by Valerie Sargent | Sep 30, 2024
September introduced an influx of very high vibrational light and energy. You are truly in the unknown now, and it serves you well to embrace it.
From now on, changes are occurring very rapidly, due in part to the recent ingress of energy and light.
You are the other reason changes are happening. You are responsible for the vibrational version of earth that you are existing on and this is of the utmost importance as you move forward.
There are myriad versions of earth, just like there are myriad versions of you, existing in what you know as the past, present and future. Remove the time aspect and you will recognize that everything in existence is happening Now. This means that in each moment, you are choosing via your thoughts, words and actions, which vibrational version of earth you are existing on. Do you realize the empowerment and the conscious responsibility that is available to you?
From that perspective, you are quite ready for the energy that you are now integrating as it is the energy that sets the tone for the next 15-20 years.
Take a moment and think about what you experience daily. Every experience you have is designed by you, for you. Everything that you encounter in your daily existence is not about you, everything that you encounter is for you. What might you gain from whatever it is that you are experiencing in the present moment? In this moment, you are receiving the energy of this transmission, and if it resonates with who you know yourself to be, then you are allowing the energy to integrate into your own energy field, which includes your physical body. Being in stillness is also an experience because being in stillness offers you the opportunity to know yourSelf better, to acquaint yourself more deeply with Who You Are.
All of this is to offer you the experience of living this life in the present moment, in the awareness that you always get to choose how you feel. You are the only one who can alter your vibration. You are remembering that you are not a victim, you are not powerless in facing your external reality. You are manifesting the experiences that your higher mind knows are beneficial for you, for your growth and spiritual evolution. As you settle more fully into this truth, your perception shifts may be quite dramatic as you recognize that old beliefs, patterns and karmic energy no longer serve you. Sometimes that is the experience that is necessary for you to finally allow old energy to fall away.
You still perceive yourselves as separate from each other, given the nature of the world you live in, yet you also consciously recognize that you are all One. Your experiences have been leading you to this awareness for many years now, and this awareness affects your personal life, your community, your country and the world. What is happening everywhere reflects the experiences you all are having, as a whole. We remind you that you came here in order to experience exactly what you are experiencing in this life; the major changes not only in your personal life but on a global level.
You choose the vibrational version of the earth you live on in every single moment via your thoughts, words and actions. Everything already exists, and everything is happening now. Use your beautiful and powerful imagination to manifest the world you choose to live in. There is so much more that we will share with you about this in the coming months, and you are invited to play with this, allowing the energy of October to support you in your endeavors.
You have come so far in your awareness and we wish for you to acknowledge and appreciate yourselves for the work you are doing. You are doing this for yourself and for everyone, and it has brought you fully into the unknown, which is ripe with potential. It is all right here, available to you right now. Embrace the unknown, and embrace Who You Are in this moment. Say Yes to the experiences because they are always a gift from yourself to yourself.
by Valerie Sargent | May 31, 2023
Movement is happening within you, right now. Your body is doing its thing, and your energy field is adjusting to what your body is doing. Your thoughts control all of it.
We’ll say that again:
Your thoughts control what your body is doing.
What exactly is your body doing? At the atomic level, photons (light) move, displacing what is inert, inactive and therefore no longer necessary as a function of that cell. What we call inert, inactive and no longer necessary are what we have previously called old programming, patterns, karmic entanglements, old beliefs. All of those things take up space energetically, and they are no longer necessary for you to exist. In fact, they hinder your growth, so your body is doing all that it can to remove them.Your thoughts play a significant role because now more than ever, your body responds to your thoughts. It has always responded to your thoughts as it is energy that is an extension of your soul. As your old filters and programming are being acknowledged, accepted by you at the soul level, released and ultimately healed, you are in effect, more consciously connected with the energy that is your physical body. You have been reclaiming your empowerment for a while now through the often intense releasing and integration process that is a requirement of this ascension journey, which enables you to have a more direct connection to the energy that is your body. You knew prior to incarnating that you would be on this particular journey towards freedom in this lifetime, and this freedom is for every lifetime; past, present and future
This journey, the work that you are doing in this lifetime is not for the faint of heart. There are many who have left the physical plane and many more will do so. It does not mean that they could not participate, or that they are unable to ascend.
All are ascending.
Some have chosen to assist from the other side, for myriad reasons. Their choices are also part of your journey in this lifetime, and even in the grief there is growth and change. Deeper awareness occur when there is change.
Your thoughts have progressed just as you have.
Your thoughts now originate most often from your heart, or your conscious awareness of your own soul’s inner guidance. Your ego will always play a role in your life, but that role has changed dramatically for you, and your ego is no longer the prime generator of your thoughts. It will always contribute to your thought process, as that is an important part of your growth.
We have said many times that your thoughts form your words and your actions follow your words. You are now well aware of that truth, and how it has affected your life, the lives of those around you and your own physical body.
Every cell in your body is conscious and is continuously changing. The more you accept your body, thank it and love it, the more you are helping yourself.
You are bringing light to your cells when you connect with your body in acceptance, gratitude, peace, love. This light amplifies the light that is already in your body, actively working to literally vibrate the lower density energy up and out of your cells.
You are an amplifier of light when you are at peace, in gratitude or in acceptance of yourself or another.
You are also communicating with your body at all times. Your body is energy that is vibrating at a lower rate than your awareness, but you are still that energy. So whatever you are telling your body through your thoughts, the food you eat, or how you treat it affects your body at the atomic level.
You have the ability through your empowerment as a Divine Being of Light to change the molecular structure of anything. This is something that many people still do not believe because you have lifetimes of being told otherwise.
This is changing as more of you recognize Who You Are, accepting new truths as old beliefs fall away.
Your thoughts are powerful. They carry electromagnetic energy, and like thoughts meet like thoughts, so each time you are grateful for what you put in or on your body you are changing the molecular structure of that substance by raising its vibration. Your positive thoughts meet and give matter to others’ positive thoughts. This is not new; blessing one’s food has been around for centuries. This is an extension of that, and it applies to everything and everyone.
We invite you to begin to think of your chakras as energy portals because that is what they are. Energy is constantly entering and leaving your body, and each chakra is more than an energy center. Each chakra is actually a doorway that opens and closes according to your will. Your ability to choose how you feel at any moment strengthens your ability to open your chakra portals.
Now, imagine that your chakras are not separate portals, but one very large portal that is a transmitter and receiver of energy. That is You: a very large energetic portal that is constantly, continuously receiving and transmitting vast amounts of energy. Because you are still confined to your physical body, which vibrates at a lower rate than your awareness, you are able to imagine separate chakra portals that open and close according to how you feel, your desire and your will. Any way that you imagine and envision your chakras is correct. Nothing is incorrect or wrong, that too is an old program. Use what works best for you.
May brought an activation of your chakra portals, specifically your heart portal. You may have felt it emotionally, mentally, physically or in all of those ways, as much was transmuted through the very large amounts of intense energy that you have been integrating over the last few months.
Not only is your body responding to your thoughts, but it is responding to the increasing amount of energy that you are receiving. You are becoming less carbon based and more crystalline based, meaning you are becoming lighter, and made of more light. Your cells are holding more light and less dense matter. The dense matter is more carbon based, and that is moving out because it vibrates at a lower rate that crystalline light. The emotions that you feel, as well as the physical aches are the result of the dense energy (matter) that is being shaken loose for you to acknowledge, accept as an old part of you and release.
You are doing this for every lifetime that you have existed as well as for your ancestors. This is the most important lifetime to be here, now.
What does all of this mean for you as a human?
It means that you are no longer who or what you have thought yourself to be for eons.
You are so much more than what your old beliefs tell you, and this truth is settling in at the cognitive level.
You are creating new higher frequency neural pathways that connect you even more deeply with your own body.
It means the end of age old programming that has kept you in fear, and confined to believing that you are powerless and always at the mercy of some other power greater than yourself.
It means freedom.
You are here because you chose to be here.
You are a vital and integral piece of the vast picture, a picture that the human mind cannot conceive of quite yet.
All is well, even though your human mind cannot yet fully comprehend the bigger picture because your soul understands it perfectly and your soul is what is guiding you most often now.
Rejoice in this because in this moment, which is the only moment there is, all is well.
by Valerie Sargent | May 1, 2023
Right now, you are different than you were yesterday. Everything about you and your life is changing. How much it changes is up to you, yet in the last month, your DNA, your cells and your energy field changed more than they’ve changed in the last 6 months.
When we say “how much changes is up to you” we mean that your thoughts, words and actions affect your reality, including your inner reality. So as you consciously choose to expand your awareness, you are not only inviting in the energy and light, you are also creating the right inner environment for the ‘most bang for your buck.’
Change happens constantly, and every once in a while you get an amplification of energy that causes major shifts within you. These happen in cycles, and as the energy that you are constantly receiving builds, it is making minute changes within the atoms of your body. When the cycle reaches a certain level, the minute changes activate a larger shift. All of this is very much in tune with the cycles of the sun.
If you are tuned into your body and your inner self, you are most likely very aware of the many small changes that are happening regularly as well as the larger and often more intense energy shifts that occur in these cycles.
With each next cycle, you are opening yourself to more high vibrational and new (as in unknown to you as a human) energy that literally shakes out whatever is now old, along with the very old patterns, beliefs, programming, karmic entanglements.
Everything that you have learned up to this moment is now old energy. It has all served a very important purpose, and you are now ready to receive and integrate much more because you are different; more expanded, more open, more in alignment with your Source consciousness self. How you manifest what your heart and soul desire is changing, and we will explore that more in a bit.
The more expanded you become, the more aware you are of being One with All, including those that came before and those that will come after you.
Let’s focus for a moment on those that came before: Your ancestors.
You carry within your inner Akash the cellular memories of your ancestors. The energy of everything that your ancestors were taught and experienced is within you, and you draw from that well of information and energy constantly. It has been what has guided you for many, many generations and lifetimes. This same information and energy is now becoming what is causing you to pause and question whether or not it is in your highest and best interest to continue to be guided by it.
This is your evolutionary journey.
You are re-evolving; Coming back around, full circle, to Who You Are; Source consciousness.
Your evolutionary process was to develop gradually into a more complex, awakened being.
You are re-evolving, or in a way, re-volving, moving in a circle to complete the biggest and most important cycle of all.
You are re-membering Who You Are.
Upheaval is a necessary part of this process. It has to be and you are aware of this. From the human perspective, upheaval is disruptive, frightening and not part of the plan that your ego was counting on. Yet here you are, in the midst of a number of years of upheaval. You are here now, and at this moment, all is well. You can simply choose for it to be, and that becomes your reality.
You know this now.
May brings more change, and you are ready for it. You embrace new energy now. You moved with ease and grace through all that crumbled and fell away, and you are well acquainted with and comfortable with your sure foothold in your new template. You help each other. Congratulations, you have done well.
Your new template is no longer new because you have been learning how to navigate it with grace and ease. You are playing with manifesting your heart’s desires in the feeling nature of Grace, grateful for what already exists, knowing that the potential is always there. You are invited to continue to practice and play with manifesting your heart and soul’s desires, as you will only grow stronger in your ability.
And we would like to add this:
Simply align with Source.
I AM are the 2 most empowering words that you can speak, and the words that follow I AM become your reality.
The statement
“I AM in alignment with Source (God, Creator, Highest Self)”
is all that you need. That’s it. When you claim your source consciousness you are aligning with All That Is and All That Is is You.
Source holds nothing back from you. You and your ancestors believed differently for so long that this belief is deeply ingrained in you. You are here, now, to release that belief for yourself, for your ancestors, for those that come after you because you are re-membering that You Are Source. You gift yourself with your own heart’s desires when you come into alignment with Source.
May brings changes; changes within you, changes in your world stage. You may feel it in different ways. Honor what you are feeling, and when that feeling becomes one that you don’t enjoy, choose to feel differently. Each and every time you choose to feel a higher vibrational feeling, you are clearing eons of patterns, beliefs, programming and karmic entanglements for yourself and for your ancestors. Those that came before you are grateful for the work you are doing and hold you in the highest vibration of love and gratitude.
The work that you are doing is the most important work that you will ever do, and the repercussions resonate throughout space and time.
We thank you.