Most days I spend some time contemplating a particular word that makes it’s way into my awareness. I would say I meditate on it, but that is not entirely accurate. I contemplate what the “word of the day” means to me; how it applies to me in the present moment as well as what it has meant to me in the past. I sometimes argue with myself and I often become emotional. So “meditate” is not what I do; not when it comes to my word of the day.
Today’s word, TRUST, is in all caps for a reason. It is an extremely important word for me.
Let me offer 2 definitions of trust from the Merriam-Webster online dictionary: "Assured reliance on the character, ability, strength or truth of someone or something.“ "One in which confidence is placed.”
Why am I writing about this? I realized today that I don’t trust very many people. Very, very few in fact. That made me sad, but it also made me realize that the most important person to trust is myself. Yourself.
I am a work in progress. I am learning to trust myself more each day. I trust that I choose the right experiences for me; I trust that the people who show up in my life are the ones that I am to meet at this time. (That is not the same as trusting the person who shows up. It’s trusting my choice in choosing the experience that I have agreed to have with that person or situation.)
I place my confidence in myself. That’s not an ego centered statement, it is a trust centered statement. I rely on my character, my abilities, my strengths and my truths. These are always shifting, expanding, changing, and that is OK, because I trust myself.
Who do you trust?
I wish you peace as you experience all that there to experience.
August 10,2013