Self Worth

You are so worthy. If you could witness your own light, your own soul like we do, you would leave all self doubt behind. It is our desire to help you to expand and witness more and more of your Self the way that you truly exist. You are actively doing just that in the here and now.

In each and every moment you are emitting powerful electromagnetic waves of energy that continue to resonate and reverberate throughout all of time and space. Your energy does not simply fade out once it has reached a certain point. Imagine for a moment that you hear a bird singing. The bird sings his mating song, but as he passes by your window and flies to a distant tree the song faces and becomes fainter until your ears are not able to pick up the sound waves. The sound waves do not stop. It is your ears that eventually stop registering them as a signal that needs to be sent to the brain. Your thoughts are like sound and light waves, constantly moving through the ether, meeting like thoughts and manifesting into what you consider to be your reality. To simplify things, that is why certain things are universally known to all humans: Cars, buildings, cities, different ethnic races, many beliefs, the list could go on and on. Each of you continuously thinks about your consensus You reality and it continues to manifest exactly how you think about it.

Your thoughts are powerful. You know this. Your thoughts create your reality. The power of your soul is constantly expanding in each moment of Now as you become more and more conscious of your multidimensionality. Rignt Now you are more aware than you have ever been, and that will grow in the next moment of Now. So what do you choose to think about in this moment of Now? What energy are you sending into the universe right now? You are necessary and needed. You agreed to this prior to your birth in this life knowing that you are a change maker. A light runner. A way shower. A healer. A divine and holy source of Love. Breathe and integrate the energy of these words as they are truth.

We invite you to examine your Self Worth.

You will find your worth within. It is Who You Are and when you bring your awareness inward, it is there. See it, feel it, witness it.

Your thoughts do not originate in your brain, they originate from your soul, your essence, your divine and Holy self. Your ego is the filter that your thoughts pass through. Your ego evolves along with you as it is an integral part of you. Ego is not something to be destroyed or shut down. Ego is an energetic aspect of your physical and psychological perception of Self that has kept you alive and will continue to be the filter for your thoughts as long as you are in physical form. This is an invitation to embrace ego, consciously bringing to your awareness the ever deepening alignment of body, mind and spirit. You are spirit having myriad physical experiences. You are That Which Created You, or Source. You are Source experiencing. You are holy, and you are spirit, so you are The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is All That Is, therefore you are All That Is.

We invite you to examine your self worth Now. Recognize your worth, and take responsibility for generating the thoughts that are changing your reality in every moment. Will you think thoughts of judgment, separation, division among races, fear, greed and hatred? No. We know you. You are an integral part in this time of Revelation. Revelation is the revealing of the Truth, and the Truth is that there is only Love. You Are That Love. Allow your thoughts to reflect Who You Are. Source animates you in order to experience life. What do you choose for Source to experience through your thoughts, words and actions today?