We have offered you many ways to help yourself over the years, and it is up to you to accept them or not. It is always your choice, and no choice is wrong or bad, and that stands for whatever choices you make throughout your existence. This is a loving reminder that everyones’ feelings are valid based not only on how they were raised and how they live in this lifetime, but on myriad other existences where similar patterns and beliefs were prevalent.
Occurrences are not random. Everything that happens has been orchestrated by the collective consciousness in order to move energy. Sometimes drastic things happen so that immense amounts of energy can be moved. The energy we refer to is what you call old energy. It is lower vibrational, deeply ingrained beliefs, patterns and karmic indebtedness that no longer apply to your current level of conscious awareness. You are all on your own individual paths towards awakening to the conscious awareness of who and what you are, and in each now moment, the collective consciousness of all of you is moving closer to a deeper awareness of Oneness.
It is a miraculous and beautiful experience that each of you chose to be here to participate in, and we are here simply to remind you of this. You are so loved by all of us and it matters not whether you heed our invitations, but it does fill us with a sense of fulfillment when you pay attention. So many of you have thought of earth and your existence here as a trial, but it is truly a Masters’ Program. You are all on your way to Mastership, no matter what choices you make. Yes, no matter what choices you make, because everyone is playing a role in order to bring a level of conscious awareness to the tipping point of Oneness, and when that happens you’ll know it because everything changes.
We have been saying this for a while now, and you are well aware that things are always changing. We refer to major life changes for those of you on earth. Things like contact with your star family. Radical acceptance of all humans no matter their color, gender, or cultural background. Radical changes in how you fuel your homes and the way you travel. In fact, how you travel and the way you communicate with each other will change too. These are just a few examples of the changes you all are bringing forth. Deep within your subconscious you are aware of this, because you chose to be on earth during this amazing time.
In early 2024 we spoke of the next cycle of life that spans roughly the next 20 years. The first few years of this cycle have to be about radical change, some upheaval and chaos as things that are no longer valid for you in your evolving state of being surface to be acknowledged, accepted as old energy, and appreciated for what insights and growth they offered you. Those are necessary steps so that as a collective consciousness, you can choose to allow that which is old to clear out of the Akashic records, opening to the flow of higher vibrational energy, the energy of the unknown. As a human, this energy is new to you in every way. As an infinite soul, it is what you know to be true and real. All of the work that you have done up until this moment has been in preparation for what is next.
So we invite you to be very aware of your perception of things: Your thoughts, words and actions; your home life and who you influence and who influences you; your community and your world. One of your more deeply ingrained patterns is to judge yourselves and others for their choices. In choosing to shift your perception, you are in effect choosing to accept others regardless of their beliefs, and something as simple as that has a profound effect on the collective consciousness. Every single person affects the consciousness of All, and this leads to the tipping point that you all chose to be here for.
You all know that what you offer to the universe is what you then receive back. So what are you offering to the universe?
The speed at which things are manifesting in your life is only increasing, while all of the old patterns, beliefs and karmic indebtedness are clearing out of your Akashic records. It absolutely can be challenging if you allow it to be. That is a choice, and some of you thrive on challenges. Each of you plays a role and you are all playing your roles beautifully; each and everyone of you, no matter what role you have chosen. And yes, you are able to change your role any time you wish. You have free will because you are the one who created your existence. You had help, and all of that help started in unconditional love, or Grace. You all exist in Grace. It has never been different nor will it be. What is changing is your perception and perspective of yourselves.
So in this time of great shifts and changes, embrace the unknown, recognize your own ability to consciously choose how you exist in this moment of Now. From our perspective, it is truly wondrous to witness your growth as you move towards Mastership.
Until next time, we leave you with a few things to contemplate:
What is an illusion erodes, what is real is eternal. You are eternal.
The unknown is where you discover yourself and this is exactly what you are doing.