You gotta love how your own soul decides that it’s time for another valuable life experience.
I walked right into one today. Yep, I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but the words came out of my mouth that would activate a sequence of events that would bring to my awareness the aspect of myself that I have buried the deepest.
Self worth. My own sense of incompetence. It all came up very suddenly and I was forced to deal with it in the present moment. Why did it come up today, and hadn’t I “healed” this earlier?
I am embarking on new ways to create myself, my life, my sources of income. I have been given the opportunity to step way out of my self imposed comfort zone to speak publicly, teach classes, and use my creativity to generate income in new ways. In order to embrace these opportunities I needed to come clean in all areas of lack, including lack of self confidence. My soul chose this time to bring to my awareness the deeply buried fears that still lingered, even after years of clearing, releasing, healing and clearing some more. That is the answer to “why did this come up today.”
Yes, I have done much work in “healing” this particular issue. But as it so often happens, when we are in the position to begin something new, our soul wants us to be perfectly clear before we move ahead. So the healing continues. I have the gift of seeing the whole picture with deeper clarity now.
I am grateful for this experience. I add that to the list of experiences that I choose to call forth as I continue to evolve and expand. I handled this situation differently than I would have in the past, and that is where the previous healing work comes into play: In my awareness of what this experience is gifting me; a deeper sense of freedom, love, honor and respect for myself.