When you have a remembrance of a lifetime as someone famous, or powerful or someone who was a world renowned spiritual leader, you are merging with the collective energy of those beings. As there is only this moment of Now, these beings exist in form in the time/space continuum. As you are becoming more aware of your multidimensional self, you are able to merge with the energy of these beings, and “remember” an existence when you were acting out the same drama, sharing the same message, fighting the same battles, etc. You are also connected at the energetic level, as there is only One of You and You are All That Is.
You carry within you the Christ energy, as that is how you have labeled it. It is the same thing with Joan of Arc energy, Buddha energy, Mohammed energy, Quan Yin energy, Mary energy, etc. You even carry the energy of leaders and despots like Hitler, King Herod, and others who are known for their oppression, greed, injustice, hatred, racism, etc.
What prevents you from being the despot instead of the savior is the frequency at which you are vibrating right now. When you are vibrating at a high frequency, you merge with the energy of beings who also vibrate at a higher frequency. In your myriad existence in physical form, you have been and done everything. You have been the one driven by ego and greed; you have been the perpetrator and the victim. You have been the leader, the hero, the betrayer and the liar. It is all part of the experience of Being. Now, you are evolving and re-membering Who and What You Are, and as you do, you (all of you) are ushering in the Time of Great Awakening. It is part of your natural evolution. As you evolve, you become more and more aware of your multidimensional self as well as your Higher Soul Self, and you act accordingly, meaning you make choices based in compassion, not fear.