Creating a New World, Together

There are some that are here, now, that are meant to not only bring in the higher vibrations and dimensions, but to hold them. Hold them in the body, in the energy field so that others will be drawn to those higher frequencies. You are, in effect, extending an invitation to others to raise their vibration. Humans as a collective, created the current events that you are experiencing. This is hard for some to understand, but you are all creators in your own right, as you are a direct extension of Source, or Creator of All That Is. These events were predicted in a way, as prophesy. Some may call this the time of Revelations and you are here to help awaken others as you awaken yourself. This is the time of Awakening that precedes the time of Peace. Many foundations have crumbled. Many are in the process of crumbling, and every Being feels it. You feel the duality of separation while also becoming more aware of Oneness with All at the deepest level of your being. It is the most spectacular time to be a human on earth and this is exactly why you are here at your various ages and stages of life. Notice where you are in your awareness in this very moment because this Moment of Now is all there is. Be conscious of holding the highest frequency of GRACE. Grace is Compassion, gratitude, forgiveness, awe, joy, wonder. Grace is your natural state of being. That high frequency state of being is what propels you to, and anchors you in the higher realms, the higher dimensions. You are now beyond the 3rd dimension. Many of you exist in the 4th dimension and beyond. As you awaken, you invite others to awaken. The current global situation that you have labeled the corona virus pandemic is the shifting and releasing of humanities’ old patterns, beliefs and foundations that are based in greed, lack, separation, male dominance. The Akashic Records are shifting and clearing for each Soul, the earth and for humanity as a whole. This event that you have labeled as a pandemic is an energetic aspect of the foundations crumbling before they can be rebuilt. There are people that will feel the symptoms of what has been labeled as the corona virus, and there will be those that will experience different symptoms. In fact, everyone feels something; some aspect of this. It may be physical, emotional, mental or a combination. You may not get what you have labeled corona virus but you are feeling this in some way within YourSelf because everyone is included in this major shift.

The duality: You are forcing yourselves into a state of isolation, to truly comprehend the separateness, so that you feel it emotionally, physically, mentally. Everyone feels the duality in their own way, in their own circumstances. Notice who or what you feel isolated from. You are a part of All things and all things are within you. And as you deeply feel this separation you are also becoming cognizant of oneness, unity, wholeness. So drop deep within and connect to your Source light, your Source consciousness, your Source energy. Connect, now, to your natural state of Being: Grace. Reside there, and feel it as that consciousness moves through you. Allow it to permeate every aspect of your Being. Ground into the earth and connect to all that is and from that place of connectivity to Divine Source, drop into your Divine Knowing and know that All is Well.

We invite you to bring your awareness to the very place of Creation within you, as a Being of Light: Your lower abdomen, what you know as your sacral chakra. Imagine it shining so brightly, bringing that light and energy to everything within you that desires to be lit up and awoken from deep sleep. When you are actively doing this you are creating light. Literally, creating light within your cells which is reflected in your energy field. Know that you are making a physiological change to your body while also dissolving barriers in your energy field. This is powerful, and true creation. Now we invite you to allow it to pour forth from your core and into the room, then into the world. Imagine that in this moment of Now you are enveloping all those you love in this powerful, creative, healing light and energy. Now expand it out to the world, so that you embrace and create a cocoon of the purest light and love that holds the world and everyone on her in the energy of Grace. Know that in this moment, you are helping the world. Know that in this moment you are creating light, change, and healing. Know that in this moment you are creating a New Foundation that is restructured in Grace. This is creation, and you are creating a New World.