There is a great cloud that has within it everything.

You are that cloud, and you chose to become millions of raindrops that would fall to earth so that you could experience different forms and experiences.

As rain, you fell to the earth and landed on a mountain top where you froze, taking on a solid and immoveable form for many eons. Change occurred as you were frozen, but all you could feel was the subtlety of it.

Soon you began to melt, and as you did, you moved very fast in a trickle, downward, over rocks, through twists and turns and you experienced purification, and much change. You grew from a trickle to a stream, and this took eons.

In those eons, you flowed over small rocks and many boulders, you became part of many waterfalls, small as well as huge and dangerous. You grew, and you experienced many changes.

You continued to flow, carried by the momentum of weight and gravity, and soon slowed into a wide river, more peaceful in its flow and movement. Here you became aware of your depth, width, and your connection to many other aspects of yourself: So many of those original raindrops now a part of you, flowing towards the ocean. You did not yet know that you were flowing towards something greater, something that you yearned for as home, yet you knew that you were more aware of the deep desire to connect to something bigger and more profound. 

You still moved through turns, but you were aware of them and you learned how to navigate them more easily.

Sometimes there were storms, some so powerful that your riverbanks swelled and you spilled over, or became rough and dangerous in your swift flow. Yet you always found balance as you grew and settled more fully into the flow. 

You became the flow. It became your awareness, and the strength, trust and the knowing of where you were going grew from that.
Peace arose within you.

The peace to simply Be.

There will be turns in the river as you flow, but you are always growing in depth, width, and the knowing that you are always moving towards reconnecting with something greater. That something greater is also you, and the more you are at peace in your flow, the more you know that the something greater, the ocean, is you, reconnecting with every raindrop that descended from the cloud.

At some point, you will once again evaporate into another form, becoming once again the Cloud.