious way of Being Who you are. This requires the awareness of all of humanity, but you play an integral role in this process Now. Your awareness of your own holiness enables you to witness the holiness in everyone and everything around you. This raises your vibration, and those around you match your frequency. You are contributing to the awakening of All.
You will begin to read or hear other messages like this one, if you have not already. Remember, there are no new thoughts, you are simply much more expanded in your awareness, and you are attracting and attracted to the higher frequency energy and information. We invite you to accept this Truth and feel the alignment of it within you.