Put Your Hands Up, and Step Away From the Old Beliefs!
We welcome you. You have heeded your own soul’s guidance to rest, expand, release, seek relief, and a deeper understanding of who you are.
You are existing in the physical realm in a challenging and exciting time. You have chosen to be here. You have worked hard to be here.
What does that mean? It means that you have agreed with other members of your soul family to come here to Earth, now, in order to re-member who you are. It means that you have moved through enough of your learning in the spiritual realms as well as the Earth realm to be able to face the challenges of this incarnation. It means that you are more aware of your part of the big picture than ever before.
So. Who are you? You are a child of God. You are an aspect of Source. You are part of that which created you. You are not, have never been, separate from Source, you only forgot that you were.
You also came here to help others to remember who they are, and you do that by Being Who you are.
You also came here to remember What you are. What are you? You are the physical manifestation of Divinity; of God; of Source. Your very body is holy. You are here to remember that, and as you do, you have the opportunity to re pattern your very DNA.
Re patterning your DNA effectively releases the energy encodings of patterns and beliefs that you have carried within you for generations. These patterns and beliefs are no longer viable for you. As you re-member Who and What you are you are also remembering that what you were taught over many lifetimes is no longer true for you. They have served their purpose. You are invited to allow yourself to release limiting, old beliefs from your DNA, right now.
You are here to be Free: Free of all of the labels that you have carried, telling others who you thought you were; who they thought you should be.
You are here to be free of constraining, constricting energy. You are here to be expanded and expansive…
This lifetime is one of awakening to your own Divinity, your Holiness. It has not been easy, nor will it be. It is an adventure, with unknown landscapes ahead. In fact, you are stepping into the unknown now…
Each day is an opportunity to step out of old patterns and into the freedom and beauty of that which is unknown.
Here is the beautiful part: It is not unknown to your soul, only unknown to your ego; your mind; your small self.
As you continue to trust your own soul’s guidance, the unknown becomes even more beautiful and inviting. In the past, the unknown was like a black void: Frightening in it’s unknowability. Each day you expand in your conscious awareness, and step more confidently and fully into Who and What you are, into your own Truth.
Right now, we invite you to align with us in Truth. You are held in loving light and peace, and you are safe to expand into Truth. As you align in Truth…The truth of who and what you are, this changes your frequency…Present moment…Raising your vibration.
Imagine your very core…The very core of your soul in the magnificent light of Truth…The truth of the Divine Being that you are.
Watch and feel the light and energy expand, encompassing everything and everyone…Embracing the Earth herself…Bathing all in your realm, with love, compassion, truth. Imagine yourself in all of time and space…Expanded…Pure energy and information…See your choices…All of them…being lifted into the frequency of Truth.
Aligning in truth changes the energy of what you consider to be your past and your future; bringing every choice into alignment with the vibration of Truth. Alignment with and in Truth shifts the energy that you emit, and all that you are connected to are bathed in your energy. Therefore, your alignment in truth is an invitation to everyone you are connected with to align in truth. It is an invitation emitted through the energy that you are; that you transmit to all.
Therefore you are also here to raise the consciousness of your fellow humans by Being in your Truth. By simply Being. Is it not wondrous that you chose to be Here, Now.