You are in the spiral of time. It can feel uncomfortable to some, and it may feel freeing to others.
The rate at which you are vibrating is also rising incrementally in each moment, as “time” spirals through and around you.
This is an intense and exciting time to be a human being! This is what you came here for. You are experiencing events that have only occurred (that are all actually occurring NOW) a few times in Earth’s “history.” Each of you is playing an active and integral role in the shift of human consciousness as well as within the Earth. You are actively manifesting freedom from eons of time within the energy of suffering, and you are in the thick of it. How does it all play out? Only You can decide. You as a collective, have the power to manifest the freedom of awakening, or the breaking down of humanity’s current way of existing. Neither are right or wrong, they are simply Choices.
If you choose the freedom of awakening and awareness, all historic patterns of suffering have to be broken down through intent, will and action, by way of compassion, forgiveness and gratitude.
If you choose the break down of your current way of existing through being in fear and the energies that stem from it, like hatred and judgment, there is the potential for another wave of extinction and those that survive will have to create a new way of existing with limited resources.
You have a choice. You are an integral part of this.
What does this mean for You? This is an invitation to trust your own soul, to grasp the courage within you in order to consciously step out of old patterns and beliefs that are based in history. Within spiral time, you are at the level of awareness of recognizing historical patterns and realizing that you no longer have anything to learn from them. This is your freedom friends!
And freedom means making choices based on trust; trusting yourself, and in the past, your “self” was mostly ego driven.
So pause and breathe deeply here, removing any judgment that you may be feeling. We understand where you are, and we wish to offer you peaceful energy. As you read this, you are receiving what you need to receive from the words and the message conveyed in them. Right now, allow yourself to receive the peace that is a part of this message. We invite you to look within and find your soul; the spark, the warmth, the light that has always been there. From there, breathe. Focus on the breathe, allowing a sense of appreciation to flow, feeling gratitude for each breathe and the opportunity you have right now, for stepping more fully into Who You Are, your holy and divine Self. Using the breathe, expand into this light and warmth, feeling it fill you, knowing that as you are doing this, there are myriad others doing their version of the same thing. Imagine yourself in the wholeness of your soul, in all of time and space, connecting with the pure consciousness of other souls who are in their light. This is power. Not ego driven power, but the power of conscious thought, and conscious thought is immensely powerful. Conscious thought manifests into what you consider to be reality, creating your world. So do you understand the power that you have? You are creating your world with every thought, in every moment. So what are you creating? Change through love, compassion, gratitude and forgiveness or change through judgment and hate?
Love and gratitude are the strongest and energies, so we invite you to work together to create change.
The time is now, and Now is the only time.
Go in Peace.