Reweaving Your Karmic Tapestry

Everything that we offer you is a step in your ascension journey. The energy present for you now is one of deepening your understanding and conscious awareness of your Source consciousness, the aspect of you that is not only divine in nature, but integral for you to cognize and comprehend as you move further into the next cycle of your physical existence.

You have been clearing karmic entanglements for some time. Many of you now do this consciously, but anyone who forgives, makes peace with, and chooses to have compassion for another is also clearing karmic energy. You are now clearing karmic energy throughout the time/space continuum, and this is what we would like to talk more about, as the energy of June is supportive of this. 

The Law of Karma dictates that when you give, you will receive. You have been creating karmic entanglements throughout your lives by repeating variations of patterns, beliefs, and imprints, and this lifetime is the one in which you are awakening to Who and What You Are. What this means is that in choosing to incarnate at this time, you have the opportunity to reweave your karmic tapestry, re-creating it from a higher vibrational state of being; your natural state of Being, that of Grace.

Imagine an old tapestry, woven with heavy, dark threads of war, conquest, victimization. It also contains love and the joy of life, yet it is old and threadbare. Your karmic tapestry contains all of that, and at this juncture in your existence, you are able to reweave your tapestry with new energy; the energy of your Source Consciousness self. By reweaving a new tapestry you are consciously reclaiming your empowerment even more fully as a Divine Being of Source Consciousness, choosing to free yourself of old, heavy, lower vibrational karmic energy. Even the love and joy of life in your old tapestry are clouded with the imprints of unworthiness and judgment so as you move forward in this next cycle, you are shedding the old energy while adding threads of love and the joy of existence that are pure and untainted. 

In re-creating your new karmic tapestry you are doing your work, not anyone else’s, yet your work affects everyone because you are a part of all that is. Reweaving your karmic tapestry affects everyone. It is another step in your awakening, in your journey of reconnecting to your true and authentic nature.

We have spoken previously of deep imprints. As this next 15-20 year cycle of your life is unfolding, many of you are becoming very aware of deep imprints that are now surfacing. You are ready for this because of the work you have done up to this moment, which is why now is the time to be conscious of reweaving your karmic tapestry. You are very aware of what imprints, beliefs and karmic patterns you no longer wish to repeat, and every time you forgive, choose to be at peace, or make peace with another, a choice you have made, or yourself, that energy moves throughout your parallel lives and reweaves the energetic threads of your self created tapestry. It is truly wondrous to witness, as you re-make yourselves and all things anew. 

If this is the first time you are reading or hearing about reweaving your karmic tapestry, consider that it is an invitation for you to ask yourself if this feels true; if it is a next step in your ever expanding awareness of Who and What You Are. If you have read or heard about this before, you are already doing the work to recreate your grace filled new tapestry. As we mentioned above, all of you are doing this at your own level and pace, we simply bring it to your awareness. You might envision weaving your new karmic tapestry with gossamer threads of light,  vibrant colors, scenes of peace and love, galaxies and other worlds, and all beings existing in peace. You know how to do this. Your unique frequency plays a role in recreating the tapestry of the existence of all, like a piece of the puzzle that makes up the whole.

In closing, we wish to recognize the challenges that may be arising for you as you continue to move into the unknown of this next phase of your life. If you were not ready for this, you would not be here. With each old belief, pattern and imprint that you acknowledge, accept and then choose to look beyond, you are rewiring your nervous system, creating new neural pathways in your brain, and reweaving the energetic field around you. You are re-making yourself anew, and in doing so, you are inviting others to do the same. 

Each of you is playing an integral and unique role in the awakening of humanity. Some are doing it very consciously while others are playing their roles at an unconscious level, but everyone is vital. Everyone is source consciousness embodied. Every time you remember this, you are adding a beautiful new thread to your karmic tapestry. From our perspective, your tapestries are beyond description. We wish for you to imagine yours, witnessing the beauty and magnificence of it and enjoying the process for it is truly life altering.

Deeper Trust

That which you call God is pure consciousness. It is also what you would label as feminine energy. God/Source/Infinite Being/Creator is masculine and feminine, but the creator/birthing aspect of it is feminine.

This contradicts what most of humanity still believes about God, and it may bring feelings and emotions to the surface of your awareness. 

The energy that you are currently receiving is supportive of deep extrusion of the oldest, deepest and potentially most damaging old programs, beliefs and patterns. Everyone feels this in the ways that are best supportive of them with regards to the choices they have made so far in this lifetime. Every choice you have ever made is now old energy, and you are at a level of your own awareness where you have the ability to shift the energy of all your choices throughout your existence

That is a powerful statement. Understand that we are not talking about changing the past, but we are talking about changing the energy of the past through your ability to make conscious choices.

There are times that you chose prior to incarnating that would offer you, individually and as a collective, opportunities to turn deep beliefs upside down and you are in one of those times now.

The end of the previous cycle and the beginning of this next one create an opening for very intense light and energy to reach the Earth. These cycles coincide with the movement of the planets in your solar system as well as the expansion of the universe. The larger cycles are influenced by the movement of your planet around the sun, the moon around your planet and the astrological sign you were born into. 

Nothing is random.

Everything that you experience is a version of something that your soul has been expecting. You have free will, so your human self chooses what path you walk on each day, but the paths are variations of opportunities that you chose prior to incarnating in this life.

Within the last few years much has come to light that has caused most of you to question your deepest beliefs. The next few years will bring more of the same. Your opportunity is to make conscious choices, trusting your Highest Self, the aspect of you that has always been there, but not always readily available to you due to your very strong ego. You needed a strong ego to survive. You are now able to recognize the important role that ego played, and through acceptance of every choice you have made, ego and soul come into a deep alignment, allowing you to connect more fully with your Highest Self. Survival is no longer your main goal. Ascension: The soul driven desire to be One with All, is your goal in this lifetime.

You are constantly sharing information. Not just with the rest of humanity, but with everyone and everything throughout existence. Even when you hear, read, or see something that you don’t agree with, there is always the potential for that information to connect to something deep within your DNA. The more in touch you are with your Highest Self the easier it is to decipher all of the information that is available to you. You have been remembering how to use your discernment and learning how to use this information for your highest and best, and for the highest and best of those around you.

Today we are instilling within you a deeper sense of trust.

Trust yourSelf, trust what you feel within yourSelf. Trust the feminine aspect of yourSelf. You all have it within you, just like you all carry the divine masculine energy. The energy that this message brings is one of deeply trusting the Mother, the creator, the birther of All. The more you trust Her, the easier it is to trust your own divine feminine, the earth, your own mother, and the mother within you. Every one of you has been a mother in some existence so everyone of you has given birth. Because you carry the Akashic memory of everything within you, you have the cellular memory of birthing life. In fact you are constantly birthing new ideas that manifest into your life. These ideas are all shared within the information that you are constantly receiving and you instill your own energy and unique frequency into what you are manifesting in your life. 

In doing this, you make everything new because you are perceiving everything in your life from a higher vibrational perspective. You are literally seeing everything and everyone in newness, from the perspective of acceptance. This new perspective opens the door to trusting yourSelf first and foremost and when you trust yourSelf, every choice you make reflects that.

Trust is imperative in order for you to move forward into this new and very exciting phase of your life because so much is opening up for you in ways that you have not experienced in your life. We invite you to feel the excitement, the joy and the expansiveness of this energy. As always we hold you in the highest esteem, as you are here, now, experiencing so much that we cannot. And you do this for All.

January Energy

You are at a much higher level of conscious choice and awareness now than you were a year ago. This means that you are able to receive more light and energy, and it can be intense for the psyche and the body to try to interpret and integrate. This is a natural process. 

When you are moving great amounts of energy (as you are now) it often does not feel good. Stay with it, in the energy of presence and acceptance. Answers may come to you, or you may simply move through the intensity and then be able to choose to feel differently. The new, very long cycle that you are in now consists of many smaller cycles that overlap one another. The cycles are loosely connected to solar cycles and the movement of the planets in your solar system, but you also have your own personal cycles of growth.

Be gentle with yourself, rest when you feel the need to, letting go of old expectations and beliefs. Changes are happening much more quickly now and that goes for your body too.

Sometimes short illnesses may arise as your body is integrating more light and energy. This may signify the releasing of old, deeply embedded energy.

Welcome to the new energy.

Expansion Energy

September brings the expansion that you are quite ready for.

In re-cognizing that you are literally Source material, you have reconnected the neural pathway in your brain that carries the Source consciousness energy of knowing this. That is why we hyphen words like “recognize”; you are re-cognizing what has always been there, but buried by lifetimes of contradictory information.

It is not about judging this contradictory information, it is about accepting that you descended into dense physical bodies in order to experience everything including integrating all of the information. Now you are re-membering Who you are: Source consciousness in physical form.

September expansion is a natural next step for you. You have been expanding since you were born, and it has increased in intensity, especially in the last 20 years, therefore your awareness of it is more acute. You have moved from the possibility that you might be more than a human, to the belief that you are something greater than what you used to believe. You are now in the energy of Knowing Who and What you are. This is the expansion we are speaking of.

This changes everything.

Not immediately, but it puts into motion the energy of change that is necessary for you to manifest the next stage of your journey. 2023 has been a year of transition, and by that we mean in the way that you interpret transition in your own life. You all experience life in different ways because you each have a unique frequency which resonates with the frequencies of those that are in your soul family. Your soul family is quite large. Imagine a flower with petals that represent your immediate soul family. Now imagine that flower in a very large bouquet with many other kinds of flowers. That is your extended soul family. Now, imagine that bouquet as part of a massive field of every kind of flower. That is humanity.  Each flower has roots, which connect to the roots of other flowers which connect to others, and so on. We could go on, but you get the idea. 

Each flower in this massive field has a frequency, and all of your frequencies together are the Song of Source. You are quite literally the sound of God/Creator/Source. Everyone experiences transition based on what kinds of agreements you made with those in your immediate and extended soul family prior to incarnating.

When you imagine that you are something other than a human, (like a flower) your brain veers off of its usual track of keeping you in “human mode” and you are able to feel into the expansion that is occurring more easily. You are seemingly creating a new neural pathway when you do this, but the reality is that you are simply re-connecting to your original source consciousness energy. Each time you do this, (meditation for example, or simply feeling gratitude for a length of time) you strengthen that connection, making it the natural path to choose. Your nervous system responds to the re-connecting work that you are doing, so in a way, you are re-wiring your brain and your nervous system, which affects the way that you respond to external stimuli.

By the time you are mid-way through the year 2024, you will be able to look back over the last few years and truly recognize how much you have grown in your awareness of all that is. More specifically, you will recognize how you have shifted so many perceptions about yourself, so your perception of others will have changed. This absolutely affects how you perceive your external reality, therefore your world. 

To take it further, your perception of those that live beyond your earth is changing. You will be ready to welcome those that have been here, but for the most part have not been perceptible to human senses. Many of you have been waiting for this for a long time and the more you continue to connect to the love that resides and flows within you, the closer you are to reuniting with members of your extended soul family.

Members of your soul family do not have to live on earth, and you have soul family members in many dimensions and other star systems.

Many of you will get to know some of them in this lifetime.We know that this information may be welcomed by some, and may cause doubt or fear in others. Whatever it is that you feel, we invite you to be in acceptance of it, as that opens the door to a deeper understanding of the root of the feeling. This is not a time to bypass feelings, it is a time to be with them, feel them in the body, accepting that whatever the feeling is, it has served a purpose. The questions for you are: Do you still choose to feel that feeling? Does it still serve you? Maybe it does, and maybe it doesn’t. Either way, you are looking within, accepting, acknowledging and deciding what serves you Now, not just as a human, but as an empowered Source Consciousness Being.

Change. You are ready for it. More today than you were yesterday and more tomorrow than you are today. You are growing and evolving very, very quickly now, and if it seems as if your world doesn’t always reflect it, it is only because so much has changed and so many foundations are still crumbling that it takes time for a new world to be rebuilt. As foundations crumble, all that has been buried is now not only visible but needs to be acknowledged and accepted as no longer helpful to you on your current journey. It can be challenging to do this without judging others (or yourself), yet at your current level of source consciousness awareness, you are remembering that each time you choose to feel judgment towards another it is a reminder to look within in acceptance of yourself.

We like to remind you that you chose to be here now in this extraordinary time of change. It takes courage to be here Now. Your role is as important as anyone’s. You don’t have to be in the news in order to instigate change. Your thoughts do that. Now is the time to recognize just how powerful your thoughts are. 

Embrace September’s expansive energy shifts with joy and excitement!