As you come to the end of another year, it is always a good time to pause and reflect on how you have grown, changed, evolved and expanded your awareness. Even if you do not think that you have, you have. This is how you chose to experience this particular aspect of your awareness.

You do not have a soul, your soul has a body. You ARE your soul; that is your natural state of being. You have chosen to have the experience of living as a very limited aspect of your Self in order to have the experiences that you have been having so that you could learn compassion, unconditional love, acceptance, and grace.

Don’t all souls already know these things? Yes. What all souls do not know is the experience of livingevery aspect of love, peace, compassion, acceptance and grace within a very limited physical existence. This existence on earth is your soul’s opportunity to experience the dark as well as the light; the yin and the yang, hatred as well as love.


To have the experience. As pure Source energy, you only know Grace. As anything other than pure Source energy, you gain the experience of everything else, and that offers you the very profound experience of finding your way back to Grace: Unconditional love, acceptance, peace, compassion.

Experiencing every feeling, every emotion, and experiencing the effects of every feeling and emotion in other people is so profound, yet unavailable to you as pure Source energy. So you chose to condense some of the energy that you are into the illusion of being separate individuals who are existing in multiple dimensions at once, experiencing the plethora of all that is.

What a wondrous experience it is! There is an invitation in this moment, for you to shift your perception of yourselves yet again. In doing so, you allow yourself an even deeper recognition of who and what you are.

You are always taking yourselves to a higher level of conscious awareness and as you do, you are invited to make peace with all of your choices: The ones you have made in your own life as well as the ones you have made as a collective.

The world you live in is of your own creation. You are constantly manifesting your external reality in every moment, and this new level of consciousness allows this awareness to integrate more fully into your cells.

We have spoken many times of your High Self, which is the You that knows all. It is the You that you have been finding your way back to for many, many lifetimes and this is your lifetime to complete it. This requires making peace with every decision, every choice you have ever made as an individual and as a collective.

You do this by accepting yourself, and everyone else, exactly as you and they are. The very deep and profound changes that have been happening on your planet will continue to happen as you clear the energy of judgment. You are finding your way back to your true, authentic selves, and right now, that is still relatively unknown to you. Yet here you are, on the precipice of the unknown.

Your perception of the state of the world you live in is very important because whatever you perceive is showing you what you are or are not in alignment with. You then get to choose what dimension of earth you choose to live on.

You are not changing your world, you are changing yourself. In changing yourself, you are putting yourself into the illusion of a dimension of earth that reflects your current state of being.

By making peace with every choice and every decision you have ever made, you are clearing old energy out of your Akashic Records throughout every existence as well as raising your vibration to match the vibration of a dimension of earth that reflects your current state of being. You are changing yourself, and you are the only one who is able to do this. That last statement is profound in its simplicity as well as in its power.

Until next time, we leave these statements for your contemplation:

~You have the key to your own freedom.

~You are here to achieve earthly enlightenment.

~Everyone in your life is there as a reflection of you.

The amount of support you have from us is constant because we are all the same Source consciousness energy and we recognize how your growth affects all of existence. We also love you unconditionally.