by Valerie Sargent | Aug 30, 2024
Every day brings growth, opportunity, and the gifts of deeper self awareness and freedom from lifetimes of old energetic patterns, beliefs, definitions and karmic discord.
Every day is a step up the ladder in your journey through this experience of life in a physical body, and each step up represents your growing ability to sustain a higher vibrational state of Being.
Your state of Being is what creates your experience. You know this now, and as you continue on your journey you are always more aware of the importance of each previous step. You know that the most powerful words that you can speak are “I AM” because those words immediately bring you into the present moment, the only moment there is, and where you are at your most empowered.
Today we offer you another step, another tool to use in order to integrate the energies of August and September. We call this step the 4 A’s: Acknowledge, Accept, Appreciate and Allow. You can use the 4 A’s in any situation or circumstance you find yourself in. As an example, we invite you to bring your awareness into the present moment. State aloud “I am who I am, and it is enough.” It is helpful, but not necessary, to look into a mirror as you say these words. You might notice the impact and power of speaking to yourself in this way. Continue with “I acknowledge myself,” pausing to allow the energy of the words to settle. Follow with “I accept myself exactly as I am.” (Pause) “I appreciate myself, and all that I bring to the world.” Finally, “I allow myself to trust my highest self, and I allow my highest self to guide me.” These words are a guideline, trust that you will know what words to speak to yourself because you will feel the impact of them. Repeat often.
Repeating this exercise reinforces the new neural pathway you are creating in your brain, which is directly connected to your central nervous system. Repetition also moves energy, generating feelings that are ready to be acknowledged and addressed. This will change how you perceive yourself, which changes how you perceive the people and the world around you. Your thoughts, words and actions carry greater impact in the coming months and into the beginning of 2025 because of the work that you have been doing to deepen your awareness of Self.
You are also becoming more aware of your parallel lives. All of existence is in the Now moment, meaning nothing is in the past or in the future. The human brain may not be able to fully comprehend this and that is OK. Your higher mind/self knows this and the more you allow yourself to be guided by the higher mind/self, the less your brain has to work to try to figure it all out. When you look into a mirror and you say “I am in acceptance of myself” (or any of the other 4A’s) imagine that you are looking at yourself in a parallel lifetime in which you are existing in the 5th dimension. You are invited to play with this and observe how you feel, and what you might be able to perceive in that higher vibrational reflection of yourself. These steps are meant to build upon those that we (and many others) have been sharing with you over time.
September brings a change of seasons, which is a perfect time to be aware of what definitions, beliefs and patterns no longer serve your highest and best. You have been able to clear karmic discord for about 10 years now, and each time you choose to acknowledge old energy, recognizing that it no longer serves you, you are clearing the energy within your Akashic Records. This is powerful because that old energy is no longer in your parallel lives. It is no longer in your cellular memory. The old energy no longer has power over you and it no longer festers in your body. You are in effect, purging your Akashic Records, something that you previously have not had the power or ability to do. We understand the life altering implications of this and wish to energetically impart this to you through this transmission. The words you are reading carry energy. When reading this (and other) transmissions they resonate with you or they do not. Trust what you feel as that is your higher self letting you know if something is helpful and meaningful to your growth and evolution.
We say it often, but it truly is an exciting time to be alive on your planet because you are creating great changes that affect everything and everyone. Everyone that is alive on your planet plays a role in the changes that you are here to experience because the changes that you are making would not happen without everyone playing their part. As you accept yourselves and each other, the truth becomes very apparent. Welcome to the new energy, the new earth.
by Valerie Sargent | Nov 30, 2023
For the second time in this year of transition, you are receiving an influx of high intensity, very high energy cosmic light that is entering your galaxy for the very first time. This particular cosmic light is one that is not identifiable by science.
What it means for you is the end of a very long cycle that includes oppression and subjugation.
You are constantly in cycles as they overlap, and whatever it is that you are integrating and releasing at any moment is going to coincide with whatever is next for your highest and best.
2023 has been a year of often intense transition, and December energy is coming in strong to help clear out all that is left.
This doesn’t mean that oppression and subjugation are gone from your world, but with the end of this cycle, many of the deepest roots of it are no longer embedded in the earth and within your subconscious.
This is very good news for you.
You have been evolving so rapidly that in many ways, you don’t even know you are changing. It is easy to fall back into old belief patterns and look at the world from the old perspectives, and this is to be expected because you are human, and you carry within you the cellular memory of old programming, beliefs, etc.
Yet you are now cognizant of your Highest self and you heed your soul’s guidance more now than you ever have and that changes how you perceive yourself and the world around you.
You are ready for this very high energy cosmic light.
Your body can handle it now because your DNA and the mitochondria in your cells have released so much dense energy and are now not only holding more light, but creating more light.
Yes, you are creating light.
You are altering your energy field every time you choose to raise your vibration and connect to your own God/Source frequency.
Your energy field extends into the world around you, and effectively manifests a higher vibrational reality for you. You are literally altering the energy around you at every moment by amplifying your light.
This is empowerment and it is yours.
2024 will be the year that this awareness within the shared consciousness of humanity starts to manifest in your world.
Combined with the deeper releasing of oppression and subjugation, this awareness invites in the level of consciousness that supports a 5D timeline.
You are doing what you came here to do!
The 12/12 portal energy is amplified by this cosmic light, and it will bring big changes in your world; including the beginning of the 5D manifestations that you have been dreaming of.
There are many who have been working diligently behind the scenes to help people prepare for the changes that 2024 will begin to bring in and if you are reading this, you are one of them.
2024 is the start of true New Energy.
In many ways it is the beginning of a very large new cycle that sets the tone for the next 15 years or so; the beginning of a new era.
The exciting thing for you as humans is that you get to manifest what your heart desires in this new, very beautiful cycle.
You are ready to do this. You have worked very hard to expand your consciousness, embracing ego and all of the aspects of yourself, including the shadow aspects. In doing the inner work, you recognize all that is no longer serving you and your fellow humans, and you are making the choice to be open to new energy, new ideas, and a new world.
This next cycle will span a number of years as the extended roots of oppression and subjugation are loosened and released with Grace. While this is happening, there will be more pockets of joy, more opportunities to witness growth and change within yourselves and your world. You chose to be here to participate in this shift and to experience it firsthand. It is always a choice.
Embrace this high vibrational light, aware that it is changing your cellular structure, and in doing so, offering you a deeper, more cognizant level of awareness. Moving forward from this moment of now is different, new, and exciting. Trust what your soul is telling you through how you feel. What you choose to do in the next moment may be very different from what you chose a year ago, or 10 years ago. We invite you to embrace the unknown because the unknown is what you came here to experience. You already know the past, and of all that is now old energy.
Welcome to the end of a very old cycle, and the beginning of all that is new.
You are always held in the energy of Grace.
by Valerie Sargent | Aug 31, 2023
September brings the expansion that you are quite ready for.
In re-cognizing that you are literally Source material, you have reconnected the neural pathway in your brain that carries the Source consciousness energy of knowing this. That is why we hyphen words like “recognize”; you are re-cognizing what has always been there, but buried by lifetimes of contradictory information.
It is not about judging this contradictory information, it is about accepting that you descended into dense physical bodies in order to experience everything including integrating all of the information. Now you are re-membering Who you are: Source consciousness in physical form.
September expansion is a natural next step for you. You have been expanding since you were born, and it has increased in intensity, especially in the last 20 years, therefore your awareness of it is more acute. You have moved from the possibility that you might be more than a human, to the belief that you are something greater than what you used to believe. You are now in the energy of Knowing Who and What you are. This is the expansion we are speaking of.
This changes everything.
Not immediately, but it puts into motion the energy of change that is necessary for you to manifest the next stage of your journey. 2023 has been a year of transition, and by that we mean in the way that you interpret transition in your own life. You all experience life in different ways because you each have a unique frequency which resonates with the frequencies of those that are in your soul family. Your soul family is quite large. Imagine a flower with petals that represent your immediate soul family. Now imagine that flower in a very large bouquet with many other kinds of flowers. That is your extended soul family. Now, imagine that bouquet as part of a massive field of every kind of flower. That is humanity. Each flower has roots, which connect to the roots of other flowers which connect to others, and so on. We could go on, but you get the idea.
Each flower in this massive field has a frequency, and all of your frequencies together are the Song of Source. You are quite literally the sound of God/Creator/Source. Everyone experiences transition based on what kinds of agreements you made with those in your immediate and extended soul family prior to incarnating.
When you imagine that you are something other than a human, (like a flower) your brain veers off of its usual track of keeping you in “human mode” and you are able to feel into the expansion that is occurring more easily. You are seemingly creating a new neural pathway when you do this, but the reality is that you are simply re-connecting to your original source consciousness energy. Each time you do this, (meditation for example, or simply feeling gratitude for a length of time) you strengthen that connection, making it the natural path to choose. Your nervous system responds to the re-connecting work that you are doing, so in a way, you are re-wiring your brain and your nervous system, which affects the way that you respond to external stimuli.
By the time you are mid-way through the year 2024, you will be able to look back over the last few years and truly recognize how much you have grown in your awareness of all that is. More specifically, you will recognize how you have shifted so many perceptions about yourself, so your perception of others will have changed. This absolutely affects how you perceive your external reality, therefore your world.
To take it further, your perception of those that live beyond your earth is changing. You will be ready to welcome those that have been here, but for the most part have not been perceptible to human senses. Many of you have been waiting for this for a long time and the more you continue to connect to the love that resides and flows within you, the closer you are to reuniting with members of your extended soul family.
Members of your soul family do not have to live on earth, and you have soul family members in many dimensions and other star systems.
Many of you will get to know some of them in this lifetime.We know that this information may be welcomed by some, and may cause doubt or fear in others. Whatever it is that you feel, we invite you to be in acceptance of it, as that opens the door to a deeper understanding of the root of the feeling. This is not a time to bypass feelings, it is a time to be with them, feel them in the body, accepting that whatever the feeling is, it has served a purpose. The questions for you are: Do you still choose to feel that feeling? Does it still serve you? Maybe it does, and maybe it doesn’t. Either way, you are looking within, accepting, acknowledging and deciding what serves you Now, not just as a human, but as an empowered Source Consciousness Being.
Change. You are ready for it. More today than you were yesterday and more tomorrow than you are today. You are growing and evolving very, very quickly now, and if it seems as if your world doesn’t always reflect it, it is only because so much has changed and so many foundations are still crumbling that it takes time for a new world to be rebuilt. As foundations crumble, all that has been buried is now not only visible but needs to be acknowledged and accepted as no longer helpful to you on your current journey. It can be challenging to do this without judging others (or yourself), yet at your current level of source consciousness awareness, you are remembering that each time you choose to feel judgment towards another it is a reminder to look within in acceptance of yourself.
We like to remind you that you chose to be here now in this extraordinary time of change. It takes courage to be here Now. Your role is as important as anyone’s. You don’t have to be in the news in order to instigate change. Your thoughts do that. Now is the time to recognize just how powerful your thoughts are.
Embrace September’s expansive energy shifts with joy and excitement!