Change is something that cannot be avoided. It is a part of your existence. You are in the midst of major change that affects every aspect of your life here on Earth.
We witness what you are moving through as if it were a wave of energy. Each of you experiences your life circumstances in your unique way, yet as you are all One, your experiences connect and combine to form an energetic pattern (or wave) that moves through the consciousness of you all as it moves through your planet.
Let us try to help you understand this better.
As a consciousness, you (all humans) are freeing yourselves of old and deeply ingrained patterns and beliefs. These patterns and beliefs are based in fear, and surface in your lives as lack, (poverty,) unworthiness, separation, (loneliness,) and generate hatred, injustice, inequality, and greed, among other things.
Industries are pitted against government and other industry, leaders are fighting each other, families are feuding, and relationships of all sorts are suffering.
The old energies are surfacing, and you are face to face with them.
The energetic wave we spoke of relates to what old energies are surfacing for You, and where you are in the wavespan. Some of you are experiencing the depths of the old energies, while some of you are riding the crest of the wave. It is like this for a reason, and that reason is so that you can help each other.
You are not alone. You are a part of the Whole; you always have been and you always will be. So while some of you feel despair, others are there for your support, and we invite you to seek each other out. This is how healing occurs, and this is how you achieve freedom from the old patterns.
We have said before that history cannot repeat itself. There are some reading this who would disagree. We say to you that history cannot repeat itself because you are now making new and different choices.
Pause and read that again: You are now making new and different choices.
You are a different being (energetically and physically) than you were a week ago, or 6 months ago. Your ego is also different than it was a week ago or 6 months ago. Your ego is not something to be squashed or shut down, it is an integral part of you, of your survival. It is the way in which your inner self is able to not only view, but perceive and interact with what you consider to be your external reality. And as you are always evolving, your ego evolves with you.
As your ego evolves along with you, the choices that you make have to be different than what you historically chose in the “past.”
Regardless of how it sometimes seems, you are expanding your conscious awareness, deepening into your own heart, coming into a more balanced alignment with your own soul. Pause for a moment and breathe deeply.
Everyone is awakening at their own pace, so that you are here and available to help each other. You planned it this way. You also knew that you would come into this existence with the strength to carry on, knowing that you would be challenged in many ways. You recognize the old feelings, the old patterns and beliefs, and they are rising up to be acknowledged, and you are keeping your soul agreements in order to help each other.
Who is showing up in the present moment to trigger an old wound or pattern? Once you move past the immediate anger or resentment, what is the knowing that lies underneath? There may be levels and layers to work through, and you are doing the work to get through all of the levels and layers. And as you do so, you are energetically helping All, including those that show up as triggers.
You are doing the work. We witness you doing the work to free yourselves and it is indeed beautiful.
Waves crest, they eventually lose their steam and the tide shifts. We invite you to remember that chaos is only a perception. The more that you are able to find your balance and stay in alignment with your heart, the easier it becomes to simply shift your perception. As you do this, you help yourself, and you help everyone because there is only One of You, and You are all One.
Remember too that you are climbing your sacred mountain and this particular journey never truly ends, you simply transition to another once you have reached the apex. The higher you ascend, the more your purview opens and expands, so you are able to witness the “big picture.” We invite you to pause and enjoy the view from your place high up on your sacred mountain. You have gotten this far, and for that we honor you. Go in peace and love yourself and each other.