When you have an urge to do something, it is like a need to act. Often the urge to act comes from ego, or from a deep desire to be needed, accepted, loved, revered, worshiped, or simply seen as attractive in the eyes of another.

The ego pushes us to act on some urges in order to feel satisfied.

In the past this has worked, albeit temporarily.

When we act on ego driven urges we are potentially temporarily satisfied but not fulfilled. The need often continues until or unless we address it at a deeper level, which means looking inward and acknowledging our wounds.

 The beginning of 2022 was for many, a time of deep purging.

Purging is like having an urge, with your soul adding an extra (often involuntary) push to release the urge from deep within the subconscious, so that ego is not involved in acting on the original urge.

(Soul guided) Push + (ego driven) Urge = Purge

Purging deep woundedness may show up in your life as an illness, a major life change that upsets your way of life, or some other potential upheaval that offers you an opportunity to look more deeply within yourself.

The opportunity here is to take the time to examine what is happening in your life from your natural state of Being, that of Grace.

For many, the first instinct is to drop into fear, doubt, anger, even defensiveness.  This is certainly a choice one may make.It is also choosing to continue with old patterns. You can then change your mind, making the choice to look deeper within for guidance.

You are now at a level of the conscious awareness of your Divine Nature that you no longer care to be in the story of your wounds. That ego driven desire is gone.

That in and of itself is a sign of healing and freedom from enslavement to old patterns and beliefs.

Be at peace with yourself as you purge old energy.