September introduced an influx of very high vibrational light and energy. You are truly in the unknown now, and it serves you well to embrace it.
From now on, changes are occurring very rapidly, due in part to the recent ingress of energy and light.
You are the other reason changes are happening. You are responsible for the vibrational version of earth that you are existing on and this is of the utmost importance as you move forward.
There are myriad versions of earth, just like there are myriad versions of you, existing in what you know as the past, present and future. Remove the time aspect and you will recognize that everything in existence is happening Now. This means that in each moment, you are choosing via your thoughts, words and actions, which vibrational version of earth you are existing on. Do you realize the empowerment and the conscious responsibility that is available to you?
From that perspective, you are quite ready for the energy that you are now integrating as it is the energy that sets the tone for the next 15-20 years.
Take a moment and think about what you experience daily. Every experience you have is designed by you, for you. Everything that you encounter in your daily existence is not about you, everything that you encounter is for you. What might you gain from whatever it is that you are experiencing in the present moment? In this moment, you are receiving the energy of this transmission, and if it resonates with who you know yourself to be, then you are allowing the energy to integrate into your own energy field, which includes your physical body. Being in stillness is also an experience because being in stillness offers you the opportunity to know yourSelf better, to acquaint yourself more deeply with Who You Are.
All of this is to offer you the experience of living this life in the present moment, in the awareness that you always get to choose how you feel. You are the only one who can alter your vibration. You are remembering that you are not a victim, you are not powerless in facing your external reality. You are manifesting the experiences that your higher mind knows are beneficial for you, for your growth and spiritual evolution. As you settle more fully into this truth, your perception shifts may be quite dramatic as you recognize that old beliefs, patterns and karmic energy no longer serve you. Sometimes that is the experience that is necessary for you to finally allow old energy to fall away.
You still perceive yourselves as separate from each other, given the nature of the world you live in, yet you also consciously recognize that you are all One. Your experiences have been leading you to this awareness for many years now, and this awareness affects your personal life, your community, your country and the world. What is happening everywhere reflects the experiences you all are having, as a whole. We remind you that you came here in order to experience exactly what you are experiencing in this life; the major changes not only in your personal life but on a global level.
You choose the vibrational version of the earth you live on in every single moment via your thoughts, words and actions. Everything already exists, and everything is happening now. Use your beautiful and powerful imagination to manifest the world you choose to live in. There is so much more that we will share with you about this in the coming months, and you are invited to play with this, allowing the energy of October to support you in your endeavors.
You have come so far in your awareness and we wish for you to acknowledge and appreciate yourselves for the work you are doing. You are doing this for yourself and for everyone, and it has brought you fully into the unknown, which is ripe with potential. It is all right here, available to you right now. Embrace the unknown, and embrace Who You Are in this moment. Say Yes to the experiences because they are always a gift from yourself to yourself.